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Designing Tech-Units for Self-Directed Learning Staff Development Presentation Prepared by Melissa Pierce.

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2 Designing Tech-Units for Self-Directed Learning Staff Development Presentation Prepared by Melissa Pierce

3 The following suggestions may be used alone or in combination to create a complete tech-unit. Interactive Word Documents Interactive Powerpoint Slides Animal Comparison Chart Daily Journal Activities Daily Journal Activities (Rainforest) Scavenger Hunt Slide Continents and Oceans A Friendly Letter Kid Inventors Vocabulary Interactive Quiz Interactive GameInteractive Game (recycle) Student Resource & Activity PageStudent Resource & Activity Page (Moon) Webquests Internet Resources

4 Instructional Templates Cyberguides Webquests Library2Play

5 Task 4: Lunar Phases 1.Click on the moon to view a video of the moon’s orbit around earth. StarDate Online StarDate Online 2. Visit StarDate Online and enter your birth month and year to view the online moon phases calendar. StarDate Online Moonlight MadnessMoonlight Madness. 3. Click on the moon to play Moonlight Madness.Moonlight Madness 4. Create Oreo Moon Phases. Click on the Oreo cookie for instructions.


7 Design A Web quest 1.Introduction: Identify the process skills, concepts, and/or content that you want to teach. Then, create an engaging introduction that provides background information for the quest and motivates student interest. 2.Evaluation: The desired outcome of a web quest is usually a product, such as an oral/written report or multimedia presentation. A well-developed rubric that specifies the criteria that will be used to assess student learning provides the foundation for developing the web quest. 3.Resources: Locate internet resources that students need to access, explore, research, etc. in order to successfully produce the desired outcome for the unit. 4.Task: A task is the end result of an activity. A web quest usually consists of a series of interrelated tasks that require the learner to analyze the information they’ve gathered. 5.Process: The process explains the steps a learner should go through to accomplish the task. Click Here for Web Quest Templa te

8 Grade 2 Tide Pool Scavenger Hunt 104 Tide Pool Scavenger Hunt: Many amazing animals live in tide pools. Read the following questions and hunt for the answers by clicking on the sites where you think you will find the answers. Read carefully and record your discoveries on your record sheet. Questions: 1. Lobsters are the biggest crustaceans. How big can a lobster grow? 2. Octopods are unusual mollusks. What are two ways that an octopus protects itself? 3. If you were a crab you would be glad to have your crusty exoskeleton for protection. Who would want to eat you? 4. Some fish live in tide pools too. Read about the sculpin. Why do you think its eyes are on the top of its head? 5. A periwinkle has a radula! Write one sentence using all three of these words: periwinkle, radula and algae? Sites to Explore: The Amazing Octopus Glossary A Strange Fish Lobsters Crusty Crabs The Amazing OctopusGlossaryA Strange FishLobstersCrusty Crabs

9 Dear Class, March 17, 2008 My name is Mrs. Pierce. I am your new teacher. Today, you will be writing a friendly letter. A friendly letter has five parts. Can you name the parts of this letter? I like to write letters because I can tell others how I feel. I look forward to reading letters from all of you. Sincerely, Mrs. Pierce Writing a Friendly Letter

10 Let’s Review: How many continents are on Earth? There are 7 continents. North America South America Africa Europe Asia Australia How many oceans are on earth? There are 4 oceans. Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Arctic Ocean Antarctica 1 2 3 4 6 5 7 1 2 3 4 Pacific Ocean 1 Find Out Click here for Demonstration Slide

11 Create a sequence of animations How many continents are on Earth? There are 7 continents. North America South America Africa Europe Asia Australia How many oceans are on earth? There are 4 oceans. Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Arctic Ocean Antarctica 1 2 3 4 6 5 7 1 2 3 4 Pacific Ocean 1 Find Out

12 Create a Quiz or Game by linking to a “Celebrate” of “Try Again” slide Which of the following provides funding for the National Research Center for Gifted Education? Sputnik Marland Javits Select & hyperlink each answer to the “celebrate” or “try again” slide. Remember to right click (in task pane) & hide those slides from the rest of your presentation.

13 Create an interactive slide using custom animations Putting Trash in Its Place Click on the recycling materials to find the correct bin. Aluminum and TinPaper and CardboardGlass and Plastic

14 Great!

15 Try Again!

16 Create a poster telling others to save the rainforests. Write a recipe that calls for a rainforest food. Design a t-shirt about rainforests. Make a word search using rainforest words. Write a paragraph telling how your class could help save rainforests. List 3 ways your life would be different if you lived in a rainforest. Write a math word problem using amounts of rainfall in a rainforests. Draw and label a map of a country containing a rainforest. Make up a song about rainforests. Design a rainforest book cover. Write a letter to your parents about rainforests. Draw a pictures of rainforest layers and the animals that live in them. Click on the toucan to explore a rainforest. Then choose an activity below to complete in your journal. Click to visit the rainforest Open Journal

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