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GIS in Water Resources Fall 2012 “Analysis of Cenapred’s Rainfall- Runoff methodology for the estimation of streamflow values in the Central Region of.

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Presentation on theme: "GIS in Water Resources Fall 2012 “Analysis of Cenapred’s Rainfall- Runoff methodology for the estimation of streamflow values in the Central Region of."— Presentation transcript:

1 GIS in Water Resources Fall 2012 “Analysis of Cenapred’s Rainfall- Runoff methodology for the estimation of streamflow values in the Central Region of Veracruz” Austin, Texas November 27, 2012 GIS in Water Resources Carlos Galdeano Alexandres

2 Project Scope 2 Footer

3 GIS in Water Resources Fall 2012 3 Project Scope Analyze if Mexico’s National Center for Disaster Prevention (Cenapred) suggested Rainfall-Runoff Methodology is valid to estimate the magnitude of the streamflow for several return periods (T = 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 years) in the Central Region of Veracruz. Cenapred's Rainfall- Runoff Methodology VS Frequency analysis methods Cenapred's Method valid for the Central Region of Veracruz? DATA: Mexico’s National Water Commission (Conagua) Mexico’s National Institute of Geography and Statistics (Inegi).

4 Background 4 Footer

5 GIS in Water Resources Fall 2012 5 Background Region

6 GIS in Water Resources Fall 2012 6 Background Floods in the Region (almost every year)

7 Methodology 7 Footer

8 GIS in Water Resources Fall 2012 Methodology General Methodology 8 Streamflow Stations Methodology (Frequency analysis) Cenapred’s Rainfall-Runoff Methodology Values at the Streamflow Stations by Cenapred’s Methodology Slope, Length, Area and Soil Coef. (each watershed) Watersheds Streamflow Stations Precipitation Stations (Daily Data) Choose the EV1 distribution and check if it fits for all the streamflow stations data Estimate the magnitude of the streamflow (XT) for several return periods (2, 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 years) Estimate the streamflow range (upper and lower) Streamflow Stations Location Precipitation Stations Location

9 GIS in Water Resources Fall 2012 Methodology Cenapred’s Rainfall-Runoff Methodology 9 Watersheds of each discharge Streamflow station Slope for each watershed (weighted mean) GIS Tool  Fill GIS Tool  Flow Direction GIS Tool  Flow Accumulation GIS Tool  Watershed  Raster to Polygon From DEM GIS Tool  Slope GIS Tool  Raster Calculator GIS Tool  Zonal statistic

10 GIS in Water Resources Fall 2012 Methodology Cenapred’s Rainfall-Runoff Methodology From the Precipitation Stations Magnitude of the precipitation for T=2 daily data (P2) Soil Values Tool Soil Runoff Coefficient Zonal Statistics Tool FINAL TOOL Flow Rates Tool Precipitation Values Tool Empirical Bayesian Kriging & Zonal statistic 0.1 (dry) < R < 0.8 (humid). Slope, Length, Area of influence of each watershed

11 GIS in Water Resources Fall 2012 Methodology Cenapred’s Rainfall-Runoff Methodology 11 Flow Rates Tool Precipitation with d = time of concentration Intensity. Amount of water per unit of time Streamflow value from Cenapred’s Methodolgoy

12 Results and Conclusions 12 Footer

13 GIS in Water Resources Fall 2012 13 Results and Conclusions Working on them!!

14 Aknowledgments 14 Footer

15 GIS in Water Resources Fall 2012 15 1.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (Conacyt) 2.Centro Nacional para la Prevención de Desastres (Cenapred) 3.Comison Nacional del Agua (Conagua) 4.Instituto Nacional de Geografía y Estadística (INEGI) 5.Prof. David Maidment, Prof. David Tarboton, Prof. Ayse Kilic and T.A. Gonzalo Espinoza Aknowledgments

16 GIS in Water Resources Fall 2012

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