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B EST P RACTICES OF C O C’ S S OUTH C ENTRAL P ENNSYLVANIA H OUSING R ECOVERY S UMMIT 2014 Presenters: Ben Laudermilch - Central Pennsylvania Regional.

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Presentation on theme: "B EST P RACTICES OF C O C’ S S OUTH C ENTRAL P ENNSYLVANIA H OUSING R ECOVERY S UMMIT 2014 Presenters: Ben Laudermilch - Central Pennsylvania Regional."— Presentation transcript:

1 B EST P RACTICES OF C O C’ S S OUTH C ENTRAL P ENNSYLVANIA H OUSING R ECOVERY S UMMIT 2014 Presenters: Ben Laudermilch - Central Pennsylvania Regional Homeless Advisory Board Bryan Davis - Capital Area Coalition on Homelessness Nancy Newton - York County Continuum of Care Michael Foley - Lancaster Homeless Coalition Moderator: George Barnock, York County Planning Commission

2 1 st significant federal legislative response to homelessness Signed into law by President Reagan in 1987 Provided a spectrum of services to homeless people M C K INNEY -V ENTO H OMELESS A SSISTANCE A CT

3 HUD implemented the CoC in 1995 to streamline existing funding and grant making process Encourage communities to coordinate and plan housing and services to homeless individuals and families Grants are competitive; funding to HUD is dependent on program results C ONTINUUM OF CARE (C O C) APPROACH

4 1997 State began a concerted effort to address issue of homelessness in PA DCED and DPW recognized housing and service needs of the homeless and jointly coordinated 4 regional CoC’s Assisted rural counties in CoC planning and application process PA R EGIONAL HOMELESS ASSISTANCE PROCESS



7 Capital Area Coalition on educate and mobilize the community and coordinate services to prevent and reduce homelessness in the Capital region. - CACH Mission

8 Capital Area Coalition on that every family and individual in the Capital area has access to safe, affordable housing and the skills and resources necessary to maintain life in that housing. – CACH Vision

9 On any given day, there are about 917 people using our network – 362 of those are children. (January 2013 Point-In-Time Survey)

10 The CACH network has over 70 agencies, organizations, non- profits & faith-based groups working together to change lives!

11 In 2013, the CACH network provided: Over 268,000 meals Over 3.8 million pounds of food Delivered over 23,535 health, dental, mental health visits Capital Area Coalition on Homelessness

12 Since 2000, the Coalition has brought over $14.9 million in federal Continuum of Care funding along with over $12 million of matching funds/in-kind to help families get back on their feet. Capital Area Coalition on Homelessness

13 Of those who walk through our doors, over 93% are quickly housed, connected to services, and set back on a path of self- sufficiency. Capital Area Coalition on Homelessness

14 What works best for us: Hybrid No Wrong Door/Central Intake Housing First Products Wrap-Around Services Continuous Stakeholder Collaboration

15 Provided by the Capital Area Coalition on Homelessness


17 Health Screening Dental Flu Shots Glucose Screening Childcare Pet Care Housing Meals and Food Distribution Connection to Social Security Vital Statistics Hair Cuts Mental Health Connections Drug and Alcohol Referrals Connection to Public Welfare

18 Capital Area Coalition on Homelessness Thank you to our CACH Cornerstone Sponsors! Thank you to our CACH Cornerstone Sponsors!

19 Moving Fanilies from crisis to meaningful and lasing Success! Moving Fanilies from crisis to meaningful and lasing Success!

20 C ONTACT THE PRESENTERS Ben Laudermilch – Executive Director Cumberland County Housing & Redevelopment Authorities Bryan Davis - Executive Director Redevelopment Authority of the City of Harrisburg Nancy Newton – Grants Officer Wellspan Health Michael Foley - Director of Research & Development Lancaster County Behavioral Health & Developmental Services

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