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Part 2 - Vocabulary Charlotte Doyle. Audacity Shameless, boldness, courage.

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Presentation on theme: "Part 2 - Vocabulary Charlotte Doyle. Audacity Shameless, boldness, courage."— Presentation transcript:

1 Part 2 - Vocabulary Charlotte Doyle

2 Audacity Shameless, boldness, courage

3 blithely Cheerfully, blissfully, in a carefree way

4 Clamber Climb clumsily and with great effort

5 concoct Devise, plan, create The men will concoct a plan for world domination

6 copiously Abundantly, satisfactory, Mariah Carey has a copious amount of shoes!!

7 despot Anyone in charge who acts like a tyrant or slave driver

8 ebb Weaken or lessen fade

9 fastidiousness Daintiness, state of being over-refined Attention, care

10 gape Stare with mouth open look

11 implacable Cannot be appeased Relentless Cruel, vindictive

12 morosely Gloomily, Cranky, sad

13 nil Nothing, none, blank

14 perplexity Bewilderment, confusion, confused

15 Rant Talk in a loud, wild way Yell, tirade

16 renounce Give up in a public announcement; deny, abandon I swear, I do not know him! We are not friends!

17 scrutinize Examine closely analyze

18 taut Stretched tight; stiff

19 intone Chant, drawl, Drone, recite

20 stoutly Bravely, courageous

21 undulating Moving in waves, twisting, winding

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