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Tropical Rain Forest By: Jada Gray, Cassie Mattingly, Austin Beck, and Sierra Lake.

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Presentation on theme: "Tropical Rain Forest By: Jada Gray, Cassie Mattingly, Austin Beck, and Sierra Lake."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tropical Rain Forest By: Jada Gray, Cassie Mattingly, Austin Beck, and Sierra Lake.

2 Table of contents. Slide 1- weather facts. Slide 2- animal facts. Slide 3 & 4- plant facts. Slide 5- rainforest soil. Slide 6 & 7- layers of the rainforest. Slide 8- poison dart frog. Slide 9- types of rainforest. Slide 10- anaconda Slide 11- geography. Slide 12 – 20 questions.

3 Total Rainfall: 1500 mm or 59.06 inches No dry season. Rain falls every day. Temperatures: -During the day: 86-95 degrees Fahrenheit -At night: 68-73 degrees Fahrenheit Weather facts!

4 Populated with… 1.Insects- butterflies and beetles. 2.Arachnids- spiders and ticks. 3.Worms. 4.Reptiles such as snakes and lizards. 5.Amphibians- frogs and toad. 6.Birds- parrots and toucans 7.Mammals- sloths and jaguars

5 Plants that we know, that came from the rainforest.. Avocados Bananas Coffee Lemons Pepper Pineapples Peanuts Oranges

6 Plants we don’t have in Kentucky. Air plants. -Since the food at ground level was being fought for, the air plants grow on canopy trees. They don’t need soil to grow. Liana -A vine that twines the tall trees and reaches top height. There, it receives sunlight and protection.

7 Soil system The rainforest has a shallow root system. This is because the nutrients are accumulated on the forest floor and immediately below the soil layer.

8 Layers of the rainforest. 1.Emergents- giant trees that are taller than canopy trees. (birds and insects live there) 2.Canopy- upper parts of trees. (homes for mammals, reptiles, and birds) 3.Under canopy- dark, cool environment under the leaves but over the ground.

9 Layers (cont..) 4. Forest floor- teeming with animal life, especially insects. The largest animals in the rainforest live here.

10 Poison dart frog. -Can be yellow, gold, copper, red, green, blue, or black. -Carry their eggs and tadpoles on their backs. -They’re about 2 inches long. -They have enough venom to kill 10 men. -Some people use their venom for hunting.

11 Types of rainforests 1.Monsoon 2.Equatorial 3.Subtropical

12 Anaconda -They can be up to 40 feet long. They are in the boa family. They are the largest predator. They’re nocturnal. The can have up to 100 babies at a time. 20- 30 babies can be up to two feet in length.

13 Interesting facts Tropical rainforests are located around the equator where temperatures stay near 80 degrees year round. The largest rainforests are located in South America, Africa, and east Asia.

14 Geography facts Covers less than 6% of earth's surface. It produces 40% of earth’s oxygen. 100-300 species live in 2 ½ acres. 70% of the plants are trees. About ¼ of all medicines we use, come from rainforest plants.

15 Zoology question 2 What percent of the world’s species can be found in the rainforest. What percent of the world’s species can be found in the rainforest. 50 %

16 Zoology question 2 What do monkeys eat ? Bananas, fruits, vegetables, leaves, and flowers.

17 Plant question 1 What plant can grow in canopy trees without soil? Air plant

18 Plant question 2 Do the plants have a shallow or a deep root system ? shallow

19 Weather question 1 Is there a dry season in the rainforest? Is there a dry season in the rainforest? no

20 Weather question 2 What is the daily temperature ? 86-95 degrees

21 Geography question 1 What are the three types of rainforests? Monsoon, equatorial, and subtropical.

22 Geography question 2 2. What % of oxygen do we get from the rainforest? a.20% b.40% c.60% d.80% 40%

23 Sites. g.shtml g.shtml nkeys_eat.html nkeys_eat.html 3.html#geography 3.html#geography

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