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Free Speech and Social Responsibility Jennifer Tharp Suvi Gluskin Hannah Roberts William Westlin.

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Presentation on theme: "Free Speech and Social Responsibility Jennifer Tharp Suvi Gluskin Hannah Roberts William Westlin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Free Speech and Social Responsibility Jennifer Tharp Suvi Gluskin Hannah Roberts William Westlin

2 Introduction The first ammendment, ratified in 1791, grants us the right to free speech. “Congress shall make no law …abridging the freedom of speech…” (Bill of Rights) There is currently much debate about the limits of free speech and our responsibility to protect this right.

3 Free Speech in History John Milton, a British scholar, in 1644, wrote Areopagitica, a speech attacking censorship of authors. The French Revolution also included a free speech clause in the “Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.” (1789) 1798 Alien and Sedition Acts- The Sedition Act forbid negative statements about the President. (violation of free speech.) (Mentin Virginia Kentucky Resolution) During the Vietnam War, there were several Supreme Court cases protecting the rights of protesters of the war.

4 Our Social Responsiblity for Current Issues Google Books- Should Google Books be allowed to publish the works of authors without pay? This is a major current lawsuit. 2002- A high school student held a “bong hits for Jesus” sign outside his high school and was suspended. He lost his suit at Supreme Court. Facebook- Most of us have experienced free speech through our use of Facebook. A professor in Univ. Of Colorado was fired for an essay and court rules to reinstate him. (Feb. 18)

5 Benefits/Consequences Internet Democracy – Informed Decisions Hate Speech/Slander Freedom of Information – Correllary  Piracy

6 Conclusion Freedom of speech is a unique part of American culture that many countries are still fighting for. We see examples of it every day through new technology such as YouTube and Twitter. Because the definition of free speech is constantly changing, the American people must continue to follow events so as to maintain this right.

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