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JW Marriott Indianapolis, Indiana Tuesday, October 4, 2011 2:30 pm – Room 101.

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Presentation on theme: "JW Marriott Indianapolis, Indiana Tuesday, October 4, 2011 2:30 pm – Room 101."— Presentation transcript:

1 JW Marriott Indianapolis, Indiana Tuesday, October 4, 2011 2:30 pm – Room 101

2 Kathleen M. Beauman, Director Business Education Partnerships Dr. Richard Cerkovnik, Director Regional STEM Center Anne Arundel Community College Arnold, Maryland


4  During FY 2011, the college served 55,463 (unduplicated) credit and non-credit students ◦ 25,941 credit students ◦ 29,522 non-credit students Arnold  Glen Burnie Town Center  Arundel Mills

5 70.3% of high school graduates attending college in Maryland enroll at AACC

6  Support from top leadership  Create a structure that supports collaboration 6 Martha A. Smith, Ph.D., President of AACC

7  Support from top leadership  “No school system can be great by itself—we need the resources from our community, businesses, educational partners, parents and students.” 7 Kevin M. Maxwell, Ph.D., Superintendent of AACPS

8  Leadership  Strong STEM Departments  Significant Experience with Business/Industry  Existing P-20 Partnerships

9  Tech Prep Program Established in Early 1990s  Long-standing Relationship with Secondary School System and Universities/Colleges  College and County School Leadership Meet Regularly  Over 130 Articulated Academic Program Pathways in Place

10  Anne Arundel County Public Schools Student Teacher Education Field Work (elementary)  Summer Bridge Programs (grades 8-9-10)  Project Based Learning (grades 9-10)  NASA – Goddard Grants  National Security Agency (NSA) Summer Boys and Girls Technology Camps

11  Kids in College STEM Camps  AACC Science Night Focus: Early and Middle School Students and Parents  Fort Meade Alliance STEM Family Night  STEM-tastic

12  Magnet/Signature Program Development  Credit and Non-Credit Program Pathways  AACC/AACPS Careers for the 21st Century  AACC Campus Visits (PLTW/Cybersecurity)

13  Transition Advisors  Concurrent Enrollment (Jump Start)  On-line and Print Materials

14  Engineering State-Wide Articulation ◦ Associate of Science in Engineering  Cybersecurity State-Wide Articulation ◦ Development Underway  AACC University Consortium ◦ Frostburg State University ◦ University of Maryland University College


16  Increase financial and student support services for financially needy students by providing scholarships in eligible engineering programs targeting underrepresented groups in the STEM fields (women, African Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans)  Enhance student academic and support services for ESP Scholars  Increase retention rates of Engineering students at AACC  Increase employment and transfer rates of Engineering students at AACC

17  Maximum of $4,000 per year based on financial need  Week long summer orientation  Mentorship  Access to Industry Professionals (Professional Talks, Workshops, Internship Opportunities, etc.)  Student Success Workshops  Professional Conference Funds (1 per year)  Organized Group Study and Tutoring

18 ESP Student

19  Regional STEM Center Advisory Board  Grants  Chamber/Association Membership  Internships/Employment ◦ Security Clearances – Project SCOPEProject SCOPE


21  Student-to-Industry Connection  Content Delivery Platform ◦ Company Overview ◦ STEM Briefings ◦ Professional Development ◦ Internship/Job Offerings


23  Special Topic Presentations  Student Organization/Class Presentations  Mock Interview Sessions  On-campus/Distance Recruiting Days  On-site Job-Shadowing  Facilities Tour  Networking with Professionals (Speed-Networking with Companies)  Etiquette Luncheon (Dining for Success)

24 ES MS HS 1 st 2yr 2 nd 2yr Post Baccalaureate Internships, Job Shadowing, Service Learning, etc… Scholarships Articulation Pathways Jumpstart Grants Graduate Programs & Workforce Industry and Community Partners Kids in College Peer Mentoring Dual Enrollment PLTW ASE Articulation Agreement FSU Articulation ASE Articulation Agreement FSU Articulation Gateway to Technology

25 For additional information: Kathleen M. Beauman, Director Business Education Partnerships Anne Arundel Community College (410) 777-2777 Dr. Richard Cerkovnik, Director Regional STEM Center Anne Arundel Community College (410) 777-2843

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