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EUC RESERVATIONS OFFICE WHO ARE WE? Linda K. Alexander, Manager - Rachelle Walsh, Reservationist Javiette Grant, Student Co-Manager - Rakis Wilds Bailey,

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Presentation on theme: "EUC RESERVATIONS OFFICE WHO ARE WE? Linda K. Alexander, Manager - Rachelle Walsh, Reservationist Javiette Grant, Student Co-Manager - Rakis Wilds Bailey,"— Presentation transcript:

1 EUC RESERVATIONS OFFICE WHO ARE WE? Linda K. Alexander, Manager - Rachelle Walsh, Reservationist Javiette Grant, Student Co-Manager - Rakis Wilds Bailey, Student Co-Manager ELLIOTT UNIVERSITY CENTER STAFF William Parrish Kathleen McGirty Andrew Sharpe Yvonne Lindsay

2 WHAT DO WE DO? The Reservations Office is responsible for coordination of meeting and lounge space in the EUC, and several outdoor spaces: – Kaplan Commons (EUC West Lawn) Southwest Corner Kaplan Commons) – Taylor Garden – College Ave. Lawn – Jackson Library Lawn – Moran Commons (The Fountain) – Stone Lawn – Foust Park – Lee Street Plaza

3 HOW TO RESERVE A ROOM Use vEMS to request space – Each student group is allowed up to two users Account form to be completed and signed by president and advisor each time there is a change in authorized users – Space will be “on hold” until event contract is completed – Appointment may be needed to discuss details of events


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