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Australia Supports the USA Australian Technologies and Products in use by the US military.

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Presentation on theme: "Australia Supports the USA Australian Technologies and Products in use by the US military."— Presentation transcript:

1 Australia Supports the USA Australian Technologies and Products in use by the US military

2 Did you know that- An Australian Developed Missile is fielded on Most US Combatants? Fact: The NULKA Decoy Missile evolved from an Australian Developed Concept

3 Did you know that- US Military Aircraft use an Australian Cargo Handler and Loader? FACT: The Australian TASLU Loader developed by Static Engineering is the basis of the current USAF acquired aircraft cargo loader and handler

4 Did you know that- The US Coastline is mapped with LADS? Fact- The Laser Airborne Depth Sounder systems was developed by Tenix from an Australian design and is flown under contract for various US Agencies

5 Did you know that- The US Navy operates joint development programs with Australian personnel? Fact- The USN has Australian personnel embedded at project offices that work on software, ships’ systems and missiles

6 Did you know that- Australia fired the first of the new Heavy weight Torpedo? Fact- An Australian Navy Ship fired the first of the new model MK 48 Torpedo and sank a former US Navy ship.

7 Did you know that- The US Air Force Operates regular flights into Australia? Fact- USAF support missions fly almost daily flights to support various joint operations within Australia.

8 Did you know that- Australian Ships move US DoD personnel? Fact- Both Austal and Incat have ships under charter to the US DoD that transport troops and materiel around the world

9 Did you Know That- Australia supplies body armor for US forces? Australian Defence Apparel has supplemented US production to assure that sufficient armor is available for troops in combat

10 Did you know that- Coalition Troops and Commanders receive near real time visual and data information using Australian software? Australian firm, Mediaware Solutions supplies a product that permits “.mpg” files to be efficiently sent over wireless nets.

11 Did you know that- Several Australian firms have been acquired by US firms in the last year? Fact- Mediaware Solutions, Aerosonde, Catalyst Interactive have all been acquired because of their technology. They join Tower Software, CEA and others with US interests.

12 Did you know that- Australian Software is resident on the largest US DoD intranet? Fact- Tower Software products are part of the suite included in the US Navy’s NMCI.

13 Did you know that-

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