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Today’s Issues: Latin America

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1 Today’s Issues: Latin America
Chapter 11 Notes Today’s Issues: Latin America

2 Section 1: Rain Forest Resources
Rain Forests have great biodiversity- Wide range of plant & animal species Cover 6% of earth but are home to 50% of earth’s species

3 Section 1: Rain Forest Resources
DON’T WRITE Deforestation- cutting down & clearing of trees Major problem in the rain forests of the world Why are they cut down? Global Warming?

4 Section 1: Rain Forest Resources
Global Warming & Rain Forests- Absorb carbon dioxide from atmosphere As they are cut down, carbon dioxide then builds up in the atmosphere Causing temps. to rise

5 Section 1: Rain Forest Resources
Rain Forest Preservation Environmentalists have programs such as debt-for-nature swap- Environmental organizations agree to pay off part of a governments debt in order to protect part of the rain forest

6 Section 2: Giving Citizens a Voice
DON’T WRITE After the Spanish Conquest, most of Latin America was ruled by Spanish colonists, this is known as rule by the few, or oligarchy. Limited rights & freedoms

7 Section 2: Giving Citizens a Voice
If this didn’t work then the government would be run by generals, this is known as a junta.

8 Section 2: Giving Citizens a Voice
Caudillo- military dictator of Latin America DON’T WRITE Existed mainly during the 20th Century Most famous would be Juan Peron of Argentina Supported by wealthy & military

9 Section 2: Giving Citizens a Voice
Land Reform- process of breaking up large landholdings & giving portions of it to land-poor peasant farmers

10 Latin Minority to Majority?

11 Drug Trade

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