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Byzantine Empire. Warm Up - Look at the picture below. In your notebook, describe what you notice about this city. Be specific and explain why you think.

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Presentation on theme: "Byzantine Empire. Warm Up - Look at the picture below. In your notebook, describe what you notice about this city. Be specific and explain why you think."— Presentation transcript:

1 Byzantine Empire

2 Warm Up - Look at the picture below. In your notebook, describe what you notice about this city. Be specific and explain why you think you see some of the things you do. You have 5 minutes…

3 Directions Please take your History Alive Textbook from the stacks by the windows and open to page 60.

4 Survey/Question/Read/Recite/Review Survey – look at the pages 60 - 67 Survey – look at the pages 60 - 67 Question – from what you see on these pages, write down any questions you have on the backside of the handout being passed around… Question – from what you see on these pages, write down any questions you have on the backside of the handout being passed around… Read Read Recite Recite Review Review

5 Partner Reading Read the section quietly, changing either every paragraph or every sentence. Discuss the parts you don’t understand. When your partner is finished, put what you heard in your own words by offering a one sentence summary of what you heard. When you are done, return to your seat and complete the questions that go along with the reading you just did. This should be done alone.

6 Constantinople 1. 1. Why was Constantinople ideally located to be the capital of the Byzantine Empire? 2. 2. What were some of Constantinople’s main features? 3. 3. What was daily life like in Constantinople?

7 The Reign of Justinian I 1. 1. What event forced Justinian to start rebuilding parts of Constantinople? 2. 2. What were some of the improvements made to Constantinople as a result of Justinian’s public works projects? 3. 3. How has Justinian’s Code affected the modern world?

8 Warm Up - Look at the picture. In your notebook, describe how you might feel if you were to walk into this church. Why would you feel this way? You have 5 minutes…

9 The Eastern Orthodox Church 1. 1. What was the relationship between religion and government in the Byzantine Empire? 2. 2. How did the Eastern Orthodox Church play a central role in the daily life of Byzantines?

10 Conflict Between East & West 1. 1. Why did Byzantine emperor Leo III forbid the use of icons in 730? How did the pope react to Leo’s order? 2. 2. What event in 800 increased tensions between the east and west? 3. 3. How did the relationship between the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church change in 1054?

11 Warm Up - Look at the picture below. In your notebook, describe what you think this picture is supposed to represent. Be specifics and explain why you think it describes what you think it does. You have 5 minutes…

12 Important Terms & Definitions Patriarch – the head of the Byzantine church appointed by the Emperor Schism – a separation or division into separate parts Icon – a religious image typically painted on a small wooden panel Eastern Orthodox Church – the main religion of the Byzantine Empire after the schism of 1054 C.E.

13 Important People Justinian – Byzantine emperor who regained much of the Roman territory and rebuilt Constantinople

14 Constantinople Advertisement Your task is to create a real estate advertisement to encourage people to move to Constantinople after the schism of 1054. You should include the following in your advertisement: A memorable slogan A map showing where Constantinople is located 4 paragraphs of information about the city’s geography, government, religion, and daily life. 4 visuals that represent the key ideas written in the information Your own special creative twist and evidence of the time and effort you put in.

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