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A Y EAR OF P ROGRESS The work reported herein was supported under the College and Career Transitions Initiative (V051B020001) as administered by the Office.

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Presentation on theme: "A Y EAR OF P ROGRESS The work reported herein was supported under the College and Career Transitions Initiative (V051B020001) as administered by the Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Y EAR OF P ROGRESS The work reported herein was supported under the College and Career Transitions Initiative (V051B020001) as administered by the Office of Vocational and Adult Education, U.S. Department of Education. However, the contents do not necessarily represent the positions or policies of the Office of Vocational and Adult Education or the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.

2 Presenters Kathleen Beauman Anne Arundel Community College Ron Kindell Sinclair Community College Linda Miller Corning Community College Jean Petty Assistant CCTI Project Director

3 College and Career Transitions Initiative (CCTI) Cooperative Agreement between U.S. Department of Education, Office of Vocational and Adult Education and The League for Innovation in the Community College Consortium

4 Purpose of CCTI CCTI will contribute to strengthening the role of community and technical colleges in - Easing student transitions between secondary and postsecondary education as well as transitions to employment, and Improving academic performance at both the secondary and postsecondary levels.

5 CCTI anticipated outcomes Decreased need for remediation at postsecondary level Increased enrollment and persistence in postsecondary education Increased academic and skill achievement at secondary and postsecondary levels

6 CCTI anticipated outcomes Increased attainment of postsecondary degrees, certificates, or other recognized credentials Increased entry into employment or further education

7 Local Partnerships Community College led Secondary Schools Employers Many also include state education agencies, 4-year colleges and universities, and other significant organizations. - The Key to Our Success

8 CCTI Site Partnerships 1- Miami-Dade Community College 6- Corning Community College 11- St. Louis Community College 2- Northern Virginia Community College 7- Maricopa Community College 12- Lehigh Carbon Community College 3- Ivy Tech State College 8- Anne Arundel Community College 13- San Diego Community College District 4- Central Piedmont Community College 9- Lorain County Community College 14- Prince George’s Community College 5- Southwestern Oregon Community College 10- Sinclair Community College 15- Fox Valley Technical College 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 14 9 10 11 12 13 15 1-Miami Dade College 6-Corning Com. College11-St. Louis Com. College 2-Northern Virginia Com. College 7-Maricopa Com. Colleges12-Lehigh Carbon Com. College 3-Ivy Tech State College 8-Anne Arundel Com. College13-San Diego Com. College Dist. 4-Central Piedmont Com. College 9-Lorain County Com. College14-Prince George’s Com. College 5-SW Oregon Com. College10-Sinclair Com. College15-Fox Valley Technical College


10 Transitions – Why Critical Today For most Americans, education and training through and beyond high school is now a necessary condition (not just the most advantageous or desirable route) for developing skills required by most well-paying jobs.

11 65% of the fastest growing occupations require some postsecondary education or training. By 2010, 42% of all U.S. jobs will require a vocational certificate, associate degree, bachelor’s degree or higher. Bureau of Labor Statistics

12 National Statistics on High School Students For every 100 students who enter the 9 th grade: 21 do not graduate 79 graduate from high school 50 enter college within 2 years 49 complete some college 21 receive at least a baccalaureate degree

13 Moreover, Only 32% of all students in public high school leave high school prepared to attend college.* * The Manhatten Institute

14 The Education Gap The rates of high school graduation, college enrollment, postsecondary remediation, and completion vary significantly by race or ethnicity.

15 AchievementWhiteBlackHispanic Graduate from High School 93%82%63% Enroll in College 48%44%35% Leave Prior to Award 44%61%62% Achieve BA/BS Degree 33%18%11%

16 Why is this important? Because minorities are the fastest growing source of workers for the U.S. economy.

17 Yet, as the data shows: Black and Hispanic students are: Less likely to graduate from high school Less likely to enroll in college Less likely to complete a degree Less likely to be prepared for the economy of the 21 st century

18 Percent of students who take remedial courses 63% at two-year institutions 40% at four-year institutions The Bridge Project Stanford University

19 Old Paradigm School Work Retirement

20 New Paradigm Learning Swirl Schooling Education Job Training New Employer Update Skills New Certification Re-entry Training Higher Degree New Career

21 Learning Swirl People in and out of education/ training all of their lives 5-7 Careers in lifetime Numerous employers Will require collaboration and partnerships to meet demand

22 Bottom Line … Improving Transitions is a Critical Activity Because …

23 We compete in a global economy …

24 “The United States has benefited from its size and the flexibility of its labor markets. But it cannot remain a first-rate economic power with scores and graduation rates that lag behind those of other countries.” Standards for What? Carnevale and Desrochers

25 “Education is the best bet to help us maintain our competitive edge.” Standards for What? Carnevale and Desrochers

26 CCTI Products Virtual Reader Inventory of Current Practices Career Pathways Toolkit Data Collection


28 Career Pathways Template

29 Anne Arundel Community College Career Pathways Template

30 The Key To Our Success

31 College and Career Transitions Initiative (CCTI) EDUCATION AND TRAINING Kathleen M. Beauman Director, Business Education Partnerships Arnold, Maryland

32 Who We Are Arnold

33 Arnold Glen Burnie Town Center Arundel Mills During FY 2005, the college served 56,402 credit and non- credit students 20,920 credit students 35,482 non-credit students

34 75,000 students 120 schools 5,000 teachers 33.2% of high school graduates enroll at AACC

35 College and Career Transitions Initiative (CCTI) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Linda L. Miller Tech Prep Coordinator/CCTI Project Director Corning, New York

36 Who & Where are we? Corning Community College Consortium covers….. Chemung, Schuyler and Steuben Counties (1200 sq.mi.) -base of the beautiful Finger Lakes Region 12 school districts = 14 high schools (population range: 150-1500) 2 BOCES (Career & Technical Education Centers) 2 Community Colleges Business, Labor, Workforce Development, Community organizations

37 SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING AND MATH A College and Career Transitions Initiative of In collaboration with League for Innovation in the Community College and Miami Valley Tech Prep Consortium Ron Kindell, Project Coordinator

38 Sinclair Community College Ohio’s oldest community college 24,000 credit seeking students, Fall, 05 7 academic divisions lowest tuition in Ohio Vanguard College of the League for Innovation

39 MVTPC Organized in 1992 One of 26 Ohio consortia 10 pathways Allied Health Automotive Technologies Biotechnology Business Technologies Criminal Science Digital Design Technologies Exercise Science Engineering Technologies Environmental Technologies Information Technologies 04-05 total pathway enrollment of 3100+

40 Federal Context Close the achievement gap. Create meaningful educational options that help students with diverse backgrounds and needs reach uniformly high standards. Ensure that students attain these high standards at each level of their education careers. The College and Career Transitions Initiative is designed to support the principles established in the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001, by investing in strategies to:

41 CCTI Vision A coherent sequence of academically rigorous coursework that prepares students for fulfillment of state standards and for more advanced coursework in their occupational area of interest. A coherent sequence of rigorous technical skill coursework for the 11 th and 12 th grades that culminates in dual/concurrent enrollment credit.

42 CCTI Site Team Organization

43 OUTCOME #1 Reducing the need for remediation of students entering postsecondary education

44 Guidance Workteam AACPS high school guidance counselors, AACC student services personnel and secondary faculty Transitional barriers discussed and strategies developed and implemented

45 Parent Night 5:00 P.M.Dinner 6:00 P.M.CCTI Presentation Kathleen M. Beauman, Director Business Education Partnerships Dr. Andrew L. Meyer Vice President for Learning Colleen Eisenbeiser, Director TEACH Institute Lois Burton, Director Academic Support Center AGENDA October 12, 2005

46 Analysis of Academic Levels of Students in the Academy of Teaching Professions vs. Academic Levels for Incoming College Students Reading & English Tests – Percentage of Placements 33.3 66.6 28.5 71.5 0 100 57.8 42.2 0 20 40 60 80 100 10-AOT11-AOT12-AOT12- General Students Needs AssistanceOn Target/College Ready

47 Analysis of Academic Levels of Students in the Academy of Teaching Professions vs. Academic Levels for Incoming College Students Math Tests - Percentage of Placements 33 67 66 34 81 19 94.9 5.4 0 20 40 60 80 100 10-AOT11-AOT12-AOT12-General Students Needs Assistance On Target/College Ready

48 Outcome #1 Administration of ACCUPLACER to 10 th and 11 th grade students planned for this year in conjunction with the national Bridge Partnership Program ACCUPLACER results will be used by each high school to provide Academic Intervention Services (AIS) as needed in accordance with the NYS Education Department mandate.

49 Outcome #1 TALK TIME, a series of open forum opportunities, links secondary and postsecondary faculty, counselors, and administrators in direct conversation and discussion. Each TALK TIME session is designed by discipline to enhance relationships, ideas, and initiatives.

50 Outcome #1 and Strategy Strategy: Redesigned engineering technologies pathway and articulation agreement. Piloted dual credit math option. Piloted computer- assisted remediation.Outcome: Reducing the need for remediation of students entering post-secondary education.

51 Developmental Math at Sinclair, 03-04 Group Total Enrollment Total Developmental Percent Developmental Young, Non- Tech Prep 3,7781,45438% Young, Tech Prep 83115819% CCTI Pilot #1 CCTI Pilot #2 12 13 1010 8% 0%

52 OUTCOME #2 Increasing enrollment and persistence in postsecondary education

53 Staffing Strategies TEACH Institute faculty & staff Full-time AACC Recruitment/ Advisement Coordinator Part-time AACPS Teacher to support Academies of Teaching Professions

54 Outreach Activities 51 visits to high school classes reaching 1,130 students 6 Career Connections events in local high schools Early Childhood Career Day at AACC Local high school team meetings

55 AAT and Early Childhood Development Enrollment Program Fall 02 Fall 03 Fall 04 Fall 05 %# Associate of Arts in Teaching (AAT) 157310369434176%277 Early Childhood Education10911612713221%23 AAT & Early Childhood Education Total266426495566113%300

56 Outcome #2 Student Handbook – designed as a student “organizer” that tethers the student to program requirements, expectations, and information. Student “E-BOARD” – electronic bulletin board with monthly information for Tech Prep/CCTI students. Student Events- gatherings, featured information, various activities to promote connections and linkages.

57 Outcome #2 FYE- First Year Experience Course- student success course at CCC. Implementation planned for high schools in 2006. Individual Career Plan (ICP) Development – Counselors are the key to Career Pathway success! HSSSE/CCSSE – Student Engagement Surveys for high school and college

58 Outcome #2 and Strategy Strategy: Focused professional development. On-campus recruitment. On-campus orientation and motivation. Targeted post-secondary counseling/support services. Early orientation and outreach (middle school). Investigate worksite-based learning options.Outcome: Increasing enrollment and persistence in post-secondary education.

59 OUTCOME #3 Improving academic and skill achievement at secondary and postsecondary levels

60 Improving Academic Skills Instructional Workteams: AACPS Academy of Teaching Professions teachers and AACC Education faculty Increased from 4 to 9 high schools Professional Development

61 Development of Program Pathway Templates Career Clusters-Human Services Early Childhood Education Academy of Teaching Professions

62 Early Childhood Education AACC Challenge Exam Early Childhood AAT Early Childhood Education Work 4-year College or University

63 Academy of Teaching Professions AAT Early Childhood Development Special Ed Support 4-year College or University Teaching Paraprofessional

64 AACC University Consortium College of Notre Dame of Maryland Baccalaureate program Graduate program McDaniel College Graduate program Certification University of Maryland, University College 2+2+1

65 Outcome #3 Certificates of Completion are awarded to Tech Prep/CCTI students upon successful completion of high school portion of their Pathway. Work Based Learning experiences are insured for all Tech Prep/CCTI registered students.

66 Outcome #3 Women Exploring Technology – High school girls are introduced to technology-based programs while learning about real-world career opportunities from professional women in non-traditional positions.

67 Outcome #3 Math-Science-Technology Pipeline Initiative- regional effort of coordination, led by Corning Inc., to emphasize M-S-T in Career Pathways. “Classroom to Company” – Transforming the classroom setting, structure, and process into a business or “company” environment immerses students in a unique learning opportunity.

68 Outcome #3 and Strategy Strategy: Expand/improve instructional methodologies and communication among secondary and post- secondary technical and academic faculty. Early/pre-college assessment.Outcome: Improving academic and skill achievement at secondary and post- secondary levels.

69 OUTCOME #4 Increasing the number of postsecondary degrees, certificates, and licensures

70 New Course Delivery Method Created hybrid on-line classes Introduction to Special Education Educational Psychology Required for both AAT and career changers Combination of on-line (2/3) and face- to-face (1/3) Maintain student teacher relationship/ Modeling of good teaching practices

71 Outcome #4 “Common First Year Curriculum”- developed (and soon to be implemented) for all Information Technology Programs at CCC. Designed to enhance the flexibility, choices, and opportunities for students in Career Pathways.

72 Outcome #4 Sequential certificates that enhance multiple exit points are under development in several Career Pathways. Statewide articulations and data-tracking system efforts are relentless!

73 Outcome #4 and Strategy Strategy: Maximize post-secondary dual enrollment options (2+2+2). Maximize financial aid and other college transitions services. Investigate teacher licensure options for engineering technologies graduates considering teaching careers.Outcome: Increasing the number of post- secondary degrees, certificates and licensures.

74 OUTCOME #5 Improving entry into employment and/or further education

75 New Program Initiative AAT Expansion  Early Childhood Education degree 2004-2005  Secondary Education degree fall 2005 in the following critical shortage areas: - Chemistry - Math - Spanish Paraprofessional Certificate Special Education Support Certificate

76 Accelerated Cohort Format AACPS Teaching Assistants seeking an AAT Began May 2003 with 12-15 students Accelerated model developed  School year – 2 nights/week for 3 hours  Summer – 4 days/week for 6-7 hours/day Full-time workers earn an AAT degree (64 credits) in 3 ½ years

77 Outcome #5 Tech Prep/CCTI Pathway alignment with New York State Career and Technical Education (CTE) Endorsement process. Regional Advisory Boards- linking secondary and postsecondary, for each career program.

78 Outcome #5 and Strategy Strategy: Expand co-op opportunities. Promote dual admissions options (2+2+2). Distribute employment forecast information.Outcome: Improving entry into employment and/or further education.

79 Keys to Successful Partnerships Establish a project leader that is clearly identified and visible Commit to the process Develop well defined and established partnerships Recognize your partners strengths, weaknesses and culture

80 Keys to Successful Partnerships Institute an Advisory team that offers variety as well as depth Communicate! Communicate! Remember that the principles of CCTI can work for schools and communities of all sizes

81 Contact Information: Kathleen M. Beauman Director, Business Education Partnerships (T) 410.777.2777 (F) 410.777.7266

82 Contact Information: Linda Miller Tech Prep Coordinator/ CCTI Project Director 607-962-9278 607-962-9113 (fax) Thank you !

83 For More Information Contact us at 937-512-2406 Via email at Or visit the Miami Valley Tech Prep Consortium website at

84 Contact Information: Jean Petty Assistant Project Director College and Career Transitions Initiative (CCTI) 661-589-2188 -or- 661-342-3840

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