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Unit 3 Pre-AP Vocabulary 7 th synonyms and antonyms to use with your list.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 3 Pre-AP Vocabulary 7 th synonyms and antonyms to use with your list."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 3 Pre-AP Vocabulary 7 th synonyms and antonyms to use with your list

2 adversity  synonymsantonyms mishapsuccess calamityblessings

3 animated synonymsantonyms vibrantdull zealouslifeless

4 culminate synonymsantonyms complete finish

5 downright synonymsantonyms totalunclear completelyinsincere

6 goad synonymsantonyms proddeter spurcurb

7 indulge synonymsantonyms cater todeny obligeforbid

8 literate literate synonymsantonyms well-readilliterate cultured

9 loom synonymsantonyms towervanish emergedisappear

10 luster luster synonymsantonyms shinedullness sparkletarnish

11 miscellaneous synonymsantonyms varieduniform diverseidentical

12 oration synonymsantonyms address sermon

13 peevish  synonymsantonyms surlyamiable crankypleasant

14 seethe  synonymsantonyms churn simmer

15 singe synonymsantonyms scorch char

16 spurious  synonymsantonyms fakegenuine forgedauthentic

17 transient synonymsantonyms temporarypermanent momentarypersistent

18 unique unique synonymsantonyms singularordinary peerlessaverage

19 upright upright synonymsantonyms upstandingprone honorabledishonest

20 verify synonymsantonyms establishrefute validatemisrepresent

21 yearn synonymsantonyms covet want

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