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Writing Papers: Strategies for Success Ms. Kathleen Mollick Department of English and Languages.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Papers: Strategies for Success Ms. Kathleen Mollick Department of English and Languages."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Papers: Strategies for Success Ms. Kathleen Mollick Department of English and Languages

2 Answer the Following Questions How much time goes by between when you are assigned a paper to write and when you begin working on it? Do you know what the requirements of the paper are before you begin working on it? When you are required to include research in your paper, where do you go to get it, and when do you go to get it? Do you write your paper the night before it’s due?

3 Other Questions to Ask What parts of writing a paper go well for you? What parts seem relatively easy? What parts do you enjoy working on? What parts of writing a paper seem more difficult? What parts slow you down?

4 There Isn’t One Correct Way to Write a Paper Are you sure??? Yes!

5 General Steps for Writing (and They Can Occur in Various Order) Knowing what the purpose of the paper is and what its requirements are Doing research (engaging in library or field research) Writing (a thesis, an outline, parts of a rough draft) Revising

6 Time Management Reading, understanding, and writing take time Try to schedule when you’ll be researching and writing as much as possible Give yourself extra time in case you run into difficulties

7 Visit the Writing Center The Writing Center can give you feedback on your paper Bring any information about the assignment with you to your tutorial session; this provides a guide for the tutors

8 The University Writing Center Tutors look at the whole paper, not just grammar and punctuation You’ll talk with the tutor about your paper; tutor will not tell you what to do directly and you’ll make the changes Making an appointment guarantees you’ll see a tutor (some times are busier than others)

9 The University Writing Center Located in the Humanities building, room 210 Open 9am-4pm M-Th; 9am-12pm F Phone number: (254) 968-9327 Web site:

10 Visit With Your Professor If your professor comments on your papers, read what he/she says Look for patterns in comments If you don’t understand the comments, talk to your professor

11 Final Thoughts If you don’t understand the assignment, ask your professor Begin working on it as soon as possible, and as steadily as possible The University Writing Center can provide you with assistance in reading through your rough draft and citing your sources Writing takes time

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