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Unit 7 Vocabulary. Confirmation of the truth A solemn pledge A solemn declaration that is accepted instead of a declaration under oath AFFIRMATION.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 7 Vocabulary. Confirmation of the truth A solemn pledge A solemn declaration that is accepted instead of a declaration under oath AFFIRMATION."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 7 Vocabulary

2 Confirmation of the truth A solemn pledge A solemn declaration that is accepted instead of a declaration under oath AFFIRMATION

3 AFFLUENT Wealthy; having an abundance of material goods

4 BRAVADO A display of false courage A showy display of courage

5 COERCION The use of force or intimidation to gain compliance

6 Spacious and convenient; roomy; ample or adequate COMMODIOUS

7 A belittling remark towards another person DEROGATORY

8 DESPONDENT Depressed, gloomy, feeling or showing hopelessness

9 To imitate, to try to equal EMULATE

10 To weaken, to deprive of strength ENERVATE

11 FLIPPANT Treating a matter lightly that is worthy of respect Disrespectful

12 INCOHERENT Disconnected, rambling, lacking cohesion

13 Not fitting, absurd INCONGRUOUS

14 INCONTROVERTIBLE Not open to question or dispute

15 MERCENARY Professional soldier working for hire; working merely for money

16 Belief that life is basically bad or evil; gloominess PESSIMISM

17 A teacher of children PEDAGOGUE

18 REFUTE To disprove, to prove to be false

19 SATURATE To soak To blanket completely

20 TERSE Concise, abrupt, pithy

21 VERTIGO Dizziness, giddiness

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