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A cauldron or a severe test. Salem Witchcraft Trials Fear of Satan and going to hell Mass hysteria with minimal proof.

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Presentation on theme: "A cauldron or a severe test. Salem Witchcraft Trials Fear of Satan and going to hell Mass hysteria with minimal proof."— Presentation transcript:

1 A cauldron or a severe test

2 Salem Witchcraft Trials Fear of Satan and going to hell Mass hysteria with minimal proof

3 It’s public It is an investigation There is minimal proof It is supposed to uncover wrongdoing But it is really an attempt to: –Gain and maintain power –Settle grudges –Harass and weaken opposition

4 Cold War: 1940 & 1950s The Truth Fear of communist takeover Communist took over Czechoslovakia and China Soviet Union exploded its first atomic bomb Soviet Union equipped North Korean Communist forces, which invaded South Korea Active Communist Party membership in US Soviet spies in US –Alger Hiss –Julius and Ethel Rosenberg

5 McCarthy Era Background Truman created Loyalty Review Board to investigate government workers and demanded loyalty oath House Un-American Activities Committee created to investigate communist influence in Hollywood McCarran Act created to make it unlawful to plan any action that might lead to totalitarian dictatorship in US Dept. of Justice used Smith Act of 1940 (unlawful to teach or advocate subversive doctrines) to indict and convict Communist Party leaders in US Supreme Court placed few restriction on anti-comm. campaign Willingness to sacrifice civil liberties to protect national security People blamed many of nation’s problems on Communist infiltration

6 Joseph McCarthy Republican Senator from Wisc. Feb. of 1950 – announced list of 205 communists who worked in State Department Got immediate and constant news coverage Claimed he could root out communism in Truman administration Became chairman of Senate subcommittee Blacklisting and vigilantes Made charges against US Army Censured by Senate in 1954, public shame Died in 1957, disgraced

7 Effects of McCarthyism Thousands were investigated; many were forced to take loyalty oaths People became afraid to speak out on public issues or criticize government Many who were accused never had their names cleared There was no compensation or apology given for damages done to freedoms, careers or reputations

8 McCarthyism = Witch Hunt (Fear) It is public It is an investigation It is supposed to uncover wrongdoing It was really an attempt to gain and maintain power or popularity –McCarthy was facing re-election –He was unpopular and feeling insecure –He had no real issues in which to gain fame –Opposition was silenced by accusing those who questioned his proof or motive

9 It was really an attempt to settle grudges –McCarthy accused Edward R. Murrow because he resented Murrow’s televised challenge of McCarthy’s methods It was really an attempt to weaken or harass opposition –People who questioned McCarthy were not believed or blacklisted –Americans did not believe that politicians would outright lie –There were documented cases of people accusing others of communism in order to eliminate the competition

10 There is minimal proof –McCarthy’s lists were actually blank pieces of paper; names went from 205 to 81 to 57 to “a lot” –General Marshal had been special ambassador to China –Murrow had been an exchange student in Russia

11 Arthur Miller The Crucible first appeared in 1953 Allegory comparing HUAC to Salem witch trials Questioned by HUAC Was convicted of contempt and blacklisted because he refused to name names Conviction overturned in 1958

12 Words of Wisdom “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” George Santayana “There is hardly a week that passes when I don’t ask the unanswerable questions: what am I now convinced of that will turn out to be ridiculous?” Arthur Miller

13 “Fear doesn’t travel well; just as it can warp judgment, its absence can diminish memory's truth. What terrifies one generation is likely to bring only a puzzled smile to the next.” Arthur Miller “”The film [The Crucible], by reaching the broad American audience as no play ever can, may well unearth still other connections to those buried terrors that Salem first announced on this continent.” Arthur Miller

14 Modern-Day Witch Hunts Fear = Terrorism The War in Iraq? –Is it public? –Is it an investigation? –Is it supposed to uncover wrongdoing? –Is there minimal proof? –Is it really an attempt to do something else? Gain and maintain power or popularity Settle grudges Harass and weaken opposition

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