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Lesson Planning & Misc. Tools Richard Hartshorne, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Educational Technology Skype: rhartsho49er

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Planning & Misc. Tools Richard Hartshorne, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Educational Technology Skype: rhartsho49er"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Planning & Misc. Tools Richard Hartshorne, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Educational Technology Skype: rhartsho49er E-mail: Phone: 407.823.1861

2 Agenda Media Design Collaborative Writing/Discussion Tools Wolfram Alpha Zotero Converting Files Blogging Your Lesson Plan – Your Task for Today Questions ?

3 Design Issues What are some poorly designed things in everyday life?

4 Design What are some things on the web that you do not like to see?

5 Questions to Ask? Who is the audience? What is the message I am trying to convey? What are my objectives? What types of actions to I want the audience to do? What materials are available to me? What are the limiting factors in the situation?

6 K-I-S-S Keep it simple. – Remember your first PowerPoint??? – “It” should enhance the site Map out your site. – Indicate all links, page names, relationships (hierarchy) – Sticky notes, Inspiration, Word – Storyboard pages

7 Navigation Issues All pages should be accessible from all other pages (unless otherwise warranted) Organization is key Audience will influence complexity Should be clear

8 BAD DESIGN ELEMENTS Small text. All caps, bold, italicized, or underlined text. Horizontal scrolling of any kind. Too much vertical scrolling Large type (looks childish). Obvious page headings. Big navigation buttons. Busy backgrounds. Animations (most).

9 GOOD DESIGN ELEMENTS Clean, clear design. Dramatic, but controlled, color. Moderate whitespace. Consistency, consistency, consistency

10 Consistency Spacing Colors Image size Hyperlink Styles Heading size and font stypes Text size and font styles Everything

11 Misc. Design Tips Use bold, underline, italics, or color to draw attention to items Draw a box around important concepts Use a line to separate elements Don’t overcrowd areas Manage colors and fonts Avoid Comic Sans font Avoid clip art (cartoony) Link to site names, not URLs. Have external links open in new windows

12 Collaborative Writing/Discussion Tools

13 Zoho Like Google Drive No Gmail needed More Functionality

14 Etherpad Open Source online collaborative editor Real-Time Must be downloaded All platforms Color-coded entries

15 Computational Knowledge Engine

16 Cloud-Based Bibliographic Tool

17 Converting Files

18 ZamZar File Conversion No Account Needed Sends to e-mail address All sorts of files A Quick Look

19 Convert.Files

20 You Convert It

21 Blogging

22 Tools

23 Tips Be unique Be brief, but thorough Have singular topic posts Use titles effectively Tag your posts Be positive If critical, offer solutions Write about your passion(s)

24 Tips, cont. Include images, media, audio, etc….when appropriate Use an attractive design Be accurate Encourage commentary Short sentences Write often

25 Let’s Create and Edit Some Blogs

26 Your Technology-Rich Lesson

27 Your Lesson Plan Lesson Plan – 2 days of activities (include objectives, as they will guide lesson) – Needs traditional and emerging technology – Student-centered (include what students will do) – Evaluation of learning? (rubric, checklist, etc.) Student Activities Page – Students could work alone – Provide step-by-step instructions – Provide resources Teacher Resource Page – 8-10 annotated resources – Additional tips

28 Your Approach Determine Topic Determine Instructional Ideas/Approach Determine Tools to Support Approach Create Lesson Plan page Create Student Activities Page Create Teacher Resource Page

29 Your Task for Today

30 Tasks for today Choose 1 emerging technology we’ve discussed and create a small product (i.e., 3 slide Google Slides presentation, brief PowerPoint and upload to SlideShare, etc.) to include in your lesson Choose 1 traditional technology we’ve discussed and create a small product (i.e., 3 slide Google Slides presentation, brief PowerPoint and upload to SlideShare, etc.) to include in your lesson Begin Finding/Collecting Resource for your Teacher Resources and Student Activities Pages.

31 Others/Thoughts/Questions???

32 Next Time Concept Mapping Other Misc. Tools More Work Time Bring Content and Ideas

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