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Penetration Testing & Countermeasures Paul Fong & Cai Yu CS691 5 May 2003.

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1 Penetration Testing & Countermeasures Paul Fong & Cai Yu CS691 5 May 2003

2 Security Penetration Services  Goal: help organizations secure their systems  Skill set: equivalent to system administrators  Record keeping & ethics

3 Announced vs. Unannounced Penetration Testing  Announced testing  Pros Efficient Team oriented  Cons Holes may be fixed as discovered & block further penetration False sense of security  Unannounced testing  Pros Greater range of testing  Cons Response may block further penetration Requires strict escalation process Impact operations

4 Rules of Engagement  Type of attacks allowed (no DoS)  Off-limits machines & files (passwords)  Designated machines or networks  Test Plan  Contacts

5 Penetration Testing Phases  Footprint  Scanning/Probing  Enumeration  Gain Access  Escalate Privileges  Exploit  Cover Tracks  Create Backdoors

6 Footprinting  Profile target passively Address blocks Internet IP addresses Administrators  Techniques Googling Whois lookups

7 Scanning/Probing: nmap  Active probing  NMAP Port scanner  Discovers: Available Hosts Ports (services) OS & version Firewalls Packet filters

8 Scanning/Probing: nessus   Vulnerability scanning Common configuration errors Default configuration weaknesses Well-known vulnerabilities

9 Enumeration: hackbot  Identify accounts, files & resources   Finds: CGI Services X connection check

10 Gaining Access: packet captures  Eavesdropping  Ethereal,

11 Physical Access  Boot loader & BIOS vulnerabilities  GRUB loader No password Allows hacker to boot into single- user w/root access  Password crackers John the Ripper Crack

12 Wireless Security  War driving with directional antenna  Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) vulnerabilities  Penetration Tools: WEPcrack AirSnort

13 Counter Measures1  Update latest patches.  Change default settings/options  Setup password and protect your password file.  Install anti-virus software and keep it updated.

14 Counter Measures2  Install only required softwares, open only required ports.  Maintain a good backup.  Set BIOS password, system loader password, or other passwords that necessary.  Have a good emergency plan.

15 Counter Measures3  Monitor your system if possible.  Have a good administrator.

16 Future Improvements  Correction of weaknesses uncovered by the penetration exercise  Automate and customize the penetration test process  Use of intrusion detection systems  Use of honeypots and honeynets

17 Demo: Retina Network Security Scanner  Created by eEye Digital Security, Retina Network Security Scanner is recognized as the #1 rated network vulnerability assessment scanner by Network World magazine.  Retina sets the standard in terms of speed, ease of use, reporting, non-intrusiveness and advanced vulnerability detection capabilities.  Retina incorporates the most comprehensive and up- to-date vulnerabilities database -- automatically downloaded at the beginning of every Retina session.

18 Bibliography  Klevinsky, et. al. Hack I.T.-Security Through Penetration Testing. ISBN 0-201-71956-8.  McClure, et. al. Hacking Exposed: Network Security Secrets and Solutions, 2nd edition, ISBN 0-07-222742-7.  Sage, Scott & Lear, Lt. Col. Tom. “A Penetration Analysis of UCCS Network Lab Machines,” March, 2003. UCCS course CS691c.  Warren Kruse, et. al. Computer Forensics. ISBN 0-201- 70719-5  Ed Skoudis, et. al. Counter Hack. ISBN 0-13-033273-9  Lance Spitzner, et. al. Honeypots. ISBN 0-321-10895-7  Retina network security scanner,

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