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Ghetto. A street or section where only Jews lives During WWII, the Jews of Eastern Europe were forced to leave their homes and move to Ghettos where they.

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Presentation on theme: "Ghetto. A street or section where only Jews lives During WWII, the Jews of Eastern Europe were forced to leave their homes and move to Ghettos where they."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ghetto

2 A street or section where only Jews lives During WWII, the Jews of Eastern Europe were forced to leave their homes and move to Ghettos where they were essentially held as prisoners

3 Survivor Testimony Video Clip Part 1

4 Survivor testimony What kind of things does Ellis talk about? What about Joseph? How were ghettoes during the Holocaust different from your understanding of what a ghetto is today? What visual picture has begun to emerge for you after listening to these two testimonies? How do you think Ellis & Joseph felt about sharing these memories? How do you feel listening to them?

5 Jews Crossing the Bridge at the Łódź Ghetto

6 What do you remember from Joseph’s testimony about this bridge? What were people thinking as they looked down on the street below?

7 Next Step…Occupation What does it mean for a country to occupy another? After conquering Poland in 1939 (and already after controlling Austria & parts of Czechoslovakia), Germany sought to conquer the whole world and arrange it in a “new order” based on Nazi racial ideology. The people living in Poland were mostly Slavs who were considered inferior and were treated as such.

8 Germany, 1935

9 Germany, after Anschluss (March 1938)

10 Germany, after Appeasement (September 1938)

11 Germany, after invasion of Poland (Sept 1, 1939)

12 THE GHETTOS Read together as a class Questions


14 ŁÓDŹ GHETTO Next part of the lesson is about one specific Ghetto

15 Łódź Ghetto Primary source documents Survivor Testimony As a class, read The Łódź Ghetto 1. Why did the Nazis completely seal the Łódź ghetto? 2. Why did Chaim Rumkowski encourage the people in the Łódź ghetto to work and produce war supplies for the Nazi troops? 3. What was the reasoning behind having children work in the workshops? 4. Why were the city inhabitants hostile to Jews in the Łódź ghetto?

16 In Groups Two Documents Photograph from the ghetto Poems by Children in the Łódź ghetto Discuss the photograph and poems using the questions on the handout

17 Poem by Unknown Girl Childhood, precious days, Alas, how few they were! I will remember them as if in a fog. Only in dreams at night can I Identify days long gone. Brief, brief is the happiness of a person in this world of ours.

18 A Dream: Avraham Koplowicz When I grow up and reach the age of 20, I’ll set out to see the enchanting world. I’ll take a seat in a bird with a motor; I’ll rise and soar high into space. I’ll fly, sail, hover Over the lovely faraway world. I’ll soar over rivers and oceans Skyward shall I ascend and blossom A cloud my sister, the wind my brother. I’ll marvel at the Euphrates and the Nile, I’ll see the Pyramids and the Sphinx Of ancient Egypt, where the goddess Isis reigned. I’ll fly over Niagara Falls And immerse myself in a searing Sahara dune. I’ll drift over the cloud-strew cliffs of Tibet And the mysterious land of the wizards; And once I extricate myself From the scorching, terrifying wave of heat, I’ll meander over the icebergs of the north. By wind I’ll cross the great kangaroo island And the ruins of Pompeii, And the Holy Land of the Old Testament, And over the land of the renowned Homer I’ll fly slowly, slowly, hovering lazily. And thus, basking in the enchantments of this world, Skyward shall I soar and blossom A cloud my sister, the wind my brother.

19 WHY WERE JEWS SENT TO THE GHETTO? Jews were sent to the Ghetto to control, confine, and weaken Jews

20 Take out a piece of paper Divide into 3 columns (control, confine, weaken) Listen to testimonies, write examples of each in the correct column Leo Berkenwald lived within the confines of what would eventually become the Lodz ghetto. Even though he was still living in the same city, how did his life change once the ghetto was created? What was Milton Belfer’s testimony add to your picture of life in the ghetto? What does Leo’s add? What role did food play in George Shainfarber’s experience in the ghetto?

21 Now…in groups I’m putting you in groups Each group will read ONE PORTION of Dawid Sierakowiak’s diary 1939, 1941, 1942, 1943 Highlight/underline specific examples that illustrate that the Nazi’s goal was to control, confine, & weaken the Jews

22 Now…in groups (period 3/4) Push your desks together. I want EVERYONE doing this 1939 Alicia A Laci 1939 Mike Grace 1941 Ben Erin 1941 Shannon Dan TJ 1942 Brian Eric 1942 Christine Alanna 1943 Danko Alyssa 1943 Denman Ferrante Samantha

23 Now…in groups (period 5/6) Push your desks together. I want EVERYONE doing this 1939 Michelle Denos Matt 1939 Kevin Steve 1941 Evan Vince 1941 Bugge Lily Jason 1942 Kate Taylor Sarto 1942 Ben Veronica 1943 Will Megan 1943 Jake Erin Ryan

24 Still in groups Create 3 columns Control, confine, divide Combine your individual charts and put it on your poster paper Share with the class

25 Survivor Testimony What are some specific things that you learned about what life was like for children in the Ghettos from Eva Safferman, Ellis Lewin, and George Shainfarber? How was their behavior uncharacteristic for most children?


27 HOMEWORK Journal Entry

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