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Professional Development for Technology Integration Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "Professional Development for Technology Integration Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professional Development for Technology Integration Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference 2001

2 Dick Dumais technology coordinator classroom teacher Kathleen Hill curriculum coordinator teaching principal classroom teacher

3 Limited use of technology tools Limited student use Limit integration Limited need for computers Limited budget Based on The Fifth Discipline, Peter Senge

4 Levels of Technology Implementation (LoTi)

5 LoTi Breakdown Level 0: Non-Use Level 1: Awareness Level 2: Exploration Level 3: Infusion Level 4a: Integration (Mechanical) Level 4b: Integration (Routine) Level 5: Expansion Level 6: Refinement LoTi Web Site:

6 Reluctant Technology Users We have evidence (Becker, 1999) that as many as seventy per cent of the teachers in American schools fall into the "reluctant" or "late adopter" categories when it comes to computers and other new technologies. Jamie McKenzie

7 The most effective staff development programs offer a variety of opportunities to match the learning styles, preferences and developmental levels of staff members. Jamie McKenzie

8 Models One-One training Workshops –Outcome-Based –New technology Generation www.Y

9 One-One Training E-mail Web page development I-Book cart set up Applications Digital camera Software

10 Workshops NHSTE Super Thursdays In house: –specific software –Webquest ( –Vernier probes –Weekly drop-in workshops Using the network Application software Peripheral devices

11 The WebQuest Page

12 Workshops MacKenzie refers to the format as “teflon learning” short workshops brief instruction longer periods of time for teachers to explore

13 Gen Y Classroom web sites Lesson plans How-to manuals Instructional assistance

14 GenY

15 Technology is connected to: essential questions district and state standards course outlines goals and objectives

16 Classroom tools Increased student use Increased integration Teachers asking for new computers Support for technology in school district budget. Professional Development Based on The Fifth Discipline, Peter Senge

17 Future Plans Peer coaching Unit development Study groups

18 Professional Development for Technology Integration Dick Dumais Inter-Lakes High School 1 Laker Lane Meredith, NH 03253 ddumais@inter- Kathleen Hill Inter-Lakes S. D. 103 Main Street Meredith, NH 03253 khill@inter-

19 Copies of this presentation may be found at: Click on the version you would like to use.

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