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Modern JavaScript Develop And Design Instructor’s Notes Chapter 11– Ajax Modern JavaScript Design And Develop Copyright © 2012 by Larry Ullman.

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Presentation on theme: "Modern JavaScript Develop And Design Instructor’s Notes Chapter 11– Ajax Modern JavaScript Design And Develop Copyright © 2012 by Larry Ullman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modern JavaScript Develop And Design Instructor’s Notes Chapter 11– Ajax Modern JavaScript Design And Develop Copyright © 2012 by Larry Ullman

2 Objectives Explain what Ajax is Create a browser-neutral Ajax object Setup an Ajax request Perform an Ajax request Test for a request’s completeness

3 More Objectives Send data to a server-side resource Handle different types of data returned by the server Create a PHP script that returns different types of data Implement several real-world Ajax examples

4 Making Ajax Requests 1.Create an Ajax object 2.Prepare the request 3.Make the request 4.Handle the response

5 Creating the Ajax Object function getXMLHttpRequestObject() { var ajax = null; // Most browsers: if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { ajax = new XMLHttpRequest(); } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // Older IE. ajax = new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0'); } // Return the object: return ajax; } // End of getXMLHttpRequestObject() function.

6 Identifying the Result Handler ajax.onreadystatechange = handleStateChange;

7 Making the Request GET Used to fetch data Common and repeatable POST Intended to cause a server change or reaction Should be unique'GET', '', true); ajax.send(null);

8 The Resource Can use absolute or relative path Must be on the same domain Must be over HTTP (or other Internet protocol)

9 The readyState 0, unset 1, opened 2, headers received 3, loading 4, done if (ajax.readyState == 4) { // Handle the response. } else { // Show the 'Loading...' message or do nothing. }

10 The status 2xx, OK 301, Moved Permanently 304, Not Modified 401, Unauthorized if (ajax.readyState == 4) { if ( (ajax.status >= 200 && ajax.status < 300) || (ajax.status == 304) ) { // Handle the response. } else { // Status error! }

11 The Response responseXML responseText document.getElementById('output').innerHTML = ajax.responseText;

12 Sending Data via GET Append to URL Provide to send()'GET', '' + encodeURIComponent(id), true); var data = 'email=' + encodeURIComponent(email) + '&password=' + encodeURIComponent(password);'GET', '', true); ajax.send(data);

13 Sending Data via POST var data = 'email=' + encodeURIComponent(email) + '&password=' + encodeURIComponent(password);'POST', '', true); ajax.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); ajax.send(data);

14 Debugging Steps Test the server-side resource directly Use a network monitor Verify the response data Watch for caching!

15 Data Formats Plain text eXtensible Markup Language (XML) JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)

16 Handling XML (Re-)Introducing JavaScript JavaScript in Action var data = ajax.responseXML; var chapters = data.getElementsByTagName('chapter'); for (var i = 0, count = chapters.length; i < count; i++) { // Use chapters[i].getAttribute('id') // Use chapters[i].firstChild.nodeValue }

17 Handling JSON { "1": {"title": "(Re-)Introducing JavaScript"}, "2": {"title": "JavaScript in Action"} } var data = ajax.responseText; var data = JSON.parse(data); data[2].title; // JavaScript in Action

18 Server-Side Scripts May receive input via GET or POST Returns output –Plain text –XML –JSON Generally does not return HTML (unless the data is HTML)

19 Sending Plain Text <?php // Nothing before this! echo 'This is some text being printed'; ?> <?php if (/* username is available */) { echo 'AVAILABLE'; } else { echo 'UNAVAILABLE'; } ?>

20 Sending XML <?php // Nothing before this! header('Content-Type: text/xml'); echo ' '; $q = 'SELECT comment, email, date_submitted FROM comments ORDER BY date_submitted DESC'; $r = mysqli_query($dbc, $q); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($r)) { echo " {$row['comment']} {$row['email']} {$row['date']} {$> \n"; } echo ' ';

21 Sending JSON <?php header('Content-Type: application/json'); $data = array(); $q = 'SELECT comment, email, date_submitted FROM comments ORDER BY date_submitted DESC'; $r = mysqli_query($dbc, $q); while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($r)) { $data[] = $row; } echo json_encode($data);

22 Showing Progress HTML: CSS: #loader { visibility: hidden; } JavaScript: = 'visible';'GET', '', true); ajax.send(null); JavaScript, when done: = 'hidden';

23 Login Submission if ( (email.value.length > 0) && (password.value.length > 0) ) { // Perform an Ajax request: var ajax = getXMLHttpRequestObject(); ajax.onreadystatechange = function() {}'POST', 'resources/login.php', true); ajax.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); var data = 'email=' + encodeURIComponent(email.value) + '&password=' + encodeURIComponent(password.value); ajax.send(data); // Et cetera.

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