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The Windermere Way Serving our Communities!. Leadership in the real estate industry. The highest ethical standards. Uncompromising honesty and integrity.

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Presentation on theme: "The Windermere Way Serving our Communities!. Leadership in the real estate industry. The highest ethical standards. Uncompromising honesty and integrity."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Windermere Way Serving our Communities!

2 Leadership in the real estate industry. The highest ethical standards. Uncompromising honesty and integrity. The best from and for Windermere people. The improvement of life in the neighborhoods we serve. The Windermere Mission Statement

3 The Windermere Way Community Commitment Community Service Day: Windermere's 8,000 agents in its offices around the West spend one day each year away from the office to participate in the annual Windermere Community Service Day. The agents decide on a community-based project, and provide hands-on assistance for the day. Windermere Foundation: Since finding homes for people is Windermere’s business, fighting homelessness is a natural fit for the Windermere Foundation. Through the creation of the Windermere Foundation in 1989, Windermere provides housing and services for homeless and low-income families throughout the West by funding nonprofit organizations dedicated to the same cause. Every time an agent completes a transaction, a donation is made to the Foundation, and Windermere agents and employees also contribute to the fund individually.

4 The Windermere Way Windermere Wednesdays!

5 The Windermere Way Community Service Day – October 20, 2006 Whitney Elementary School – Hosted by Windermere Prestige Properties Whitney Wizards

6 The Windermere Way Community Service Day, October 20, 2006 Whitney Elementary School – hosted by Windermere Anthem Hills

7 The Windermere Way Community Service Day – October 20, 2006 Quannah McCall Elementary School – Hosted by Windermere Summerlin

8 The Windermere Way Windermere making it work for 2 at-risk schools! McCall Elementary Whitney Elementary

9 The Windermere Way Di Redman and Eric Torres painting wall posters!

10 The Windermere Way McCall Elementary – a drug free place to learn

11 The Windermere Way The Summerlin Gang at McCall Elementary

12 The Windermere Way Aaron and Tara Hall painting Code of Character at Whitney

13 The Windermere Way The Mural and the Artist at Whitney Cafeteria

14 The Windermere Way McCall Elementary – It was all for the kids!

15 The Windermere Way Hard at Work at McCall Elementary

16 The Windermere Way The Wizards Mural and Code of Character

17 The Windermere Way Our Surprised CSD Coordinator at Whitney & more wall posters!

18 The Windermere Way Gardening at McCall

19 The Windermere Way “Windermere Kids at the Y”

20 The Windermere Way - The Client and their needs always come first - Quality Service to the client is not negotiable - Respecting your fellow Windermere agents and other Realtors® in the business is expected - Marketing, not selling, property is The Windermere Way - Quality, professionalism and character are the basics for exceptional Windermere agents - Windermere, its services and its affiliates are a part of your real estate team - Technology is not the future of real estate it is real estate!

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