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By Rene Wanke Period 4 Science. What we do to affect small mammals Humans: Farm (livestock and crops) Pollute Are over populated Kill predators Cut down.

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Presentation on theme: "By Rene Wanke Period 4 Science. What we do to affect small mammals Humans: Farm (livestock and crops) Pollute Are over populated Kill predators Cut down."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Rene Wanke Period 4 Science

2 What we do to affect small mammals Humans: Farm (livestock and crops) Pollute Are over populated Kill predators Cut down trees (deforestation) Cause global warming

3 Farming Livestock: We give predators of small mammals, such as the coyote, another food source. This could make the small mammal population increase because they won’t have as many predators. Crops: We are giving small mammals another food source. Their population would also increase because they would have a greater amount of food at certain times of the year.

4 Pollution We contaminate small mammal water sources Polluting with liquids, such as gasoline and other runoff, will get into their water source, such as a river. We also pollute our river with storm drains with soap, fertilizer, trash, dirt, rocks, ect. This will decrease their population. We ruin small mammal habitats With litter, we can destroy their habitats. Without a habitat, small mammals can’t survive.

5 Over populated We over crowd small mammals We occupy a lot of space. We sometimes live in the country, wilderness, and other small mammal territory. When we do this, push the animals out of their homes. This is why we see wild animals in town. This would most likely decrease their population because they won’t have suitable habitats. We also affect their food and water source because when we build, we destroy what is in our way.

6 Kill predators We kill some of small mammals predators. The coyote is one of many predators for small mammals. Most farmers kill coyotes because they eat their livestock and chickens. If too many are killed, it is possible that the small mammal population could increase. This is true with other predators as well.

7 Deforestation Destroying small mammal’s habitat When we cut down trees, we are destroying small mammal habitats. Squirrels and other small mammals live in trees and won’t be able to survive if there are no more trees. There will be a decrease in small mammal population. Getting rid of an important food source Trees produce nuts and cones, one food source to small mammals. When they are sparse, there will be a decrease in small mammal population.

8 Global Warming We cause global warming Warm weather is liked by small mammals, but global warming temperatures can change drastically and not at appropriate times(snow in June, warm through December). This can severely change the population of small mammals everywhere.

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