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THE SOCIAL ISSUES. 1- Modern urban planning emerged as a profession in the early decades of the 20th century. 2- It sprang from architecture and landscape.

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2 1- Modern urban planning emerged as a profession in the early decades of the 20th century. 2- It sprang from architecture and landscape architecture. Introduction

3 2- The Pruitt Igoe public housing project. 1- The Civil Rights movement of the late 1950s and 1960s focused attention on issues of justice and fairness. Beginnings



6 3- In the 1960s and 1970s a ( social planning ) term appeared. Beginnings Whats the SOCIAL PLANNING ?

7 Social Planning is a process that helps communities identify strengths and weaknesses and determine ways to improve the quality of life in the community

8 The SOCIAL ISUUSES in planning for housing

9 1- Housing is probably the area in which physical planning decisions have their greatest social effect. A- Mechanism of cost. B- Educational & employment policy. The SOCIAL ISUUSES in planning for housing

10 Unemployed line

11 Family break up

12 Crime Alcoholism

13 The SOCIAL ISUUSES in planning for housing 2- Decisions about housing can have powerful effects on how people LIVE.

14 The Yonkers Housing Case




18 Murder:13 Forcible Rape:25 Robbery:454 Aggravated Assault:387 Burglary:816 Larceny or Theft:2,185 Car Theft:788 Arson:36

19 Private Communities 1- What is the Private or Gated Community ?

20 2- Private communities are built in suburban or outside the metropolitan areas entirely.

21 3- Many of the first private communities were retirement communities.

22 4- Many private communities are open in the sense that anyone can enter them 5- Private communities have marketing advantages. 6- More design freedom. 7- Other views ( Edward Blakely ). Private Communities

23 Private Communities effects 1- More prosperous withdraw to private communities. 2- Destroy the sense of community. 3- More integration happens easily and naturally.





28 Homelessness

29 1- Homeless people are increasing.

30 Homelessness 2- Homelessness causes. a) Mental Diseases b) Drugs and alcohol c) Economic reasons d) Municipal Housing e) Urban Renewal

31 Homelessness A planner must be NEUTRAL

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