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Mrs. Kathleen Borja 7th Grade Language Arts/AVID.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Kathleen Borja 7th Grade Language Arts/AVID."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Kathleen Borja 7th Grade Language Arts/AVID

2 How you can help / Back up my academic expectations. / Back up my behavioral expectations. / Review the calendar and my website for updated information, links, etc. Contact me anytime you have a concern. (760) 290-2800, ext. 3704 Office Hours:9:00AM-3:00PM / Email address: / Back up my academic expectations. / Back up my behavioral expectations. / Review the calendar and my website for updated information, links, etc. Contact me anytime you have a concern. (760) 290-2800, ext. 3704 Office Hours:9:00AM-3:00PM / Email address:

3 Homework / Homework: This will be given three to four nights each week. Independent reading is an on-going, yearlong assignment and students should be reading at least 20 minutes a night(especially non-fiction text).There is strong correlation between high-test scores and comprehension levels. / Longer projects such Book Reports, Essays, etc. will have longer due dates / Absences = student’s responsibility / No late work accepted per school policy! / Homework: This will be given three to four nights each week. Independent reading is an on-going, yearlong assignment and students should be reading at least 20 minutes a night(especially non-fiction text).There is strong correlation between high-test scores and comprehension levels. / Longer projects such Book Reports, Essays, etc. will have longer due dates / Absences = student’s responsibility / No late work accepted per school policy!

4 Grading system / Grading scale Everyone begins with an “A” grade and is based upon points earned. / A = 90-100 / B = 80-89 / C = 70-79 / D = 60-69 / F= 59 & below / Updated grades posted online: WWW.MYGRADEBOOK.COM Click “students and parents login here” Click “single class login” Classword: period-borja-1112 Password: (student’s 6-digit I.D. #) / Grading scale Everyone begins with an “A” grade and is based upon points earned. / A = 90-100 / B = 80-89 / C = 70-79 / D = 60-69 / F= 59 & below / Updated grades posted online: WWW.MYGRADEBOOK.COM Click “students and parents login here” Click “single class login” Classword: period-borja-1112 Password: (student’s 6-digit I.D. #)

5 Curriculum/Daily Activities Editing/Writing Conventions and Grammar Exercises Academic Vocabulary Core novels/short fictional and nonfiction text Book reports/Semester book projects ( 1-2 project per trimester)*** Standardized Test Prep Speeches, Socratic Seminar, Debates,etc. Editing/Writing Conventions and Grammar Exercises Academic Vocabulary Core novels/short fictional and nonfiction text Book reports/Semester book projects ( 1-2 project per trimester)*** Standardized Test Prep Speeches, Socratic Seminar, Debates,etc.

6 More on Curriculum Writing( mini-lessons, daily journaling, essays, quick writes or timed writings) Use of Technology like Moodle, online classroom learning site, to encourage writing. This site is http://moodle- http://moodle- Students will use forums, chat, and other activities, etc. to receive instant feedback from teachers and peers. Writing( mini-lessons, daily journaling, essays, quick writes or timed writings) Use of Technology like Moodle, online classroom learning site, to encourage writing. This site is http://moodle- http://moodle- Students will use forums, chat, and other activities, etc. to receive instant feedback from teachers and peers.

7 Textbook/Core Novels / This year I’m piloting a new literature series from the publisher Glencoe. Students will have access to online text or will check out a hardcover book when needed. / For online access Visit / The passcode is #BADA9914AE / The core literature will be: / The Giver, Lois Lowery / Sign of the Chrysantheum by / Murder for her Majesty by / Retold British and American Classic Fiction / This year I’m piloting a new literature series from the publisher Glencoe. Students will have access to online text or will check out a hardcover book when needed. / For online access Visit / The passcode is #BADA9914AE / The core literature will be: / The Giver, Lois Lowery / Sign of the Chrysantheum by / Murder for her Majesty by / Retold British and American Classic Fiction

8 Suggested Items Bring Every Day: / Hallway Pass/ Eagle Flight Card / Three-ring binder with dividers (not a separate one for just this class) / 2 pencils,2 pens, highlighter / Lined, white notebook paper / Note cards / Single Subject spiral or compostion notebook for daily journaling. / Student planner,pocket size dictionary / Chapter book or novel / Hallway Pass/ Eagle Flight Card / Three-ring binder with dividers (not a separate one for just this class) / 2 pencils,2 pens, highlighter / Lined, white notebook paper / Note cards / Single Subject spiral or compostion notebook for daily journaling. / Student planner,pocket size dictionary / Chapter book or novel

9 * California Content Standards for Grade 7 Reading (1 st semester) / R1.1-R 1.3 Identify idioms, metaphors and similes in prose and poetry, use knowledge of Greek, Latin and Anglo-Saxon roots and affixes to understand content-area vocabulary, and clarify word meanings through use of context clues. / R2.1 Understand differences of purpose and structure between various types of informational text. / R2.2 Locate information by using a variety of consumer, workplace, and public documents.  R2.4 Identify and trace the development of an author ’ s argument, or point of view. / R2.5 Understand and explain the use of a simple mechanical device by following technical directions. / R2.6 Assess the adequacy of evidence to support claims, noting bias (editorials, speeches) / R1.1-R 1.3 Identify idioms, metaphors and similes in prose and poetry, use knowledge of Greek, Latin and Anglo-Saxon roots and affixes to understand content-area vocabulary, and clarify word meanings through use of context clues. / R2.1 Understand differences of purpose and structure between various types of informational text. / R2.2 Locate information by using a variety of consumer, workplace, and public documents.  R2.4 Identify and trace the development of an author ’ s argument, or point of view. / R2.5 Understand and explain the use of a simple mechanical device by following technical directions. / R2.6 Assess the adequacy of evidence to support claims, noting bias (editorials, speeches)

10 California Content Standards for Grade 7 Reading (2 nd semester)  R3.2 Identify the events that advance the plot of the story.  R3.3 Analyze characters through thoughts, words, speech patterns, actions, the narrator ’ s description, and other characters ’ words and actions.  R3.4 Identify and analyze recurring messages/themes.  R3.5 Contrast point of view in narratives and how it affects the theme.  R3.2 Identify the events that advance the plot of the story.  R3.3 Analyze characters through thoughts, words, speech patterns, actions, the narrator ’ s description, and other characters ’ words and actions.  R3.4 Identify and analyze recurring messages/themes.  R3.5 Contrast point of view in narratives and how it affects the theme.

11 * California Content Standards for Grade 7 Writing : / L 1.0 Demonstrate proficiency in using mechanics, parts of speech, and sentence structure. / L2.0 Deliver well-organized formal presentations / W1.0- Students will write clear, coherent, focused essays. The essays will have a set purpose, formal introductions, supporting evidence, and conclusions. / The STATE Writing Exam for all 7 th graders will be March 1st. The types of essays they must be prepared to write: / Personal narrative/Autobiographical Incident / Short story / Response to literature / Summary / Persuasive essay / Research report / Mini writing lessons on the 6traits to great writing! / L 1.0 Demonstrate proficiency in using mechanics, parts of speech, and sentence structure. / L2.0 Deliver well-organized formal presentations / W1.0- Students will write clear, coherent, focused essays. The essays will have a set purpose, formal introductions, supporting evidence, and conclusions. / The STATE Writing Exam for all 7 th graders will be March 1st. The types of essays they must be prepared to write: / Personal narrative/Autobiographical Incident / Short story / Response to literature / Summary / Persuasive essay / Research report / Mini writing lessons on the 6traits to great writing!

12 Behavior management plan Rules / Begin working on the “Bell Work Assignment” and record your homework once class begins. / Remain seated, and bring all materials every day. / Respect people and property. / Follow all San Elijo School rules. / Rewards / Raffle Prizes, No Homework Passes, Notes/Calls home / Individual privileges/Team Building Activities / Consequences / Warning, Behavior Log,Phone Call Home, Detention/Referral/Escort Rules / Begin working on the “Bell Work Assignment” and record your homework once class begins. / Remain seated, and bring all materials every day. / Respect people and property. / Follow all San Elijo School rules. / Rewards / Raffle Prizes, No Homework Passes, Notes/Calls home / Individual privileges/Team Building Activities / Consequences / Warning, Behavior Log,Phone Call Home, Detention/Referral/Escort

13 Homework Club/PRIDE Program / Pride will be offered the following days/times for Language Arts and Math only: Tuesdays/Thursdays AFTERSCHOOL from 2:15- 3:15pm or Wednesdays/Fridays MORNINGS from 7:15-7:55am. Students expected to bring homework and a novel to read if they finish early / Applications in counseling office / Pride will be offered the following days/times for Language Arts and Math only: Tuesdays/Thursdays AFTERSCHOOL from 2:15- 3:15pm or Wednesdays/Fridays MORNINGS from 7:15-7:55am. Students expected to bring homework and a novel to read if they finish early / Applications in counseling office

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