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H ERNIA By: Anna Park. W HAT ’ S A H ERNIA ? A hernia is disease that occurs when a part of an organ (normally your intestines) bulges out towards your.

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Presentation on theme: "H ERNIA By: Anna Park. W HAT ’ S A H ERNIA ? A hernia is disease that occurs when a part of an organ (normally your intestines) bulges out towards your."— Presentation transcript:

1 H ERNIA By: Anna Park

2 W HAT ’ S A H ERNIA ? A hernia is disease that occurs when a part of an organ (normally your intestines) bulges out towards your skin because of a weak muscle.

3 W HY D OES A H ERNIA H APPEN ? A hernia happens when you weaken a muscle near an organ and you don't re-strengthen it. A part of that organ that’s near the weak muscle bulges out to your skin and there's a visible lump: Hernia.

4 S YMPTOMS OF H ERNIAS : A hernia will be sore if you try to use it. There is a visible bulge or swelling where the pain is located. You struggle to get rid of feces. You will experience a dragging/aching feeling in and around the hernia. You will feel horrible pain. For each patient the feeling is different (sharp, dull, burning, etc.)

5 W HICH B ODY S YSTEMS ARE A FFECTED : Intestines: Any system can be affected. However, the abdominal organs are frequently affected. The intestines are the organs that usually have the hernia.

6 C AN A HERNIA BE TRANSMITTED ? A hernia can’t be transmitted. It can develop due to heavy lifting or obesity.

7 H OW DO YOU KNOW THAT YOU HAVE A HERNIA ? You know you have a hernia when: There’s a visible bulge. You feel nauseated and you feel like vomiting. You feel horrible pain where the hernia is.

8 C AN A H ERNIA BE C URED ? A hernia can be cured by a simple operation: The doctor puts the part of the organ back in place and repairs the weak muscle. The doctor might perform an open surgery or a laparoscopic surgery depending on the type of hernia the patient has. This is a video of a laparoscopic surgery done onto a ventral hernia. v=6FMB50yFFLE&feature=pl ayer_embedded

9 W HAT IS THE O UTCOME OF THE D ISEASE ? If you get surgery, you feel a lot of pain but the doctor gives you painkillers. You also can’t lift heavy objects for 3 months and you shouldn’t do normal activities for a week. You can relieve pain by doing gentle exercises. If you don’t get a surgery, the hernia might turn into a twisted hernia. A twisted hernia leads to damage to the organ and worse pain than before. If this happens the hernia needs immediate surgery.

10 W HICH P EOPLE A RE AT R ISK ? People who are more prone to get a hernia: Are obese (Carrying so much weight around all the time can weaken their muscles.) Lift heavy weights. (They can strain their muscles if they lift heavy weights.) Are males. Have hernias in their family history. Are pregnant. (Carrying so much weight around can strain their muscles.) Cough frequently. (If you cough frequently you strain your muscles and you could get a hernia.)

11 H OW TO P REVENT H ERNIAS Some hernias, such as an abdominal hernia, can be prevented. In order to prevent these hernias you: Shouldn’t get overweight. Shouldn’t lift heavy objects. Should have a high fiber diet. Shouldn’t smoke. (The substance inhaled and the constant coughing can strain your muscles.)

12 G LOSSARY : Laparoscopic surgery: A laparoscopic surgery is when a doctor operates a patient from inside with a video camera and very small tools. Twisted hernia: A twisted hernia happens when too much of the organ enters the gap in the muscle. The organ gets squeezed and the blood gets cut off.

13 If you listen to this song; be aware that you will not be able to get it out of your head for a couple of hours…

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