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Introduction to Child Sexual Exploitation
Safer London Foundation
Welcome Safer London Foundation Grace Hinde- Trainer Reanne Turner- Senior YPA Hackney 2
Safer London Foundation
Our vision is for young people in London to feel safe and achieve their potential We work to improve the safety and wellbeing of young people in London affected by violence and crime 3
Our Projects Aspire provides early intervention mentoring to those close to becoming caught up in the cycle of violence and crime. Empower is a support programme addressing young women’s experiences of sexual exploitation, primarily through gangs. Safe & Secure is a unique intervention project for gang-affected young people who are at high risk of harm.
Learning Agreement Confidentiality, with exception of safeguarding
Mobiles – off or silent please! We will be discussing sensitive issues including rape & sexual violence. Attendees are encouraged to take responsibility for their own participation. Please be responsible for your own timekeeping 5
Learning Outcomes Confident in their knowledge and understanding about Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) Able to identify vulnerability factors and risk indicators for CSE Aware of legislation relating to child sexual exploitation, including LSCB procedures Knowledge of Hackney based resources to support young people and Hackney referral processes *Information is adapted from: ‘Working with Gang affected young women experiencing sexual and domestic violence’ AVA & WAGN
What is Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)?
Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
Sexual exploitation of children and young people under 18 involves exploitative situations, contexts and relationships where young people (or a third person or persons) receive ‘something’ (eg. Food, accommodation, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, affection, gifts, money) as a result of performing, and/or others performing on them sexual activities. Child sexual exploitation can occur through use of technology without the child’s immediate recognition, for example the persuasion to post sexual images on the internet/mobile phones with no immediate payment or gain. In all cases those exploiting the child/young person have power over them by virtue of their age, gender, intellect, physical strength and/or economic or other resources. Violence, coercion and intimidations are common, involvement in exploitative relationships being characterised in the main by the child's or young person’s limited availability of choice resulting form their social/economic and /or emotional vulnerability National Working Group for Sexually Exploited Children and Young People, 2010 8
Young People’s Perspective
“Through threats, bribes, violence, humiliation, or by telling you that they love you, they will have the power to get you to do sexual things for their own, or other people’s benefit or enjoyment, including: touching or kissing private parts, sex, taking sexual photos ...” Young Women’s Group, New Horizons: 2008 Out of the Box: Doncaster Streetreach “It’s when you don’t know your choices, that other people have all the power ...” “Some one taking advantage of you sexually, for their own benefit...”
What is consent? 10
has the freedom and capacity to make that choice”
“A person consents if he/she agrees by choice and has the freedom and capacity to make that choice” Section 74, sexual Offences Act: 2003 11
Trends in CSE Perpetrators are predominantly male, victims predominantly female Takes place between people who are known to each other Used as a means of boys and young men exerting power and control over girls and young women OCC CSEGG Interim Report, Nov 2012 Trafficked Online Opportunistic Familial Sexual Bullying Older ‘boyfriend’ Gangs & Groups Child Sexual Exploitation 12
CSE: gangs, groups and peers
Gang-associated sexual exploitation, victimisation and abuse Sexual exploitation is not the main reason why a gang is formed Group sexual exploitation, victimisation and abuse Group exists in person or online for the purpose of sexual exploitation Peer-on-peer sexual exploitation, victimisation and abuse Exploitation of children and young people by other children and young people CSEGG Inquiry call for evidence - OCC Autumn 2012 13
What are the signs and indicators of CSE?
Vulnerability Factors
Living in a chaotic or dysfunctional household History of abuse Living in residential care, hostel, B&B or being homeless Gang association either through relatives, peers, intimate relationships or neighbourhood Lacking friends from the same age group Attending school or are friends with young people who are sexually exploited Not engaging in education/training or employment Unsure about their sexual orientation or unable to disclose sexual orientation to their families Learning disabilities Young carer Recent bereavement or loss Low self-esteem or self-confidence OCC Inquiry CSEGG Interim Report, 2012
Behavioural and Risk Indicators
Older ‘boyfriend’ Gang-involved male peers Missing from home or care Physical injuries. Drug or alcohol misuse Involvement in offending Repeat sexually-transmitted infections, pregnancy and terminations Evidence of sexual bullying and/or vulnerability through the internet and/or social networking sites Disclosures made then withdrawn Unexplained money or gifts and unexplained mobiles Absent from school Bullying in or out of school Change in physical appearance Recruiting others into exploitative situations Family involvement in sexual exploitation Poor mental health Self-harm or thoughts of/or attempts at suicide CSEGG Inquiry, OCC Nov 2012 16
The CSE Process and LSCB Guidance
1. Identify YP at risk using indicators and vulnerability factors 2. Bring case to attention of safeguarding lead and notify CSC 4. Put safeguarding plan into action. Key importance that info continues to be shared as appropriate 3. CSE Strategy meeting held with all relevant professionals (including specialist CSE service) Share information regarding indicators and vulnerability factors Decide level of risk (low/med/high) Create safeguarding plan At least every 3 months meeting is held and risks and plan are reviewed. More frequently if circumstances change
Pan-London Sexual Exploitation Protocol
Aims of the Protocol To identify those children at risk of being sexually exploited To work collaboratively to ensure the safeguarding and welfare of children and young people who are being, or are at risk of being, sexually exploited To provide timely and effective interventions with children and families to safeguard those vulnerable to sexual exploitation To apply pro-active problem solving to address the risks associated with victims, perpetrators and locations and ensure the safeguarding and welfare of children and young people who are or may be at risk from sexual exploitation To take action against those intent on abusing and exploiting children and young people by prosecuting and disrupting perpetrators To raise awareness and provide preventative education for the welfare of children and young people who are, or may be, sexually exploited 20
Immediate multi- agency intervention dictated by strategy discussion
Multi Agency Safeguarding Hubs (MASH) receives referral from Children’s Social Care and completes CRIS report (where the child is not already allotted to a social worker), even when no actual offence has been alleged (use non-crime CSE classification code 587/00). Where the child is already allocated to a social worker this referral is sent to both the allocated social worker and the respective SC&O5 Referrals Desk for creation of CSE-flagged CRIS (ES) and initial assessment. The Sexual Exploitation Assessment Team re-assesses the categories incorporating all multi-agency intelligence received from MASH CAT 1 (at risk) A vulnerable child or young person, where there are concerns they are being targeted and groomed and where any vulnerability factors have been identified. However, at this stage there is no evidence of any offences. CAT 2 (medium risk) Evidence a child or young person is being targeted for opportunistic abuse through exchange of sex for drugs, perceived affection, sense of belonging, accommodation (overnight stays), money and goods etc. The likelihood of coercions and control is significant. CAT 3 (high risk) A child or young person whose sexual exploitation is habitual, often self denied and where coercion/control is implicit. Return to BOCU or identifying agency for further enquiries as identified by referrals desk Full CSE-Risk assessment be completed and allocated to SC&O5 Sexual Exploitation Team Immediate multi- agency intervention dictated by strategy discussion Proactive or reactive criminal investigation undertaken alongside multi-agency safeguarding procedures
Contacts Young Person’s Advocate: Ismah Rasool
Senior Young Person’s Advocate: Reanne Turner Empower Manager: Laura Butterworth
Further Reading Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Gangs and Groups (CSEGG) Female Voice in Violence Final Report: This is it, this is my Life (ROTA 2011) Safeguarding children affected by Gang Activity and/or serious Youth violence (LSCB 2010) Safeguarding Children and Young People from Sexual Exploitation (DCSF 2010) MET CSE Protocol Teenagers at Risk: The Safeguarding needs of Young People in Gangs and Violent Peer Groups (NSPCC 2009)
Links PACE - Parents against Child Sexual
Blast - Blast support's and works with boys and young men who have been, are being, or are at risk of being sexually exploited. Women and Girl’s Network (WGN) - offers counselling, support and advice for women who have been affected by gendered violence, including sexual and domestic violence. nia- delivering cutting edge services to end violence against women and children CEOP- child exploitation and online protection centre
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