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Business Keyboarding Sanford Middle School Brainstorm Start by brainstorming  What’s the purpose? –Who’s the audience?

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Presentation on theme: "Business Keyboarding Sanford Middle School Brainstorm Start by brainstorming  What’s the purpose? –Who’s the audience?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Business Keyboarding Sanford Middle School

3 Brainstorm Start by brainstorming  What’s the purpose? –Who’s the audience?

4 Backgrounds  Use a background that fits your purpose and is easy for the audience to view.

5 Backgrounds  Use the same background throughout  Different backgrounds disrupt the flow

6 Backgrounds  Avoid Red or Brown  Hard to read the words

7 Fonts  Easy to read fonts  Arial  Comic Sans  Avoid hard to read fonts  Scripts  Haettenschweiler  Font size should be 18+  Small fonts are hard to read (14 point)  Titles may be fancy

8 Text  Limit italics and ALL CAPS  Use shades of yellow or white on a dark background  Spell check!  Typos and misspelled words can distract

9 Rule of Six  Avoid too much information  Six lines per slide  Six words per line  Can be flexible  Avoid complete sentences unless doing a story

10 Graphics  Choose appropriate graphics for task  Keeps the audience’s attention

11 Graphics  A slideshow with no graphics at all can be very boring…. but

12 Graphics  Don’t overcrowd the page with graphics  Too distracting

13 Animation  Use some animation  Adds interest  Don’t over animate  Avoid too many sounds  Avoid different effects on each slide

14 Animation  People quickly get tired of too much!

15 Transition  Adds interest  Changing slides  May be same throughout  May change with each slide

16 Presentation  Type of presentation  Oral  Written

17 Oral Presentation  Don’t read the slides word for word…very boring!  Slides should be an outline  Add extra details as you present

18 Oral Presentation  Make yourself a copy of the presentation  Face your audience – not the screen  Make eye contact  PRACTICE!

19 Written Presentation  Timing your slideshow (too much vs. too little)  Looping your slideshow

20 Good Luck!!!

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