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Design and Implementation of a Remote Control System for Teleoperation of a Skid-Steer Loader over a Wi-Fi Mesh Network Christopher Meehan 1, Kevin Moore.

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Presentation on theme: "Design and Implementation of a Remote Control System for Teleoperation of a Skid-Steer Loader over a Wi-Fi Mesh Network Christopher Meehan 1, Kevin Moore."— Presentation transcript:

1 Design and Implementation of a Remote Control System for Teleoperation of a Skid-Steer Loader over a Wi-Fi Mesh Network Christopher Meehan 1, Kevin Moore 1, 2, John Steele 1, 2, Manoja Weiss 1: Department of Engineering Colorado School of Mines 2: CARDI - Center for Automation, Robotics, and Distributed Intelligence MotivationTeleoperated Skid Steer Loader Testing Search and rescue efforts within an underground mine are very dangerous, cumbersome, and slow. Background Implementation AMR – Autonomous Mobile Radio An autonomous vehicle (golf cart) that repositions itself to relay wireless information in the most efficient manner. Each vehicle is equipped with a Rajant (Breadcrumb ME2) Wi-Fi mesh node. Rajant Wi-Fi nodes are capable of automatically reconfiguring based upon the signals strengths from peer nodes. Conclusions Mobile Wi-Fi Mesh Network Teleoperated vehicles would be a great assistance to search and rescue workers and would keep people out of harms way. An underground mine is a challenging environment for transmitting high bandwidth data across long ranges. Cables have been used in the past for carrying data, but they are too troublesome and risky for moving vehicles. The communications problem can be solved by relaying information across multiple nodes. Additionally, mobile relays could move to the best location to relay wireless signals and move with the teleoperated vehicle to provide coverage. Unfortunately, the Bobcat remote control system is not powerful enough for an underground mine and it is incompatible with Wi-Fi standards. Using two microprocessors we are able to transfer the remote control information over the Wi-Fi mesh network, and send simulated signals to the Bobcat electronics for teleoperated control. Bobcat provides a remote control package for some of their front end loaders. This system is intended for line of sight use only, but has many useful features. Bobcat remote control Before Testing of Bobcat teleoperation after passing through several Rajant nodes performed in CSM loading bay. Only slight delay (<1 sec) is noticed. After Testing of mobile Wi-Fi mesh network took place at the Edgar experimental mine. Several scenarios were simulated. Scenario: The leader is too far away. Thus, the AMR must move forward to relay information back to the user. Then the leader moves forward and the AMR automatically compensates. Position of the base station (where the user sits) and the start and stop locations of both the AMR and the leader. Successful testing of both the mobile Wi-Fi mesh and the teleoperated skid steer loader show a proof of concept for wireless teleoperated control within an underground mine. Hopefully, the technology can be used to aid search and rescue workers in near future. The original electronics have been relocated to the cab of the front end loader and have been replaced by a microprocessor and additional circuits. On Board!* *CSM gratefully acknowledges the support of Rajant through an educational discount for the purchase of Rajant Breadcrumbs CSM acknowledges the support of the National Institutes of Health under grant number 1R01OH009612-01, wiith matching funds provided by CSM administration.

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