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Published bySandy Marner Modified over 10 years ago
Homeless Education Act No Child Left Behind, Title X, Part C
McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act No Child Left Behind, Title X, Part C Effective Date of New Provisions: July 1, 2002 Developed by the California Department of Education
Developed by the California Department of Education
Definition of Homeless According to the McKinney-Vento Homeless Act, 42 U.S.C , the term “homeless children and youth” means… Individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence Sharing of housing Motels, hotels Public or private place not designed for sleeping Trailer parks Cars, parks, and abandoned buildings Developed by the California Department of Education
Developed by the California Department of Education
Definition of Homeless Continued… Substandard housing Shelters Abandoned in hospitals Campgrounds Unaccompanied youths Awaiting foster care placement Migratory children who qualify as homeless Developed by the California Department of Education
Definition of Homeless Continued…
Incarcerated Students Are NOT considered homeless, even if their family is homeless. They are part of the juvenile justice system and subject to the requirements and regulations thereof. Transitional Housing Programs Transitional housing programs, like transitional living programs and transitional shelters, are homeless situations under the Act. Developed by the California Department of Education
Developed by the California Department of Education
= Equal Access = Homeless students have equal access to all school programs: GATE, Special Ed., Migrant Ed., ELL programs, Vocational Ed. They automatically qualify for Title I, School Meals, and After School Programs Homeless Preschoolers may be given priority enrollment Unaccompanied Youth have the right to enroll without a legal guardian Developed by the California Department of Education
Developed by the California Department of Education
Educational Barriers Enrollment Requirements -Residency requirements -School records -Immunizations -Legal guardianship requirements Developed by the California Department of Education
Educational Barriers Continued…
High mobility Lack of transportation Lack of school supplies, clothing, etc. Poor health, fatigue, hunger Prejudice/Stereotypes Developed by the California Department of Education
Local Educational Agency Homeless Liaison
All local educational agencies must have a district liaison LEA liaisons must ensure that: -Homeless children and youth are identified -Homeless students enroll in, and have full & equal opportunity to succeed in, the schools of the LEA -Homeless families, children, and youth receive educational services Developed by the California Department of Education
Local Educational Agency Homeless Liaison Continued…
Parents or guardians are informed of educational opportunities available to their children Public notice of the educational rights is disseminated Enrollment disputes are mediated Liaisons are required to assist unaccompanied youth in placement/enrollment decisions Developed by the California Department of Education
Local Educational Agency Homeless Liaison Continued…
Liaisons are required to ensure that unaccompanied youth are immediately enrolled in school Liaisons are required to assist children and youth who do not have immunizations Liaisons are required to collaborate with the state coordinator and community and school personnel Developed by the California Department of Education
Identification Strategies
Coordinate with community service agencies, e.g. shelters; soup kitchens; food banks; street outreach teams; drop-in centers; departments of welfare, housing, and public health; and faith-based organizations. Provide outreach materials and posters in places where low-income families and youth in high-risk situations are likely to see them, e.g. motels, campgrounds, and laundromats. Developed by the California Department of Education
Identification Strategies Continued…
Develop relationships with truancy officials and/or other attendance officers. Provide awareness activities for school staff e.g. registrars, secretaries, school counselors, school social workers, school nurses, teachers, bus drivers, and administrators. Avoid using the word “homeless” in initial contacts with school personnel, families, or youth Developed by the California Department of Education
Developed by the California Department of Education
Effects of Mobility Students who switch schools frequently score lower on standardized tests. (One study found mobile students scored 20 points lower than non-mobile students.) Mobility also hurts non-mobile students. (One study found average test scores for non-mobile students were significantly lower in high schools with high student mobility rates.) Developed by the California Department of Education
Effects of Mobility Continued…
It takes children 4-6 months to recover academically after changing schools. Students suffer psychologically, socially, and academically from mobility. Mobile students are less likely to participate in extracurricular activities and more likely to act out or get into trouble. Developed by the California Department of Education
Effects of Mobility Continued…
Mobility during high school greatly diminishes likelihood of graduation. (One study found students who changed high schools even once were less than half as likely as stable students to graduate, even controlling for other factors.) Developed by the California Department of Education
Developed by the California Department of Education
Immediate Enrollment “Enroll” and “enrollment” are defined to include attending classes and participating fully in school activities. Homeless children must be immediately enrolled. No prior records are needed, but should be obtained by the enrolling school as quickly as possible. This includes birth certificates, social security numbers, immunization records, transcripts, and other records. Developed by the California Department of Education
Enrollment Strategies
Train all school enrollment staff, secretaries, school counselors, school social workers and principals on the legal requirements for enrollment. Review and revise LEA policies, as necessary. Develop residency forms to replace typical proof of residency. Accept school records directly from families and youth. Establish school-based immunization clinics or other opportunities for on-site immunizations. Developed by the California Department of Education
Dispute Resolution Whenever there is a disagreement, the school must:
Immediately enroll the student in school according to parent’s wishes Keep the student until the dispute is settled Provide transportation to the school of origin Explain the decision in writing to parents Contact the LEA liaison to assist in settling the dispute with parents, guardian, or youth. If the dispute is not resolved at the district level, the county liaison may be asked to facilitate communication. If case is still not resolved, refer to state coordinator. Developed by the California Department of Education
Developed by the California Department of Education
School Selection Students have the right to stay in their “school of origin” to the extent feasible -for the duration of homelessness, -if in the best interest of student, and -if parent requests. “School of origin” is the school the child attended when permanently housed or when last enrolled. Developed by the California Department of Education
School Selection Continued…
Students can stay in their school of origin the entire time they are homeless, and until the end of any academic year in which they move into permanent housing. [722(g)(3)(A)(i)]; [722(g)(3)(A)(i)(II)] If a student is sent to a school other than that requested by a parent or guardian, the district must provide a written explanation to the parent or guardian of its decision and their right to appeal. [722(g)(3)(B)(ii)] Developed by the California Department of Education
Feasibility- Sample Criteria
Continuity of instruction Age of the child / youth Safety of the student Length of stay in shelter Likely area in which family or youth will find permanent housing Developed by the California Department of Education
Feasibility- Sample Criteria continued…
Student’s need for special instructional programs Impact of commute on education School placement of sibling(s) Schools attended by other children and youth at the same shelter Time remaining in the school year Developed by the California Department of Education
Developed by the California Department of Education
Transportation Must be provided or arranged to and from the school of origin School districts that provide transportation to and from the school of origin have documented an increase in attendance and achievement which resulted in an increase in funding to the districts Developed by the California Department of Education
Transportation continued…
For unaccompanied youth, LEA’s must provide or arrange transportation to and from the school of origin at the LEA homeless liaison’s request [722(g)(1)(J)(iii)] If an LEA does not provide transportation to any of its students and it is determined that this placement is the best interest, then the LEA is required to provide or arrange transportation. Developed by the California Department of Education
Transportation continued…
LEAs cannot use Title I or Title V funds to transport homeless students. Once the homeless student is permanently housed, the LEA may use Title I or Title V funds to continue transporting the student. Developed by the California Department of Education
Transportation for Pre-school
Compulsory education and access to pre-school educational services – even if provided by the State or local governmental agency – cannot be held to the same standards. There is no concept for a “school of origin” for a voluntary pre-school educational service. Only special education requires pre-school education for 3-5 year olds, and this is by Federal law. Developed by the California Department of Education
Transportation Strategies
Coordinate with local housing authorities and placement agencies to house student near the school of origin. Re-route school buses (including special education, magnet school and other buses), and ensure that buses travel to shelters, transitional living programs, and motels. Develop close ties among LEA homeless liaisons, school staff, and pupil transportation staff to arrange and coordinate transportation. Developed by the California Department of Education
Transportation Strategies Continued…
Coordinate with local housing authorities, placement agencies, and social services for foster care placement to house students near their school of origin. If the districts cannot agree on who will pay the transportation costs, the districts must share the costs. In addition to providing transportation to the school of origin, LEA’s must provide students in homeless situations with transportation services comparable to those provided to other students. Developed by the California Department of Education
Transportation Strategies Continued…
Provide passes for public transportation, including passes for caretakers when necessary. Take advantage of transportation systems used by public assistance agencies. Reimburse parents, guardians, or unaccompanied youth for gas. Use approved van or taxi services. Use local funds for transportation. Developed by the California Department of Education
Developed by the California Department of Education
Segregation States are prohibited from segregating homeless students in separate schools, separate programs within schools, or separate settings within schools. Services provided with McKinney-Vento Act funds must not replace the regular academic program and must be designed to expand upon or improve services provided as part of the school’s regular academic program. Developed by the California Department of Education
Segregation Continued…
It is the policy of Congress that homelessness alone is not sufficient reason to separate students from the mainstream school environment. SEA's and LEA’s must adopt policies and practices to ensure that homeless children and youth are not segregated or stigmatized on the basis of their status as homeless. Developed by the California Department of Education
Title I, Part A Reservation
The LEA will reserve Title I, Part A funds to provide comparable services to homeless children and youth to ensure that each homeless child and youth has equal access to the same free, appropriate public education, including preschool education, as provided to other children and youth. This reservation requirement is not formula driven. The amount reserved is to be determined by the LEA, as appropriate. The California Department of Education recommends reserving one percent off the top. [PL , Section 1113(c)(3)(A)] Developed by the California Department of Education
Developed by the California Department of Education
Title I Requirements Homeless children are by definition automatically eligible for Title I services. Title I requires a set aside reservation to be placed in the Consolidated Application for categorical funding. Title I requires a description of the Title I services to be placed in the Consolidated Application and LEA Plan. There are no anticipated changes to guidance except to reinforce the USDE position that homeless students must receive equal access to the same high academic standards in a mainstream setting. Developed by the California Department of Education
Developed by the California Department of Education
Title I Strategies Establish a formula to allocate Title I set-asides for homeless children and youth. Use Title I funds (including set-aside funds) to support the LEA homeless liaison position and/or to meet basic needs of students experiencing homelessness (e.g. clothing, school supplies, health concerns). Use Title I funds to provide tutoring and/or outreach services to children and youth living in shelters, transitional living programs, motels, and other temporary residences. Developed by the California Department of Education
Title I Strategies Continued…
Collect data on students experiencing homelessness as part of the overall district-wide data collection system. Pool Title I and McKinney-Vento funds to provide a comprehensive program for homeless students, ensuring that specific needs of children experiencing homelessness or high mobility are met. Ensure coordination between Title I and McKinney-Vento through state and local planning and activities. Developed by the California Department of Education
Data Collection for All LEAs
Provide the number of homeless children and youth in your local education agency (LEA) enrolled in public school during the school year according these grade level groups: --K-5 --6-8 --9-12 --Total Developed by the California Department of Education
Data Collection for All LEAs Continued…
Provide the total number of homeless children and youth, excluding preschoolers, who have the following as their primary night residence for the school year: Shelters Doubled-up Unsheltered (e.g. cars, parks, campgrounds) Hotels / Motels Other Developed by the California Department of Education
Data Collection for All LEAs Continued…
Due to KCSOS by July 1, 2005 Due to California Department of Education (CDE) by September 1, 2005 CDE data collection due to United States Department of Education October 1, 2005 Developed by the California Department of Education
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act Funding
3 Year Funding Cycle: July 1, 2006 – June 30, 2009 New Request for Application (RFA): Coming Summer 2005 Join CDE’s Funding Mailing List at Developed by the California Department of Education
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act Authorized Activities
Tutoring, supplemental instruction and enriched services Expedited evaluations Professional development to heighten understanding and sensitivity Medical, dental, mental, and other health services referrals Assistance to defray the excess cost of transportation Appropriate early childhood education programs Developed by the California Department of Education
Developed by the California Department of Education
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act Authorized Activities continued… Activities to attract, engage, and retain homeless children Before and after school, mentoring, and summer programs Payment for tracking, obtaining, and transferring records for the purpose of enrolling students Parent education and training Coordination activities between school and agencies Provision of violence prevention counseling Developed by the California Department of Education
Developed by the California Department of Education
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act Authorized Activities continued… Activities to address domestic violence needs Adaptation of space and purchase of supplies to provide services Provision of school supplies Provision of other extraordinary or emergency assistance Developed by the California Department of Education
Developed by the California Department of Education
Resources CDE Homeless Education National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth National Center for Homeless Education National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty National Network for Youth Developed by the California Department of Education
Developed by the California Department of Education
Contact Us Janis Jones, KCSOS (661) Leanne Wheeler, CDE (916) Lucille Gonzales, CDE (916) Developed by the California Department of Education
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