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1.Subject of investigation 2. Aims of investigation 3. Methods of investigation 4. Interview with students 5. Interview with teachers 6. Conclusion.

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Presentation on theme: "1.Subject of investigation 2. Aims of investigation 3. Methods of investigation 4. Interview with students 5. Interview with teachers 6. Conclusion."— Presentation transcript:


2 1.Subject of investigation 2. Aims of investigation 3. Methods of investigation 4. Interview with students 5. Interview with teachers 6. Conclusion

3 Subject investigation Subject of investigation  m-learning in our lyceum  m-teaching in our lyceum  40 students of 11th forms have taken part in the project  20 teachers have been interviewed  The leader of the project- Chupina L.A.-teacher of English, lyceum № 329 Saint-Petersburg

4 1.To get acquainted with new forms of education: m-learning and m-teaching 2.To reveal positive and negative sides of it 3.To predict prospects of its development in our lyceum in future 4.To analyze the data of interviews with students of our lyceum 5.To analyze the data of interviews with teachers of our lyceum

5 Methods of investigation  Survey of classmates  Survey of teachers  Discuss data in groups  Collect data in one file  Make a project

6 M-learning? What’s that?  First of all, before we go any further, it may be worth examining what ‘m-learning’ actually means. The ‘m’ stands for mobile. Mobile learning is learning that takes place using a handheld, mobile technological device. «Learning using mobile phones»- we hear you say. «Yes, but not entirely.» Mobile devices now include much more than phones. There are smartphones, tablet computers, digital readers and netbooks. In fact there is evidence to suggest that these devices will be far more common in educational circles in the future than now.

7 1.What does letter ‘m’ mean in ‘m-learning’? 2.What gadgets do you use at home? What for? 3.What gadgets do you use at school? What for? 4.What are ‘pros’ and ‘cons’ of this method? 5.What rules should be accepted in our lyceum to make it harmless for students’ health?

8 Letter ‘m’-students’ answers

9 At home: -PC (to search some information)-20 st. -Mobile phones ( know home tasks)-10 st. -Laptop (to surf the Net)- 8 st. -Smartphones- 7 st. (to call friends and teachers) -Tablets- 3 st. ( read texts) -Webcam-10 st. ( chat with friends) -Ipod- 2 st. ( listen to music) -Iphone- 1 st. ( call friends) -Pocketbook- 1 st. ( read books) -Scanner, printer- 15 st. ( make copies)

10 At school: -Camera ( take photos)-3 st. -Smartphone ( find information at lessons)-5 st. -Mobile phone ( take pictures of tasks & ask for help)-20 st. -Microphone ( record some lessons) – 5 st. -Mp3 player ( listen to music)-10 st. -Walkman ( listen to music)-10 st. -PC (for presentations, translations and do some tasks at IT lessons)-35 st.

11 ‘Pros’- students’ answers  Helpful & valuable for us because studying on mobile devices enables us to:  Get knowledge wherever and whenever  Carry out tasks with your own speed, just-in-time learning  Get the most profound and accurate knowledge  Easier & faster to find information  Get better marks at lessons  It’s interactive, collaborative, portable and compact  More interesting lessons  More free time to do other things

12 Cons- students’ answers  Expensive  Small screens of most mobile gadgets  Battery life/charge  Spoil our eyesight  Not always reliable  Difficult to use moving graphics  Difficulty with printing unless it’s connected to the net  Prohibition to use them at some lessons  Different models, different functions, different operative memory

13  In our opinion using modern technologies is an important part of our life. It helps us to live in more comfortable world  If new technologies are designed, they should be used & developed; we hope our children will test this method of teaching  M-learning focuses on the mobility of the learner, interacting with portable technologies Rules we offer:  Rules we offer:  15-20 minutes a lesson  Forbid to use gadgets during exams & tests  Use them to find useful & helpful information rather than ready-made solutions  Exercise for eyes at lessons  Limit access into the net at lessons

14 1.What does ‘m-teaching’ mean? 2.What gadgets do you use at your lessons? 3.What gadgets do you use at home? 4.What are‘pros’ and ‘cons’ of this method you think? Interview with teachers

15 Letter ‘m’- teachers’ answers

16 Teachers’ answers  At school:  We use ‘e-register’ (for marks)-20 teachers  PC + multi-media (for lessons)- 10 teachers  Mobile phones (to call pupils & parents)-15 teachers  Webcam (for distance teaching)-2 teachers  Interactive board (to improve process of teaching) -2 teachers  PC (to organize virtual class-hours)- 2 teachers  PC ( to test pupils)- 4 teachers  PC ( to raise your professional level)- 5 teachers

17 Teachers’ answers  At home:  PC & laptop ( to share your experience with colleagues in social sites, find information for lessons) -10 teachers  Webcam (online seminars, distance teaching)-4 teachers  Tablets & Ipad (to read & play games)-2 teachers  PC & laptop (e-mail, broaden your knowledge in subject, communicate with friends, relatives, news, listen to BBC)- 20 teachers

18 -Distance learning is more available -More interesting & dynamic lessons assimilating a large amount of information -More laboratory works -Easier & faster to find information -More video, more visual & audio material at lessons -Individual teaching & testing -Variety of teaching methods -No heavy bags

19 * No face to face contact Lack of time Difficult to make plenty variants of tests Key for tests Can distract pupils’ attention from lessons Not tested enough

20 Teachers’ opinions  Not any technology can substitute the teacher, we simply can make learning easier. We can use e-devices, new technology that can afford us to spend more time on the things which make pedagogical process more creative and emotional.  New technologies must be used to increase level of education in our lyceum.

21 Conclusion  Everything that was said above is only fragments of school life. Our aim of investigation has been to get pupils and teachers know about most effective methods in education and persuade both groups to use them. It will allow to keep pupils’ and teachers’ interest to the process of learning and teaching. Thanks to m-learning and m-teaching it’s quite possible to pay individual attention and respect to each pupil. Our time is time of using new technologies even mobile phones. Insisting on it we can unblock their potential and they can really become valuable resources.

22 Lyceum № 329 Saint-Petersburg. 25.01.2012 Pupils of 11 forms have taken part in this project

23 Literature & sites  Students’ book “New Opportunities. Intermediate”. Michael Harris, David Mower, Anna Sikorzynska, Irina Larionova. Russian Edition Pearson Longman  Webseminars for teachers of English from London

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