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Briefly explain Jay’s AND Pinckney’s Treaties.

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Presentation on theme: "Briefly explain Jay’s AND Pinckney’s Treaties."— Presentation transcript:

1 Briefly explain Jay’s AND Pinckney’s Treaties.
Bell Ringer Briefly explain Jay’s AND Pinckney’s Treaties.

2 From Washington to Adams
#6 Objectives: - Identify some of the deep divisions between Federalists and Democratic-Republicans.

3 Washington leaves office
Washington decided not to run for a 3rd term in 1796. Why? Increased arguing between Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans A bitter political fight over Jay’s Treaty

4 The Election of 1796 Adams received 71 electoral votes
Federalist Candidate John Adams D-R Candidate Thomas Jefferson Adams received 71 electoral votes Jefferson received 68 electoral votes

5 We get a Federalist President and a D-R Vice-President
According to the constitution The President is the person that receives the most electoral votes, the person that finishes second becomes the Vice-President!!! So….. We get a Federalist President and a D-R Vice-President

6 The rise of sectionalism
- placing the interests of one region over the interests of the nation as a whole Almost all of the electors in the North voted for Adams, while almost all of the electors in the South voted for Jefferson

7 Adams tries to avoid war
The French viewed Jay’s Treaty a violation of the French-American Alliance from the American Revolution times. Adams sent a 3 man team to France to meet and discuss the tensions.

8 The xyz affair President Adams sent 3 ambassadors to France to discuss the issue 3 French ambassadors met them & wanted a bribe ($250,000 and $12 million) President Adams told Congress what happened “French agents X,Y, & Z” 1798 Congress suspended all trade with France, created a Navy, and Navy seized French ships

9 Alien and sedition acts
4 Laws passed by Congress during the height of the XYZ Affair Wait period for citizenship from 5 to 14 years And 3) gave the President the power to deport aliens without trial 4) Outlawed printing or speaking poorly about the Federal Gov’t Madison and Jefferson declared these acts dangerous to civil liberties and representative government in the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions These acts were designed to strengthen the Federalist party and weaken the Democratic-Republicans

10 Virginia and Kentucky resolutions
D-Rs Jefferson and Madison wrote up a response to the Federalist supporting Alien and Sedition Acts. These gave the states the rights to nullify any act of Congress they feel is “unconstitutional”. Virginia and Kentucky viewed the Alien and Sedition Acts “unconstitutional” because of the 1st amendment.

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