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July 07, 2011 Oracle Apps Workflow Process. 2 Mission Work flow Integrating your Self Service Application Workflow with Microsoft Exchange.

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Presentation on theme: "July 07, 2011 Oracle Apps Workflow Process. 2 Mission Work flow Integrating your Self Service Application Workflow with Microsoft Exchange."— Presentation transcript:

1 July 07, 2011 Oracle Apps Workflow Process

2 2 Mission Work flow Integrating your Self Service Application Workflow with Microsoft Exchange

3 3 Our Agenda What is workflow Why you need to know workflow Workflow building blocks  Components.  Features.  Capabilities. Case study: Using workflow to solve business problems.  Business problems.  Solutions.  Workflow migration. Lessons learned Q&A

4 4 What Is Workflow ? Oracle® Workflow is a complete workflow management system that supports business process definition and automation. Its technology enables automation and continuous improvement to business processes, routing information of any type according to user-defined business rules. Oracle Workflow is part of the Oracle e-business suite, a set of applications, which is designed to transform your business to an business.

5 5 What Is Workflow? A framework and toolkit for building your processes: – Define process flow logic. – Route information. – Define & validate business rules F l e x i b l e D y n a m i c P o w e r f u l C u s t o m i z a b l e I n t e g r a t e d

6 6 Why You Need to Know Workflow With Oracle’s E-business suite, Workflow becomes the foundation for most Oracle application processes. The success of future Oracle implementations will depend on thoughtful configuration and creative use of workflow features. To implement business processes in Oracle which meet your requirements and are efficient and maintainable. BUT Workflow is powerful and flexible providing opportunities to build optimal processes. BUT these characteristics also introduce complexity that can work against you if not utilized properly.

7 7 Workflow Building Blocks Workflow is NOT one distinct application. – Delivery of robust workflow solutions requires integrating the features, functionality and capabilities of many individual components. System: Mailer Oracle Workflow Components Compatible Applications (ex: Microsoft Exchange) Web Application Directory Oracle Workflow Builder

8 Workflow Components FunctionsProcess AttributesMessages Notifications Lookup Types Workflow Definition Loader Workflow Background Engine Workflow Builder Monitoring & Administration Electronic Notifications PL/SQL Extendibility

9 Workflow Components FunctionsProcess AttributesMessages Notifications Lookup Types Workflow Definition Loader

10 Workflow Components FunctionsProcess AttributesMessages Notifications Lookup Types Workflow Builder

11 Workflow Components FunctionsProcess AttributesMessages Notifications Lookup Types PL/SQL Extendibility

12 Workflow Components FunctionsProcess AttributesMessages Notifications Lookup Types Monitoring & Administration

13 Workflow Components FunctionsProcess AttributesMessages Notifications Lookup Types Electronic Notifications

14 Workflow Components FunctionsProcess AttributesMessages Notifications Lookup Types Workflow Background Engine

15 Workflow Components FunctionsProcess AttributesMessages Notifications Lookup Types

16 Workflow Components FunctionsProcess AttributesMessages Notifications Lookup Types

17 Workflow Components Functions Process AttributesMessages Notifications Lookup Types

18 Workflow Components FunctionsProcess Attributes Messages Notifications Lookup Types

19 Workflow Components FunctionsProcess Attributes Messages Notifications Lookup Types

20 Workflow Components FunctionsProcess AttributesMessages Notifications Lookup Types Workflow Definition Loader Workflow Background Engine Workflow Builder Monitoring & Administration Electronic Notifications PL/SQL Extendibility

21 What Is Workflow?

22 Additional Components The hidden power of Oracle Workflow is its flexibility to be integrated with additional components to provide extended functionality. We will talk about three key components that were used in our recent solution.  Web Application Dictionary  System: Mailer  Microsoft Exchange

23 Web Application Directory Services Oracle Workflow offers flexibility in defining workflow users and roles. If you are using the version of Oracle Workflow embedded in Oracle Applications, Oracle Workflow directory service views are automatically based on a unified Oracle Applications environment. The unified environment maps over Oracle Human Resources tables, Oracle Application Object Library tables, various Oracle Applications tables, and the WF_LOCAL tables. Unified Environment AOL HRCustomers Web Application Dictionary WF_LOCALVendors

24 Web Application Directory Services The WF_LOCAL tables/views have three key components: WF_LOCAL_USER You can use this table to define users which are not included in unified Oracle Application Environment. WF_LOCAL_ROLES You can use this table to define roles which are not included in unified Oracle Application Environment. WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES The Wf_Local_User_Roles table is an intersection of the users and roles. These tables define users and roles that are not defined in unified Oracle Application Environment.

25 System: Mailer There are 7 templates that Oracle uses for sending out notifications. Open - When expecting a response. Open FYI - When no response is expected. Summary - Used when user is expecting summary notification. Cancel - Informs previous notifications are canceled. Invalid - Informs users of invalid response. Closed - Informs users of closed notification. Canceled Mail Closed Mail Open Mail Summary Mail Warning Mail Open FYI Mail Invalid Mail System Mailer Template Oracle provides e-mail templates within System: Mailer workflow, to customize e-mail verbiage. Determines what emails are sent out and in what format

26 Q&A Questions ?

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