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Susan Banner Inouye Kapi‘olani Community College Honolulu, HI AAEEBL Boston July 26, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Susan Banner Inouye Kapi‘olani Community College Honolulu, HI AAEEBL Boston July 26, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Susan Banner Inouye Kapi‘olani Community College Honolulu, HI AAEEBL Boston July 26, 2011

2 Engaged in Education  Faculty (teaching & non-teaching) work with coordinator to design customized professional development plan  Faculty carry out EE plan supported by an electronic portfolio, designed by Ikayzo of Honolulu.  Faculty use the ePortfolio matrix to upload artifacts and reflect on different areas of professional activity ranging from Student Success to Personal Wellness.  Blogging and social tagging feature enhances the social reflection aspect of the ePortfolio..

3  Overview of Engaged in Education Program  Overview of Features of ePortfolio  Matrix, reflection, tagging, blogging, showcase  Some research results (for EE, not yet for ePort)  A chance to be an EEP

4  Customized professional development program  Participants: teaching faculty, counselors, coordinators, learning support  EEPs design their own PD plan thru a supportive process (interview & 1-on-1 coaching)  Ongoing support by EE coordinator and ePortfolio

5  Innovations  Technology  Collaborations  Culture  Student Success  Pedagogy & Theory  Workshops/Conference s  Practitioner Research  Lifelong Learner  Assessment  Personal Wellness  Community Engagement  Work in Field

6 Sample EE Plan: Harold (fictitious EEP, real plan)



9  “Social construction of knowledge is also an important tenet of portfolios.  “…learners must engage in reflective discussion of shared experiences from multiple perspectives if they are to convert information into knowledge and master the collaborative creation of meaning and purposes” (Dede, 2000, cited in Cambridge, B. 2001.)  Quintessential form of social reflection: blogging  Distilled form of social reflection: tagging

10  Matrix  Taggability of artifacts, reflections, blog entries  Blog  Showcase




14 Tags in a Drop-Down Menu  primary responsibilities  student needs  discipline  leadership  professional development  self-development  professional philosophy  assessment  student success  counseling theory  pedagogy  institutional service  professional service  community service  curricular innovation  teaching equivalencies  peer evaluation  technology  wellness  Research  culture  collaboration  management  mentoring


16  2005-2008: older SAKAI version in use  Kapi‘olani joins Cohort V of INCEPR (for Engaged in Education ePortfolio)  2008-2010: negotiations for new SAKAI version ongoing  Spring 2010 - vendor dropped for internal & external reasons  June 2010 - new bidding process (dictated by the being a state institution)  July 2011 - new vendor selected: Ikayzo of Honolulu  Fall 2010 - development conversations with vendor  May 2011 – partial beta launch – still not live  December 2011 – complete launch???  Piloting this version: EE, STEM, Culinary, FYE, Deaf Ed, Outcomes Assessment (ACCJC Self Study due Sept. 2010)

17  Through participation in INCEPR-Cohort V  Through continued refinement of Engaged in Education program  Through learning from ePortfolio community of practice  Waiting for ePortfolio launch

18  1) What is the impact of the Engaged in Education program and its ePortfolio on the engagement of faculty?  2) What is the impact on participants’ students (or equivalent)?

19  impact of EE on Faculty: FaCES Survey in pretest and posttest  impact on students (or equiv): mini CCSSE (Cohort I: La Guardia) SALG (Student Assessment of Learning Gains)  impact of ePortfolio on faculty: formative questionnaire & cataloging of ePortfolio usage (Cohort IV: U. of Cumbria)  impact of dissemination: focus groups with EE instructors using ePortfolios in their classroom

20  Faculty Confidence & Engagement Survey  Modeled after CCSSE & NSSE  Will be administered as a pre- and post-test for EEPs  Here are some results of our pilot run:

21 EEP’s Perform Better than Group in Professional Development My assessment strategies lead to improvement in my professional work. I am able to develop strategies for my own professional advancement. EEP’s Perform Worse than Group in Balance I am realizing my potential as a scholar in my discipline. I can balance my personal and professional life.

22  Fill in an artifact in at least three of the categories  On Flip side, choose one to write a brief reflection about using this format: What (what did you do, make, etc.) So What (how does this connect with your PD goals?) Now What (What’s next in achieving this goal, or….)  What are some tags you might attach to your artifact or reflection?  Share with a partner. Do your tags mesh with your partner’s tags?

23  Looking forward to launch of real eportfolio at the end of the year  Next AAEEBL? Real data?

24  Cambridge, Barbara, “Electronic Portfolios as Knowledge Builders”, Electronic Portfolios: Emerging Practices in Student, Faculty, and Institutional Learning. Ed/ Barbara Cambridge. Stylus: Sterling, VA, 2001.  Martin-Kniep, Giselle, Capturing Wisdom of Practice: professional portfolios for educators, ASCD: Alexandria, VA, 1999.  Yancey, Kathleen, “Reflection and Electronic Portfolios: Inventing the Self and Reinventing the University”, Electronic Portfolios 2.0: Emergent Research on Implementation and Impact Eds. Darren Cambridge, Barbara Cambridge, & Kathleen Yancey. Stylus: Sterling, VA, 2009.

25  Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs  Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching & Technology  Cohort V-KapCC Team members: Leigh Dooley, Bob Franco, Mary Hattori, Yao Hill, Krista Hiser, Susan Inouye, Judith Kirkpatrick, Kristine Korey- Smith, Louise Pagotto, Sally Pestana  Cohort V Members: Virginia Tech, U Akron, U Cinncinati, U Denver, U Oregon I/NCEPR Directors: Barbara Cambridge, Darren Cambridge, Kathleen Blake Yancey

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