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 In 1986, the California Legislature passed the Dispute Resolution Programs Act (DRPA) outlining the guidelines for the provision of alternative dispute.

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2  In 1986, the California Legislature passed the Dispute Resolution Programs Act (DRPA) outlining the guidelines for the provision of alternative dispute resolution services in California.  In 1991, Orange County adopted the DRPA act and awarded the 1 st dispute resolution contracts.  Contracted agencies included: Community Service Programs, Inc. Fair Housing Council of Orange County Institute for Conflict Management Orange County Human Relations Commission The Mediation Center

3  DRPA contracts required the contracted agencies to educate the community about mediation in different ways including through events like an annual conference.  As a result, the agencies formed a working group and chose Mediation week in March as the appropriate time to hold the conference.

4  The first conferences were on the Chapman University campus.  In the early days, mediation work was done in the community and with the various law enforcement departments. The early speakers reflected those communities.  Early conference speakers included: Mike Schumacher, Chief Probation Officer for Orange County Rusty Kennedy, Orange County Human Relations Commission Michael Niemeyer, Institute for Conflict Management

5  Over the years, other organizations joined in with the conference committee to expand the reach of the conference.  The conference moved into larger facilities and hotels.  Like many volunteer operations, the committee expanded and contracted, often having to hire outside conference planners.

6  In 1998, the conference provided a platform for change for mediation in Orange County.  Father Greg Boyle, gave a moving talk which raised the profile of mediation in the county by emphasizing the power of peacemaking processes in our communities.

7  Leaders in the community and then Presiding Judge Kathleen O’Leary worked together to introduce mediation into the Court.  The courts provided another opportunity for the role of the mediation conference to expand.

8  This expansion has included the participation of several bench officers at Mediation Week Conference events by: Former Presiding Judge Kathleen O’Leary Former Presiding Judge Nancy Wieben Stock Former Presiding Judge Kim G. Dunning Judge Jamoa Moberly, Former Chair - DRPA Mediation Panel Judge John Flynn, III, Chair - DRPA Mediation Panel Judge Kirk Nakamura, Chair – Civil Mediation Panel  The OC Superior Court continues to provide strong support to the role mediation plays in our courts throughout county.

9  The conferences have had various formats: Full-day, half-day and single seminar programs Creating opportunities for people to learn about mediation, network with others and get involved in the work of mediation.  Participants have included: Professionals in mediation practice (private, governmental and non-profit), lawyers, business professionals, DRPA volunteers, mental health professionals, educators, law enforcement and public entity professionals, human resource personnel and students.

10  For 20 years, experts in the various fields of mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) have presented outstanding workshops and seminars at our conferences.  Workshops presented have covered a broad range of practices in mediation and ADR including: Legal advocacy, business, employment, community, family law, small claims, limited and unlimited civil, government, health, real estate, school and youth Specific mediation skills building theories and techniques

11  A Collaborative Training Program for Legal, Business, Community and Education Professionals Keynote Speaker: Leigh Steinberg  This conference offered a concurrent Student (Youth) Mediation Conference An Overview of Previous Mediation Conferences

12  Multi Cultural Mediation Seminar Presenter: Jan Sunoo  Mediating Dangerously Keynote Speaker: Kenneth Cloke

13  Creating Peace in Our Communities Through Mediation (Cancelled) Keynote Speaker: Arun Ghandi  The Committee became concerned that people would not feel comfortable coming together during war time and that Arun Gandhi might be a target and have difficulty traveling to attend the conference.

14  Narrative Mediation Seminar Presenter: John Winslade  Global to Local Perspectives on Conflict Resolution Across Cultures Keynote Speaker: Stephen Thom

15  The Face of the OC Mediator Keynote Speaker: Presiding Judge Nancy Wieben Stock, OC Superior Court  Building Peace in Our Community Keynote Speaker: Woody Mosten

16  ADR in Orange County Keynote Speaker: Kenneth Cloke  Luncheon Speaker: Ivan Stevenson  OC Mediation Odyssey 2010 Keynote Speaker: Presiding Judge Kim G. Dunning, OC Superior Court Luncheon Speaker: Lee Jay Berman

17  Celebrating Mediation Week In the OC Keynote Speaker: Carrie J. Menkel-Meadow  Achieving Excellence: A Generation of Mediation Keynote Speaker: Doug Noll

18  The County of Orange has provided leadership and sponsorship support of the DRPA program administration from the formerly known Special Programs Division, now OCWIB.  Wonderful Conference host sponsors like: Chapman University, UCI and Coastline Community College  Multiple year partner organizations and previous sponsors like FMCS, OCDE, AAA, OC Bar-ADR, SCMA, etc.  Dedicated volunteer private and community mediators THANK YOU FOR 20 YEARS!

19  The March 16, 2012 Orange County Mediation Conference Committee Presents: Achieving Excellence: A Generation of Mediation

20 8:30- 9:00 Sign in, MCLE forms, Network, Breakfast 9:00 – 9:30 Welcome, Overview of Day Resolutions Board of Supervisors Thank you to: Advisory Board Members 9:30 – 10:30 Keynote: Doug Knoll 10:30 – 10:40 Break, snacks 10:40 – 11:55 First Round Breakout Workshops 11:55 – 1:00 Lunch Luncheon Speaker, Activity 1:00 – 1:10 Break 1:10 – 2:25 Second Round of Workshops 2:25 – 2:35 Break, Snacks 2:35 – 3:30 Third Round of Workshops 3:30- 4:00 Closing wrap up Morning Key Note Douglas Noll, Esq. Judge John Flynn, III

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