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Please take 3 minutes of your day to listen to a song that will touch your heart..... Then 5 minutes to see what you can do to save kids and adults from.

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Presentation on theme: "Please take 3 minutes of your day to listen to a song that will touch your heart..... Then 5 minutes to see what you can do to save kids and adults from."— Presentation transcript:


2 Please take 3 minutes of your day to listen to a song that will touch your heart..... Then 5 minutes to see what you can do to save kids and adults from THE SAME FATE TOUCH SPACE BAR TO MOVE FORWARD

3 SHALOM Was seeded from a tragic death  On the 3 rd of August 1999 a 17 year old boy died of an overdose of amphetamines and heroin on the streets of Tasmania Australia. Someone was there with him just moments before he died.... Together they prayed... God help me !!! Then Chas went to be with Jesus. That night the Lord planted a seed in one mans heart and SHALOM was birthed out of that moment...  BECAUSE PEOPLE DON’T JUST LIVE ON THE STREETS....  THEY DIE THERE.....  They need a hand up..... Not a hand out ! TOUCH SPACE BAR TO MOVE FORWARD

4 “A HAND UP – NOT A HAND OUT” Mission Statement SHALOM (Safe Haven Agape Love Overflow Ministries) Mission Statement SHALOM (Safe Haven Agape Love Overflow Ministries)  Is a mercy based – self sustaining and self funding ministry that seeks to reach out to those in need with AGAPE love at humanitarian level.  Is a mercy based – self sustaining and self funding ministry that seeks to reach out to those in need with AGAPE love at humanitarian level.  This ministry seeks to give support and guidance to those in crisis and to empower them with the life skills necessary to enable them to survive and contribute back into society.  They further wish to utilize those life skills that are imparted to others and have them contribute into the Global Ministry by generating sustainable finance through the sales of goods and services. TOUCH SPACE BAR TO MOVE FORWARD

5  Food Bank  Outreach  Health & Guidance  Youth Factories  U-Turn  Crisis Shelter  Food Bank  Outreach  Health & Guidance  Youth Factories  U-Turn  Crisis Shelter S.H.A.L.O.M “A HAND UP – NOT A HAND OUT” TOUCH SPACE BAR TO MOVE FORWARD Will have six separate areas of ministry.

6 S.H.A.L.O.M. Center  OBJECTIVES –To provide (locally and globally) for the needy:  Food and basic living needs.  Outreach ministry to the homeless and youth at risk.  Health and Christian based counseling services.  Training in work skills.  Short term crisis accommodation to the homeless, abused women and children.  In house support groups and programs presented in a relevant way to the world. TOUCH SPACE BAR TO MOVE FORWARD

7 S.H.A.L.O.M. Center  Food Bank –The complex will house a Food Bank to assist the needy with their nutritional needs being met until they are able to provide ongoing care for themselves. –The Food Bank will then become the feeder for all Orange County food pantries and will operate on the basis of selling by UPC associated prices (within the retail trade) less 70%. –All profits from the Food Bank will be distributed into “Global Works” - set up costs and similar footprint systems in the chosen areas of the world and into funding church activities as the Lord leads the board of SHALOM. TOUCH SPACE BAR TO MOVE FORWARD

8 S.H.A.L.O.M. Center  Health & Guidance Center will offer to the needy.... –Basic health checkups –Registered Nurse care –Guidance and counseling –Referral center for pregnant teens –Basic hygiene packs for living at street level –Alternative mental health treatments “A HAND UP – NOT A HAND OUT” TOUCH SPACE BAR TO MOVE FORWARD

9 S.H.A.L.O.M. Center  Outreach –Providing food and clothing for local outreach opportunities in the inner cities. –Organize short-term missions trips for young adults and adults to support long and short term giving work to the world. –Provide opportunities for members to give to and be involved in training for the missions fields in and beyond our own county / country. “A HAND UP – NOT A HAND OUT” TOUCH SPACE BAR TO MOVE FORWARD

10 S.H.A.L.O.M. Center  Youth Factories will house... –Automotive Repair Shops –Automotive Body Shop –Furniture Restoration Shops & Outlets –Gift & Craft Shops –Ebay Resellers (long term trading business) –“The Corner” drop in take out food & coffee shop (a profit based business servicing the surrounding business area) TOUCH SPACE BAR TO MOVE FORWARD

11 S.H.A.L.O.M. Center  U-Turn – Australia Video (an initiative birthed from Safe Haven Outreach 2001) TOUCH SPACE BAR TO MOVE FORWARD CLICK TO OPEN A VIDEO

12 S.H.A.L.O.M. Center  U-Turn –This facility will be (with assistance from appropriate parties) listed as a court appointed, work order registered area, to enable offenders to repair and detail vehicles stolen and / or damaged by theft. –The facility will also be equipped to repair and restore donated autos and motor cycles with all work being done by the youth assigned to us. –Working in this facility will be offered to offenders as an alternative to reform school / prison with a strike one-you're out ruling for non attendance, refusal to carry out instructions and the breaking of the acceptable code of conduct in the opinion of the board of management. TOUCH SPACE BAR TO MOVE FORWARD

13 S.H.A.L.O.M. Center  Crisis Shelter –Will provide temporary housing for:  The displaced  Transients  Battered women & children  Homeless youth “A HAND UP – NOT A HAND OUT” TOUCH SPACE BAR TO MOVE FORWARD

14 S.H.A.L.O.M. Center  Non-Profit Ø (does not mean) NO-profit –Each Entity will be self sustaining and generates its own operating funds and income through...  Grants from local, state and federal government  Donations from corporations, businesses and individuals  Profits through operations such as auto shops, furniture restoration and sales from food – goods and services. –Paid Professional Staff  Leaders are appointed by SHALOM board members  Positions are staffed with qualified church members –Volunteers  Professionals in all areas of expertise will assist and train all of those involved to the highest professional standard. “A HAND UP – NOT A HAND OUT” TOUCH SPACE BAR TO MOVE FORWARD

15 Budget to operate SHALOM Budget to operate SHALOM These figures above are based on return on investment from good, services & stock sales – Income from grants and other donations. $50,700.00 TOUCH SPACE BAR TO MOVE FORWARD

16 Profit Generation V.C.C. FURNITURE & RETAIL U-TURN FOOD BANK HEALTH CENTER COFFEE SHOP / TAKE OUT SHOP All profits generated from the SHALOM area will be poured back through V.C.C. into Global Ministry TOUCH SPACE BAR TO MOVE FORWARD



19 Profit generated by SHALOM These figures are based on return on investment from good, services & stock sales – Income from grants and other donations. After 2 years of operation SHALOM should be generating up to $ 2,000,000 per year locally and similar figures at each Global Location based upon the same business principles – therefore generating $20,000,000 per year on a target of 10 SHALOM bases Globally TOUCH SPACE BAR TO MOVE FORWARD

20  On the 3 rd of August 1999 a 17 year old boy died of an overdose of amphetamines and heroin on the streets of Tasmania Australia.  SHALOM as we know it today was birthed out of that moment...  BECAUSE PEOPLE DO NOT LIVE ON THE STREETS....  THEY DIE THERE.....  They need a hand up..... Not a hand out !  While we achieve Global Outreach we have the awesome opportunity to save many, many kids across the world......

21 SHALOM....... and thank you for your time....... Please consider supporting SHALOM as we move forward into the Lords work. CLICK HERE TO JOIN US IN SERVING AND GIVING TOUCH SPACE BAR TO EXIT GO TO SHALOM WEB PAGES HERE

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