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M. D'Amato, M. Mennea, L.Silvestris INFN-Bari CMS Data Model 9-11 Aprile 2001, Catania I Workshop INFN Grid CMS DATA MODEL M. D’Amato, M. Mennea, L. Silvestris.

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Presentation on theme: "M. D'Amato, M. Mennea, L.Silvestris INFN-Bari CMS Data Model 9-11 Aprile 2001, Catania I Workshop INFN Grid CMS DATA MODEL M. D’Amato, M. Mennea, L. Silvestris."— Presentation transcript:

1 M. D'Amato, M. Mennea, L.Silvestris INFN-Bari CMS Data Model 9-11 Aprile 2001, Catania I Workshop INFN Grid CMS DATA MODEL M. D’Amato, M. Mennea, L. Silvestris INFN-Bari CMS DATA MODEL M. D’Amato, M. Mennea, L. Silvestris INFN-Bari

2 9-11 Aprile 2001, Catania I Workshop INFN-Grid M. D'Amato, M. Mennea, L.Silvestris INFN-Bari CMS Data Model 2 A Persistent Object Model A persistent object model presents two aspects :  logical model : describe persistent capable classes, their relationships and the corresponding navigation paths which a user has to follow to obtain a service  physical model: describe the localisation of the various objects on the storage media (disk or tape)

3 9-11 Aprile 2001, Catania I Workshop INFN-Grid M. D'Amato, M. Mennea, L.Silvestris INFN-Bari CMS Data Model 3 CMS Reconstruction Model Detector Element Raw Data Sim Hits Rec Hits Digis Conditions Geometry Event Algorithm Rec Objs Algorithm Rec Objs Algorithm Rec Objs Algorithm

4 9-11 Aprile 2001, Catania I Workshop INFN-Grid M. D'Amato, M. Mennea, L.Silvestris INFN-Bari CMS Data Model 4 Generic HEP Data Model Event Collection CollectionData Event Electrons Electrons Tracker Alignment Tracks Tracks Ecal calibration Ecal calibration User Tag (N-tuple) Environmental data u Detector and Accelerator status u Calibrations, Alignments Event-Collection Data (luminosity, selection criteria, …) … Event Data, User Data Navigation is essential for an effective physics analysis

5 9-11 Aprile 2001, Catania I Workshop INFN-Grid M. D'Amato, M. Mennea, L.Silvestris INFN-Bari CMS Data Model 5 CMS Persistent Data Model Three major types of stored information require to be made persistent:  Event Data : data associated to a given “triggered beam crossing” (i.e Raw- Data/ Digi, Sim-Hits, Rec-Data … etc)  Environmental Data : data describing the state of the environment (i.e., LHC accelator information, Slow control, detector calibration and alignment, Detector Geometry etc) at the time the Event data were produced.;  Meta-Data : data describing other data (i.e., event catalog and statistics.)

6 9-11 Aprile 2001, Catania I Workshop INFN-Grid M. D'Amato, M. Mennea, L.Silvestris INFN-Bari CMS Data Model 6 CMS Event Data Model (Logical View)

7 9-11 Aprile 2001, Catania I Workshop INFN-Grid M. D'Amato, M. Mennea, L.Silvestris INFN-Bari CMS Data Model 7 RecEvent CMS Event Data Model (Logical Model) RawEvent Event Collection Run Event Collection In case of re-reconstruction the original structure is kept. Event objects are cloned and new collections created Persistent Transient

8 9-11 Aprile 2001, Catania I Workshop INFN-Grid M. D'Amato, M. Mennea, L.Silvestris INFN-Bari CMS Data Model 8 CMS RawData CMS Event Data RawData and Digi (Logical Model)

9 9-11 Aprile 2001, Catania I Workshop INFN-Grid M. D'Amato, M. Mennea, L.Silvestris INFN-Bari CMS Data Model 9 CMS Raw Event Data Model CMS Raw Event Data Model (Logical Model) RawDat a RawEvent RawData... Vector of Digi ReadOu t Index RawData are identified by the corresponding ReadOut. RawData belonging to different “detectors” are clustered into different containers. The granularity will be adjusted to optimize I/O performances. An index at RawEvent level is used to avoid the access to all containers in search for a given RawData. Index implemented as an ordered vector of pairs

10 9-11 Aprile 2001, Catania I Workshop INFN-Grid M. D'Amato, M. Mennea, L.Silvestris INFN-Bari CMS Data Model 10 CMS Rec-Obj CMS Event Data Rec-Obj (Logical Model)

11 9-11 Aprile 2001, Catania I Workshop INFN-Grid M. D'Amato, M. Mennea, L.Silvestris INFN-Bari CMS Data Model 11 CMS Meta Data (Logical Model) SetUp Location of event data Run DataSet Owner Event Collection System Collection RunList Configuratio n EVDFilePool EVDFile Containe r Specific to DS type (geometry,..) Persistent Algorithms Location of event data LogBook

12 9-11 Aprile 2001, Catania I Workshop INFN-Grid M. D'Amato, M. Mennea, L.Silvestris INFN-Bari CMS Data Model 12 Objectivity/DB (Federation Structure)  CMS, presently, use Objectivity/DB as Object DataBase Management system to manage sets of persistent objects. á persistent data are stored into a Federated Database á a FEDERATION is composed of several databases that may be resident on several hosts and on several disks and tapes. á DATABASES (stored in single files) are divided into containers á a CONTAINER is a collection of persistent objects (minimal lockable unit)

13 9-11 Aprile 2001, Catania I Workshop INFN-Grid M. D'Amato, M. Mennea, L.Silvestris INFN-Bari CMS Data Model 13 CMS Physical Model (Federation Structure) Digis Tk Hits Events RUNS Federation Databases Containers Metadata Event Logbook

14 9-11 Aprile 2001, Catania I Workshop INFN-Grid M. D'Amato, M. Mennea, L.Silvestris INFN-Bari CMS Data Model 14 CMS Physical Model  A Federate Database consists of: è a federation system file (.FDDB) containing the schema (to describe its content) and ´Catalogue´ of all database and their physical location è a boot file (.boot) containing entries specifying the various federate database attributes è metadata databases (database files identified by the.DB trailer) with metadata such as run and event collection è Event databases (.DB) with actual event data è journal directory where journal files are kept.

15 9-11 Aprile 2001, Catania I Workshop INFN-Grid M. D'Amato, M. Mennea, L.Silvestris INFN-Bari CMS Data Model 15 CMS Physical Model as example of boot file (muon0900.boot) : > oochange pccmsgw::/gwdata/raid1/cmsdata/ProdFed/muon0900.boot Objectivity/DB (TM) Change FD/AP Control Parameters Utility, Version 5.2.1 Copyright (c) Objectivity, Inc 1990, 2000. All rights reserved. FD ID: 2011 System Name: muon0900 Page Size: 32768 Lock Server Host: FD File Host: FD File Path: /gwdata/raid1/cmsdata/ProdFed/muon0900.FDDB Boot File Host: Boot File Path: /gwdata/raid1/cmsdata/ProdFed/muon0900.boot Journal Directory Host: Journal Directory Path: /gwdata/raid1/cmsdata/ProdFed/journal

16 9-11 Aprile 2001, Catania I Workshop INFN-Grid M. D'Amato, M. Mennea, L.Silvestris INFN-Bari CMS Data Model 16 CMS Physical Model > oodumpcatalog pccmsgw::/gwdata/raid1/cmsdata/ProdFed/muon0900.boot Event database Federation system file Metadata database Journal directory

17 9-11 Aprile 2001, Catania I Workshop INFN-Grid M. D'Amato, M. Mennea, L.Silvestris INFN-Bari CMS Data Model 17  Event databases are usually organised in datasets according to run conditions, physics selection criteria and access patterns  a dataset identify event collection type  a owner identify a produced process type CMS Physical Model owner datasets

18 9-11 Aprile 2001, Catania I Workshop INFN-Grid M. D'Amato, M. Mennea, L.Silvestris INFN-Bari CMS Data Model 18 SummarySummary We have presented logical and physical model used to implements persistency service in CMS the persistency service in CMS  logical model: - Event data model (Raw Event and Rec Event) - Meta data model (configuration, geometry, setup, dataset and owner )  physical model: - based on objectivity/DB Federations (databases, containers..) - proper physical clustering minimize I/O operations This is the CMS Data Model currently used for CMS MC Production. Warnings for GRID environment - no one-to-one mapping between logical and physical models - job execution depends strictly on optimization between lock server, ams server and physical location of databases.

19 9-11 Aprile 2001, Catania I Workshop INFN-Grid M. D'Amato, M. Mennea, L.Silvestris INFN-Bari CMS Data Model 19 CMS Physical Model (ootoolmgr) has a Datasets container : a list of all dataset name associated to a set of data METADATAMETADATA has a Logbook container for run information has a container per dataset namedataset.Colls

20 9-11 Aprile 2001, Catania I Workshop INFN-Grid M. D'Amato, M. Mennea, L.Silvestris INFN-Bari CMS Data Model 20 CMS Physical Model CARF_System  Datasets   One name context per DataSet named in Datasets with the dataset name LogBook  Logbook: an infinite container  One Simple Log per Run RUNS  namedataset.Runs  Run dictionary  one smart run per run  namedataset.Files  a Token per database file type  namedataset.Pools For each owner : three container per dataset a list of all dataset names associated to a set of data for run information

21 9-11 Aprile 2001, Catania I Workshop INFN-Grid M. D'Amato, M. Mennea, L.Silvestris INFN-Bari CMS Data Model 21 CMS Physical Model  SysCollections  namedataset.Colls  One MultiEventCollection per DataSet named database name in its container named TopEventCollection in the corresponding Dataset  SelectedStream  dataset: a Container per DataSet system name is dataset name named StreamCollections in the corresponding Dataset  Configuration  SetUpRU a Container of Read Out Units  a ReadOutUnit object per ReadOut Unit in the setup (tautological) named with the ReadOutUnit name in its container  Configuration a Container of Configuration items  a Configuration object named Configuration in the corresponding Dataset  a Geometry file named Geometry in the corresponding Configuration object a Container per DataSet

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