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2440: 141 Web Site Administration Server Installation Instructor: Enoch E. Damson.

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Presentation on theme: "2440: 141 Web Site Administration Server Installation Instructor: Enoch E. Damson."— Presentation transcript:

1 2440: 141 Web Site Administration Server Installation Instructor: Enoch E. Damson

2 Prepare the Server for Installation Production systems use a single-boot system Only one operating system is on a computer Educational or training systems usually use multi- boot systems More than one operating system on a computer Service packs (Microsoft) or errata (Linux) are useful for operating system improvements and maintenance Linux errata are usually divided into: security alerts, bug fixes and enhancements Server Installation2

3 Prepare the Server for Installation… Most operating systems are designed to control the master boot record (MBR) MBR – a sector on the hard disk that contains a boot loader program intended to start the boot process Linux uses either the GRUB or LILO boot loaders LILO (LInux LOader) – Has no interactive command interface Does not support booting from a network Wrong configuration could leave the system unbootable Because changing the LILO config file requires the LILO stage one boot loader to be rewritten to the MBR GRUB (GRnux Unified Boat Loader) – Has interactive command interface Supports booting from a network Defaults to the GRUB command-line interface, after incorrect configuration Server Installation3

4 Prepare the Server for Installation… For multi-boot systems, you may want to install Windows first before Linux The Linux boot method will allow both operating systems to coexist on the same hard disk Server Installation4

5 Checking Hardware Compatibility Typically there are fewer problems when using hardware designed for a server from major manufacturers IDE drives are always compatible Make sure the latest drivers for SCSI and RAID controllers are available With video adapters and NICs, it is best to use ones from major vendors Server Installation5

6 System Documentation Should be detailed enough for inexperienced network administrator System documentation is an ongoing process Changes occur over the life of the server These changes need to be documented Need compatibility information Server Installation6

7 System Documentation… Some hardware information include: Server manufacturer, including model information Processor type and speed Amount of RAM Drive interface – RAID, SCSI, IDE Hard disk – size, manufacturer, and model NIC manufacturer and model Server Installation7

8 System Documentation… Other system information include: Partition information – number and sizes Operating system version installed Latest software patches Extra drivers needed URLs for latest drivers Server Installation8

9 System Documentation… Steps for installation including options chosen Keep documentation, CDs, drivers in a binder Know support details Who to call Contract phone number Type of support contract Expiration of contract Server Installation9

10 The Installation Process The Setup program will ask you about your system You need to know the answers to these questions before you start Many of the questions are common to all operating systems Server Installation10

11 The Installation Process… Partitioning the Hard Disk: A partition is a logical division of the hard disk On Windows systems, you may create a primary partition and an extended partition Primary partition – where a system boots from Extended partition – where more drives are added Gives you more logical drives in Windows It is best to isolate the operating system from applications If the application partition fills and the operating system is on the same partition, the OS stops Server Installation11

12 The Installation Process… Linux Partitions: Six partitions are used for Linux by default / (root partition) swap (used for virtual memory) /boot (boot files – small) /usr (shared files and programs) /home (user files and programs) /var (Web site, FTP, log files) Just / and swap are required Server Installation12

13 Managing Multiple Operating Systems on a Single Computer Useful for development and training purposes Best to start with non-partitioned hard disk Create one partition for each Windows OS Allow Linux to create default partitions Install Windows first, then Linux Linux installation then produces a menu to select Windows Server Installation13

14 The Installation Process… Naming Computers: Identify a computer on the network Windows communicates the computer name to other computers on the subnet so it should be unique Name of computer is not related to how the computer is recognized on the Internet In Linux, the hostname can exist on more than one computer It only uses IP addresses for communication Server Installation14

15 The Installation Process… Software Licensing: Describes how the software can be used For Windows, usually each installation must be activated by Microsoft Linux is basically free but there may be a cost for packaging, support, and extras Based on the GNU general public license Red Hat has personal, professional, and Advanced Server options Server Installation15

16 The Installation Process… Selecting a File System: A file system determines how files are stored on a hard disk Some Windows file systems include: NTFS FAT32 FAT Some Linux file systems include: ext4 ext3 ext2 JFS Server Installation16

17 Default Operating System File Systems Release YearOperating SystemFile System 1981MS-DOS/PC DOSFAT12 1984Mac OSMacintosh File System (MFS) 1985Mac OSHierarchical File System (HFS) 1989OS/2 v1.2High Performance File System (HPFS) 1990Windows 3.0 / 3.1xFAT16B 1992Linuxext / ext2 / ext3 / ext4 1993FreeBSD v1-v5.0UFS1 1994Windows NT 3.5NTFS 1995Windows 95FAT16 and VFAT 1996Windows NT 4.0NTFS 1998Mac OS 8.1 / Mac OS XHFS Plus (HFS+) 1998Windows 98FAT32 2000Windows MeFAT32 2000Windows 2000NTFS 2001Windows XPNTFS but FAT32 is also common 2003FreeBSD v5.1-v9UFS2 2003Windows Server 2003NTFS 2006Windows VistaNTFS 2008Windows Server 2008NTFS 2009Windows 7NTFS Server Installation17

18 Basic Linux Concepts No drive letters The root is / Devices may be mounted before usage mount /mnt/cdrom Devices may also be un-mounted before removing them to flush the file buffer files are copied to them umount /mnt/floppy Server Installation18

19 Linux Shell Prompt Shell – the command-line interface E.g. sh, bash, csh, tcsh, ksh Most work is done on Linux at the shell prompt using commands such as the following: Server Installation19 Linux Shell CommandWindows Equivalent exit kill/killall cd ls mkdir rm rm -r mv cp find/locate useradd clear ifconfig chmod cmp exit kill/pskill cd dir md del/erase deltree move copy/xcopy/mv find addusers cls ipconfig icacls/xcacls comp

20 Configuring TCP/IP on Linux To determine TCP/IP configuration in Linux, type ifconfig at a shell prompt Server Installation20

21 Configuring TCP/IP on Windows To determine TCP/IP configuration in Windows, type ipconfig at a command prompt Server Installation21

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