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The Axial Skeleton.

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1 The Axial Skeleton

2 Skeletal system includes both:
Axial skeleton Skull Auditory ossicles and hyoid bone Vertebral column Thoracic cage Appendicular skeleton Pectoral and pelvic girdles Upper and lower limbs

3 Figure 7.1b The Axial Skeleton

4 The skull Consists of the cranium and the bones of the face
The cranium encloses cranial cavity Facial bones surround and protect the entrances to the respiratory and digestive tracts

5 Facial bones Maxillary bones Mandible Palatine bones Nasal bones Vomer
Inferior nasal conchae Zygomatic bones Lacrimal bones Hyoid

6 Cranial Bones one occipital bone two temporal bones foramen magnum
two parietal bones one frontal bone frontal sinuses two temporal bones auditory ossicles one sphenoid one ethmoid

7 Figure 7.2 Cranial and Facial Subdivisions of the Skull

8 Superficial landmarks include the sutures
Lambdoid Coronal Sagittal Squamous

9 Figure 7.3 The Adult Skull Figure 7.3a, b

10 Figure 7.3 The Adult Skull – lateral view
Tympanic region of temporal bone Figure 7.3c

11 Paranasal Sinuses Hollow portions of bones surrounding the nasal cavity Functions of paranasal sinuses: Lighten the skull Give resonance and amplification to voice Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

12 Figure 7.12 The Mandible and Hyoid Bones
Figure 7.12a

13 The Hyoid Bone The only bone that does not articulate with another bone Serves as a moveable base for the tongue Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

14 Figure 7.3 The Adult Skull Figure 7.3d

15 Figure 7.11 The Bones of the Face

16 Figure 7.3 The Adult Skull Figure 7.3e

17 Figure 7.4 The Sectional Anatomy of the Skull
Lesser wing Greater wings Figure 7.4b

18 The Axial Skeleton

19 SECTION 7-3 The Vertebral Column

20 Vertebral column Vertebrae, sacrum, coccyx 7 cervical vertebrae
12 thoracic vertebrae 5 lumbar vertebrae Sacrum and coccyx are fused vertebrae

21 Spinal curvature Four spinal curves
Primary (accommodation) curves = thoracic and sacral Appear in fetal development / accommodate the thoracic and abdominal viscera Secondary (compensation) curves = lumbar and cervical Appear several month after birth / help shift weight from trunk to lower limbs

22 Figure 7.16 The Vertebral Column
Primary/acommodation curves Secondary,compensation curves Figure 7.16

23 Vertebral anatomy Typically has a body and vertebral arch
Superior and inferior articular processes Separated by intervertebral discs

24 Figure 7.18 Vertebral Anatomy

25 Structure of a Typical Vertebrae
Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings


27 Sacrum Protects reproductive, digestive and urinary organs
Articulates with pelvic girdle and fused elements of coccyx

28 Figure 7.22 The Sacrum and Coccyx

29 Thoracic cage Thoracic vertebrae Ribs Sternum
Ribs and sternum forms the rib cage

30 Figure 7.23 The Thoracic Cage
Figure 7.23a

31 Figure 7.23 The Thoracic Cage
Figure 7.23b

32 The ribs Ribs 1-7 are attached to vertebrae (“true ribs”)
8-12 are attached to the cartilage of the 7th rib (“false ribs”) 11-12 are floating ribs

33 Typical rib Has a head, neck, tubercle and a body
Costal groove marks pathway of blood returning to the heart


35 The Sternum consists of
Manubrium Body Xiphoid process

36 Figure 7.23 The Thoracic Cage

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