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© PIAC 2008 Engaging Communities in Policy Development and Education.

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Presentation on theme: "© PIAC 2008 Engaging Communities in Policy Development and Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 © PIAC 2008 Engaging Communities in Policy Development and Education

2 © PIAC 2008 Never about us without us… Presenters: Chris Hartley and Kevin Simpson Homeless Persons’ Legal Service and Street Care

3 © PIAC 2008 Homeless Persons’ Legal Service Ten Clinics located in welfare agencies Free legal advice and representation Advocacy role

4 © PIAC 2008 Kevin’s Story

5 © PIAC 2008 Homelessness and Participation Involvement is a human right More targeted public policy decisions Empowering experience for participants

6 © PIAC 2008 HPLS’s Green Paper Submission

7 © PIAC 2008 Street Care- Membership Representative of homeless community 7 members

8 © PIAC 2008 Street Care Advise to HPLS Advise to Government agencies Run own advocacy campaigns

9 © PIAC 2008 Street Care- Other work Presentations Media Work Articles

10 © PIAC 2008 Street Cred Street Care’s monthly publication

11 © PIAC 2008 Premier’s Council on Homelessness

12 © PIAC 2008 Consumer Advisory Council

13 © PIAC 2008 Sydney Consumer Forum

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