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ESSnet on SDMX phase II Laura Vignola ISTAT Rome, 3-4 December 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "ESSnet on SDMX phase II Laura Vignola ISTAT Rome, 3-4 December 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESSnet on SDMX phase II Laura Vignola ISTAT Rome, 3-4 December 2012

2 Content of the presentation Objectives of ESSnet on SDMX phase II Workpackages in the grant For every Workpackage o Objectives of the wokpackage o Activities to reach the objectives o Results achieved SISAI ESSnet Workshop

3 Objectives of ESSnet on SDMX phase II Implementation of SDMX at international and National level; The further development of the SDMX technical standards used for data and metadata; The further development of SDMX Content-oriented Guidelines; The evaluation adaptation and further development of SDMX IT architecture and IT tools; The increase of SDMX capacity and knowledge at all levels. SISAI ESSnet Workshop

4 Workpackages presented WP1- Management of the action (IT) WP2- Pc-Axis SDMX Integration phase II (SW) WP3- Support of SDMX application for Micro Data handling (SK) WP4 - Harmonization of existing SDMX tools (IT,BG) WP5- Capacity building actions (IT) ESSnet Workshop

5 WP2 – PC-Axis SDMX integration phase II Objectives: Integration of the PC-Axis environment with SDMX Activities: Finalize and test the architecture developed in the previous ESSnet Provide capacity building actions internally (to other Swedish organizations) and externally to Sweden (to other NSIs) in order to show and promote the new architecture. Provide new User’s manual of the process enriched with more use cases of statistics more complex in terms of variables. ESSnet Workshop

6 WP2 – PC-Axis SDMX integration phase II Results New functionalities were introduced in the PX-Web application (.Net) and in PX-Edit application related to attribute at cell level Visualization tools (“DataExpress”, “eXplorer”) were integrated in the architecture The architecture has been tested with the Census DSDs. Capacity building action with a workshop that was held in Rome at the end of June in cooperation with Istat. ESSnet Workshop

7 WP3 – SDMX for Micro-data handling Objectives: Support the implementation of SDMX, both from a methodological and technological point of view, in the survey design and data collection phases. Activities: Enancement of the Ecollect-X application trough a automated generation of the DSD starting from the questionnaire. Comparison of SDMX and DDI on how the two standard handle microdata and propose a possible SDMX extension. ESSnet Workshop

8 WP3 – SDMX for Micro-data handling Starting point (ESSnet phase I): Questionnaire Metadatabase Questionnaire data SDMX Metadata Editor E-Collect-X Questionnaire definition User Respondent User ESSnet Workshop

9 WP3 – SDMX for Micro-data handling Questionnaire Metadatabase Questionnaire data Mapping Store DSD generator (automatic mapping) SDMX-RI SDMX Data Generator Data Retriever Data retriever DSD ESSnet Workshop

10 Results: An upgraded version of E-CollectX with the following features: The automated generation of the DSD from the questionnaire definition An integration with SDMX-RI trough an automated creation of the mapping inside the Mapping store New validation rules More friendly GUI to create the questionnaire based on the WYSWYG editor A pilot test based on the Tourism survey (BNSI) and on the first module of Labour Force survey (ISTAT) A document of analysis on a comparison between SDMX and DDI WP3 – SDMX for Micro-data handling ESSnet Workshop

11 Objectives: Promote and support the reusing of code of SDMX-RI Upgrade the SDMX-RI with a data loader application Activities: Realization of step-by-step tutorials based on two examples that reuse some modules of the SDMX-RI. Loader development with the following requirements: Creation of a database from scratch (Istat SDMX framework 2.0) interaction with Mapping Store, rewriting of the code in C#, WP4 – Harmonization of existing tools ESSnet Workshop

12 WP4 – Step by step tutorial – first example Improvement of the Web Service of the SDMX-RI to load SDMX artefacts in Mapping Store database SDMX-RI Web Service MAPPING STORE DB SDMX Structure file SDMX-RI classes Submit Structure ESSnet Workshop

13 Improvement of an excel plug-in that will allows user to require (using a constrained search between category schema, dataflows, concepts) data by a web service exposed. SDMX-RI Web Service MAPPING STORE DB EXCEL plug-in SDMX-RI classes WP4 – Step by step tutorial – second example GetStructure /GetData Structural Metadata/ SDMX data ESSnet Workshop

14 WP4 – Loader architecture Mapping assistant Loader SDMX, flr, gesmesTS,csv Loader database Mapping Store database Structure files Structural tables Data tables Mapping set tables Web Service

15 Results: Two tutorials based on two practical examples that reuse some modules of SDMX-RI. These example were realized both using.Net environment (ISTAT) and Java environment (BNSI). Analysis of the source code of modules of SDMX-RI and the related documentation, providing where they can be improved. Release of the “Loader” application and related documentation. WP4 – Harmonization of existing tools ESSnet Workshop

16 Objectives: Provide capacity building actions on SDMX Activities: Producing a Handbook on how to model data in SDMX oriented to statisticians Workshop on SDMX based on the model of UNESWA (United Nation's Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia's) for IT staff and statisticians WP5 – Capacity Building ESSnet Workshop

17 Results: Handbook on how to model data in SDMX. It include: a comparison between statistical data concepts and SDMX artefacts the examples in the handbook are based on the Labour Force Istat survey The modeling has be done in two different moments of the statistical business process Two workshops were held at the beginning and at the end of June: strong interaction between Statisticians and IT staff interested in sharing knowledge WP5 – Capacity Building ESSnet Workshop

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