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Presentation on theme: " 1 Role of State Departments of Transportation in Transportation Demand Management (TDM) © 2006 ICF International. All rights reserved."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Role of State Departments of Transportation in Transportation Demand Management (TDM) © 2006 ICF International. All rights reserved. Kathleen Rooney 2010 SCOPT-MTAP Winter Meeting December 7, 2010 Savannah, GA

2 2 Overview Role of state DOTs in TDM –Project Objective –Research Activities –Survey Results –Case Study Results “Washington State’s DOT’s Leadership Role in TDM” Primer: Tools for Practitioners Questions & Answers

3 3 Research Objective 1.Examine TDM programs nationwide to identify examples of successful implementation and support of TDM programs by state DOTs. 2.Disseminate this information to practitioners as a primer for states to use to implement TDM programs.

4 4 What is TDM? Focuses on strategies to reduce congestion by: –Shifting demand to alternatives to single occupant vehicles, such as carpooling, vanpooling, transit, walking, bicycling, or telecommuting; –Shifting travel out of the peak period, such as through flexible schedules, compressed workweeks, or congestion pricing; or –Shifting travel to less congested facilities, such as through traveler information systems that warn motorists about delays.

5 5 Research Questions What is TDM and why should states be interested? What are some of the current national trends in state roles in TDM? What are some tools for practitioners?

6 6 Research Activities A nationwide survey In-depth case studies of five states: –California –Georgia –Massachusetts –New Jersey –Utah Primer on TDM based on research

7 7 Survey of states 42 states responded (82% response rate) 90% of respondents reported state role in TDM All respondents complete Section 1: Identifying the Role of the State in TDM If “yes,” respondents complete Section 2: Existing TDM Programs If “no,” respondents complete Section 3: Absence of TDM programs

8 8 Potential Roles of State DOTs Answer Options Percent Number of Respondents Enforce/support the implementation of localities' plans to reduce SOV travel? 26%11 Fund local organizations focused on TDM, such as local jurisdictions or TMAs/TMOs? 38%16 Fund/manage a statewide TDM approach? 21%9 Provide technical assistance to local TDM organizations? 36%15 Use TDM as part of its own activities, such as during construction projects? 43%18 All of the above? 21%9 None of the above? 7%3 Other? 17%7

9 9 Who has responsibility for TDM? Planning division or planning department at DOT (45 %) Public transportation division (18 %) Across multiple divisions (18 %)

10 10 TDM activities promoted Most common: (all reported by 33 or more states) –carpooling, –bicycling –promotion of transit use –vanpooling –walking Least common: (all reported by five or fewer states) –pay-as-you-drive insurance –parking pricing and management –congestion or road pricing

11 11 How much money is spent? 40% 5% 16% 8% 16% 11%

12 12 How many full-time equivalents (FTEs) work on TDM? Answer Options Response Percent 0-5 FTEs 39% 6-10 FTEs 3% 11-15 FTEs 5% 16-20 FTEs 0% More than 20 FTEs 8% Not known 21% N/A 24%

13 13 Case Studies Based on the survey results Explore the different ways that state DOTs could be involved in TDM activities. 3 5 1 2 4

14 14 Overview Purpose of the primer State DOT Roles Program/Approach Organization Implementation Tips

15 15 What are potential roles of the state? Administering TDM services Conducting marketing Funding investments in travel options Enforcing/providing technical assistance to meet regulations Integrating demand management into operations Integrating demand management into project planning and development Integrating TDM into internal business practices

16 16 Administering TDM Services

17 17 Conducting Marketing

18 18 Funding investments in travel options

19 19 Enforcing or providing technical assistance to meet regulations Traffic Mitigation Agreements Washington State DOT Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) Law

20 20 Integrating Demand Management into Operations

21 21 Integrating Demand Management into Project Planning and Development

22 22 Integrating TDM into Internal Business Practices

23 23 Centralized –Provides most TDM services statewide, with a high level of direct oversight or management from the state DOT. Decentralized –All TDM services are devolved to local government, meaning a lack of regulation/statewide standardization across TDM programs. Hybrid –The centralized approach is one tier of TDM activities and the regional and local programming is another. Program Approaches

24 24 What are some implementation tips?

25 25 Create a Strategic Level Plan

26 26 Match TDM Message to TDM Driver StateTDM Driver MassachusettsCongestion coupled with limited expansion ability. New JerseyCongestion in a high density state. GeorgiaCongestion and air quality with very little transit access. UtahFocus on congestion, air quality and energy reduction. CaliforniaCongestion attributed to non-work travel, as well as land use challenges in a large, diverse state with dramatically different transportation options.

27 27 Leverage Small Targeted Practices as First Steps

28 28 Start or Support a Vanpool Program

29 29 Leverage Value of Feet on the Street

30 30 Consolidate Ridematching

31 31 Establish a Department Level Protocol for Integrating TDM into Projects

32 32 Questions? Kathleen Rooney

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