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Published byCarissa Turnham Modified over 10 years ago
You will not reach to piety unless you spend what you love the most; And whatever you spend, Allah knows everything.
Hole, a tunnel with an entrance and an exit.
(92) تُنفِقُواْ ن ف ق You all spend Meaning of the root: Hole, a tunnel with an entrance and an exit. Connection between rizq and nafq: Rizq comes from one source and has to be spent through the other. The believers are not greedy and they so not withhold their money, instead they spend moderately.
All kind of food were lawful to the children of Israel except what they had forbidden for themselves before Torah was sent down to them. Ask them to bring Torah and read from it, if you are true. Now whoever lies about Allah, infect they are the liars. Say, What Allah said is very True; so exclusively follow the way of Ibrahim, and Ibrahim was not from the mushrikeen.
ح ر م ٱلظَّـٰلِمُونَ ظ ل م
(93) حَرَّمَ ح ر م He Made unlawful Root: haa raa meem Haraam means forbidden. Muharram refers to something that is forbidden. For examples, the month Moharram is called so, because there are certain things that are forbidden during this month. Masjid Al-Haram is named so as there are certain acts that are forbidden to be committed in its vicinity. ٱلظَّـٰلِمُونَ ظ ل م The wrong doers Root: za laam meem Meaning of the root: Zulm means violaton. Literally, zulm means to place something where it doesn’t belong. The word darkness and zulma are co- related. In various places in the Quran, Allah has mentioned Darknesses as zulumaat. (eg: albaqarah: 19)
Ifraa'un: to cut leather in order to ruin it, to destroy it
(94) ٱفۡتَرَىٰ ف ر ي He fabricated Faryun: to cut leather length-wise. Why is it cut? In order to fix it or stitch Ifraa'un: to cut leather in order to ruin it, to destroy it (95) ٱللَّه صَدَقَ ص د ق He spoke truth Allah Sadaqa means truthfulness. Technically it means, something which is according to the reality. It is the opposite of kadhaba.
Indeed, the first place of worship that was ever build for mankind is in Makkah: A blessed place and a source of Guidance for all of mankind. There are clear Signs in it; there is a place where Ibrahim used to stand in worship: whoever enters this place will become safe and secure. Now Allah has this right on the people to visit His house (to perform Hajj) whoever can afford to reach there: And those who disobey, they should know that Allah is All Sufficient and He is not in need of any one.
Standing place/ station
(96) مَّقَامُ ق و م Standing place/ station Root: qaf waw mim Qama/ yaqumu: to stand The place of qiyaam This is a clear sign and refers to the place where Ibrahim stood and built the kabah, his footprints are still there.
Say, O people of the Book, why do you deny the (clear) sign of Allah
Say, O people of the Book, why do you deny the (clear) sign of Allah? Surely Allah is watching everything what you are doing. "Say, “O people of the Book, why do you stop people from Allah, who believe in Allah but you want them to follow the wrong path, when you yourselves are a witness (that they are on the Right path)? Allah is fully aware of what you are doing.
ع و ج عِوَجً۬ا Crookedness
(99) عِوَجً۬ا ع و ج Crookedness When something is bent, when it is not straight, when it is not as it should be. Crookedness is of two types 1) tangible: table, pen, etc. 2) intangible: crookedness of thinking, someone does not have correct thoughts, beliefs, words 'Awaj used for tangible, iwaj used for intangible Meaning you are showing and portraying the truth as wrong.
O Believers, if you follow the people of the Book they will turn you from Iman to Kufr. How can you turn to Kufr, when Quran is being recited to you and His Messenger is among you; Remember; those who hold fast the rope of Allah, surely they will be guided to the Right Way.
يَعۡتَصِم يَرُدُّوكُم ر د د They shall turn you back
(100) يَرُدُّوكُم ر د د They shall turn you back Radd: to turn back يَعۡتَصِم ع ص و He holds fast Root: ayn sad mim I'tisaam: to hold fast to something, to cling to something 'Asama: to restrain 'Isma: the neck-tie (a leash is put on the animal to restrain it) Also gives meaning of to save, protect something from sharr, evil To cling, to hold on fast to something. Why? In order to save, protect oneself, in order to secure oneself Ex. In the haraam, people put a rope around their child's arm to not lose them.
O Believers, fear Allah as He should be feared and do not die except in the state of Islam. Hold fast to the rope of Allah and do not be divided. Remember the favor of Allah upon you, when you were enemies to each other, then He united your hearts, and by His grace, you became like brothers, and you were about to see the Hell fire but Allah has saved you from it. Allah make His signs clear to you, so you may find the right path.
فَأَلَّفَ ء ل ف فَأَنقَذَكُم ن ق ذ So he joined in love
(103) فَأَلَّفَ ء ل ف So he joined in love Alf: a thousand, in that number a lot of numbers are together Gives meaning of to join, gather Ta'leef: to unite things together Ta'leef of heart: to join the hearts with love فَأَنقَذَكُم ن ق ذ So He saved you How? He gave you imaan Naqad: to rescue someone from some danger/ destruction
There should always be some people among you who invite people to the good, enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong: They alone will attain true success. And do not be like those, who are divided into sects and involved in differences after the clear teachings came to them. Those (who caused divisions), shall suffer a terrible punishment (on the Day of judgment).
يَدۡعُونَ د ع و وَيَنۡهَوۡنَ ن ه ي وَيَأۡمُرُونَ ا م ر They are called
(104) يَدۡعُونَ د ع و They are called Gives meaning of inviting, calling, telling other people وَيَأۡمُرُونَ ا م ر And they command Amr means a command/instruction وَيَنۡهَوۡنَ ن ه ي And they forbid
(The day of judgment) when some faces will be bright and some faces will be dark. Those whose faces will be dark, (It will be said to them) “why you rejected faith after you accepted it.? Well, now taste the punishment for your rejection.“ As for those whose faces will be bright, they will enjoy the Mercy of Allah forever. These are the Aayaat of Allah, that We are reciting to you with truth, and Allah does not want to be unjust to the people. Everything in the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah, and all matter are presented to Allah.
فَذُوقُواْ ذ و ق So you all taste Dhaaiqah: to taste
(106) فَذُوقُواْ ذ و ق So you all taste Dhaaiqah: to taste When you taste something at first, at the beginning it is strong Used to indicate strength of punishment will never fade away, it will be fresh the entire time
Now you are the best of people, you are evolved for the guidance of mankind. you enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah. If people of the Book believed, it would have been better for them. Though there are some believers among them, yet most of them are the wrongdoers.
They can not harm you but a little hurt
They can not harm you but a little hurt. If they fight with you, they will turn their backs on you, and they will not be helped. They will be humiliated everywhere, infect they have incurred the wrath of Allah, they will remain miserable except if they turn to Allah and seek refuge in Him or protected by the people. This is because they rejected the Aayaat of Allah and killed His Prophets without any reason. This is the consequence of their disobedience and their transgression.
وَبَآءُو ب و ء عَصَواْ ع ص و And they returned They disobeyed
(112) وَبَآءُو ب و ء And they returned Baa'a/ yabuu'u: to return Figuratively used for earning something عَصَواْ ع ص و They disobeyed Ma'siyyah: disobedience
Yet all people of the Book are not the same: there are some who are steadfast on the right path; who recite the Aayaat of Allah at night and prostrate before Him; who believe in Allah and the Last Day; who enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and they compete in good work; These are the righteous people, and whatever good they do, they will not be denied the just reward for it, Allah knows the pious people.
وَيُسَـٰرِعُونَ س ر ع And they hasten with each other
(114) وَيُسَـٰرِعُونَ س ر ع And they hasten with each other Sur'a: to be quick, speedy Ex. Inna Allah sarii'ul hisaab Gives meaning of to be quick, speedy in competition against one another
As for those who disbelieved, their wealth nor their children shall protect them from Allah; they deserve the Hell fire and they will live there forever. Whatever they will spend in this life is like the freezing wind, which destroys the farms / fields of those who are being unjust to themselves; Infect Allah has not done any wrong to them but they are doing wrong to themselves.
O Believers, do not share your secrets but with your own people
O Believers, do not share your secrets but with your own people. (others) will never miss any opportunity to exploit your weakness. They only desire, what is harmful to you; their hatred has appeared from their mouth, but what they hide in their hearts (against you) is worse. We have explained everything to you, you will be wise if you Understand. (you will be very careful in your relations with them.)
Bada: to appear unintentionally, by mistake
(118) تَتَّخِذُواْ ء خ ذ You all adopt/ take بَدَتِ ب د و It appeared Bada: to appear unintentionally, by mistake
As for you, you love them but they do not love you, even though you believe in all the revealed Books. When they meet you, they say, "We also believe (in your Prophet and in your Book"), but when they go aside, they bite their finger in their hatred against you. Say to them, "die in your hatred: Allah knows even what is hidden in the hearts." They are upset if you are blessed with some good and they are happy, if evil befalls you. But if you fear Allah and be patient, their conspiracy will not harm you at all, Allah keeps track of their deeds.
Khala: empty space/vacuum Difference between ghadab and ghayth:
(120) خَلَوۡاْ خ ل و They were alone Khala: empty space/vacuum ٱلۡغَيۡظِ غ ي ظ The anger Difference between ghadab and ghayth: Ghayth is to express anger (when a person is furious he is yelling, screaming, breaking things, where you cannot keep the anger inside). In ghadab, there is calmness.
O Messenger, (Mention to them) when you left your house early in the morning and began to assign Muslims their positions in the battle (of Uhd). Allah hears everything and knows everything.
غَدَوۡتَ غ د و You set out early in the morning
(121) غَدَوۡتَ غ د و You set out early in the morning Ghudwah: early morning, the time between fajr and sunrise Ghadaa'/ yaghduu: to leave, set out to do something in that early part of the day
Remember, when two groups among you were about to show weakness, though Allah was there to help them, and the Believers should always have faith in Allah. (Remember the time) when you were very weak in the battle of Badr and Allah helped you, so fear Allah, and it is expected that you will be grateful now.
فَلۡيَتَوَكَّلِ و ك ل So he should trust
(122) فَلۡيَتَوَكَّلِ و ك ل So he should trust Wakala/ wukuul: to entrust someone, to make someone else the in charge, to give the responsibility to someone else (responsibility of one's own matter) Eg. You study for an exam and rely on Allah to make you pass. You only have the ability to study, not to pass. Allah has the ability to make you pass.
From nasar: used for assistance/ victory
(123) نَصَرَكُمُ ن ص ر He helped you Nasr means to help somebody in order to take or alleviate somebody’s pain. From nasar: used for assistance/ victory
When you said to the Believers, "Is it not enough for you that Allah should help you with three thousand angels (Specially) sent down? Yes, if you fear Allah and be patient, Allah will help you with five thousand angels, known by certain marks, in case of a sudden attack from the enemy. Allah made it a message of hope for you, and a comfort to your hearts: (in any case) there is no help except from Allah, The Exalted, the Wise. (He will help you) He may destroy a flank of the disbelievers, humiliate them, and return them frustrated.
فَيَنقَلِبُواْ ق ل ب So they turn back
(127) فَيَنقَلِبُواْ ق ل ب So they turn back Inqilaab: to return, go back, but you don't return to intial state, you go to one that is contrary. Eg. You are making an omelet, when you turn, the form, colour changes. This is why inqilaab is also used for revolution When the Makkans came to fight the believers, they were rich, happy. When they returned, it was in a different state.
(O Prophet,) you have no concern whether Allah pardon them or punish them, for they are the wrongdoers. Everything in the heavens and the earth, belongs to Allah, He may forgive whomever He wants and punish whomever He wants. Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
Ghafara means to cover something.
(129) يَغۡفِرُ غ ف ر He forgives Ghafara means to cover something. Mighfar means helmet. Here it means that He not only conceals sins but also saves from its consequences in Duniya and Aakhirah. يُعَذِّبُ ع ذ ب He punishes Adhaab linguistically means to stop eating and sleeping due to extreme thirst, so Adhaab stops a person from enjoying. Adhaab also means to confine to one place. Adhaab is a state in which there is torture and confinement and joys are taken away / extreme agony.
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