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 Over the past 40 years, the prison population doubled.  U.S. 5% of the world’s population and 25% of the world’s prisoners.  As mass incarceration.

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Presentation on theme: " Over the past 40 years, the prison population doubled.  U.S. 5% of the world’s population and 25% of the world’s prisoners.  As mass incarceration."— Presentation transcript:


2  Over the past 40 years, the prison population doubled.  U.S. 5% of the world’s population and 25% of the world’s prisoners.  As mass incarceration escalated, so did the disproportionate rate of African American and Latina prisoners.  This is a reflection of socio-political factors unrelated to crime.  Fellner, 2009

3  Prisons are the largest institution for people with mental illness.  Among State prison populations:  Bipolar disorders are 24 times higher  Psychotic disorders are 5 times higher  During the natural course of substance abuse addiction, bipolar disorders and psychotic disorders, people get arrested.  33% of all IV Drug users will go through the criminal justice system.  HIV-AIDS is 3 times higher  Rich, Wakeman & Dickman, 2011

4  Children of incarcerated parents need help to improve resilience:  social and emotional skills  healthy behaviors  problem solving strategies  Avoid  Violence.  Substance abuse.  High risk sex behaviors.

5  Do not have opportunities to develop skills  Experience profound sense of loss  Confusion,  Abandonment,  Insecurity.  Shame and Guilt  Decline in quality of life  Role Stress: New roles in reconstructed families  Conflicted fidelity to parents  Boss, 2006; De Masi & Bohn, 2010

6  Bandura’s Social Cognitive Learning Theory  Bowlby’s Attachment Theory  Peplau’s Interpersonal Relationship Theory  Erikson, Tomlin & Swain’s Modeling and Role Modeling Theory  Positive Psychology

7 Interventions Lead to Self- Care Stages of Relationship 5 Rights of UM Modeling Embrace Worldview of Client “Client Centered Care” Intervention Helping Role Self- Awareness Peplau Helping Roles Erickson Role Modeling Peplau Stage

8 Positive Relationship between Risk and Poor Psychological Outcomes   Risk Poor Outcome Protective Factors have opposite Effect Increase Protective Factors Decrease Psychological Disorders


10  Grew out of the positive psychology movement; Seligman countered the medical model of pathology and diagnosis.  Virtues are of equal importance.  Cooperrider and Srivastva theorists  Within all human systems there is an untapped core of positive energy.  Strength-based approach to transforming human systems

11  Appreciative Leadership defined  ‘The relational capacity to mobilize creative potential and turn it into positive power – to set in motion positive ripples of confidence, energy, enthusiasm, and performance – to make a positive difference in the world.’  Whitney & Trosten-Bloom, 2010

12  1. They are willing to engage with other members of their organization or community to create a better way of doing business or living.  2. They are willing to learn and to change.  3. They truly believe in the power of the positive.  4. They care about people, often describing the work of their organization or business in terms of helping people learn, grow and develop.  Whitney & Trosten-Bloom, 2010

13  1) It is relational;  (2) It is positive;  (3) It is about turning potential into positive power; and  (4) It has positive rippling effects.  A clear movement away from the habitual, traditional and individualistic command and control practices of leadership toward a new normal: the positive, socially generative principles, strategies and practices of Appreciative Leadership.


15 Phase I Sample Interview Data Data Analysis, Concepts & Construct Mapping Phase II 2 Retreats AI Topic Discovery Dream Design Phase III Implementing the Action Plan Phase IV Destiny Phase Evaluation, Conclusions & Implications Research Procedures

16 POTENTIAL Family Focused Care FHPAST Vocation Academic Plans Positive Role Model Time & Privacy Increase Contact

17  Nursing Practice: Use mentoring  With other vulnerable populations  In public health initiatives for high-risk behaviors  To promote access to silent populations Nursing Education: Use Peplau & Erickson et al.  RN to BS students work with vulnerable groups  Students work with high risk populations  Innovative research designs Nursing Research  AI facilitates leadership roles (IOM)

18 Qualitative  Grounded Theory  Phenomenology Quantitative  Development & psychometric testing of FHPAST for younger children. Study Changes in responses over time  Measurement of resilience; adaptive coping skills post intervention.  Measurement of impact of nurse-mentoring on development of social and emotional skills

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