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U.S. General Services Administration Introduction to GSA’s State and Local Programs June 2009.

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2 U.S. General Services Administration Introduction to GSA’s State and Local Programs June 2009

3 2 GSA State and Local Program Basics  Schedules Programs  1122  Cooperative Purchasing  Disaster Recovery Purchasing Program  Non-Schedules Programs  Wildfire Programs  Computers for Learning  Personal Property

4 3 The Basics  What is a Schedule?  How is a Schedule awarded?  How does it become a “competitive vehicle”?

5 4 Example Schedule

6 U.S. General Services Administration 1122 Counter-Drug Program

7 6 Authority The National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 1994 contained Section 1122, which allows State and local governments to purchase new law enforcement equipment for counterdrug activities through the Federal Government.

8 7 How Does the Program Work? STATE POINT OF CONTACT (SPOC)  Appointed by the Governor of the State  The State Point of Contact (SPOC)  Receives all requisitions from state and local law enforcement entities and ensure availability of funds  Determine that the items will be used for counter- drug activities

9 8 How Does the Program Work? STATE POINT OF CONTACT (SPOC)  DA or DLA stocked items – to the appropriate supply center  Commercial items directly with the Multiple Award Schedule Contractor (GSA)  Vehicles – ordered through GSA

10 9 What is the vendor’s responsibility when selling products to 1122 Program Participants at GSA Pricing?  The product is on one of the Schedules/SINs approved by GSA for the 1122 Program  Verify if the state in which the purchasing agency is located has an appointed State Coordinator and identify them  All orders being placed through the 1122 Program are to include the statement, “This order is placed pursuant to the State and Local Law Enforcement Equipment Procurement Program (“1122 Program”) in support of counterdrug activities, under the authority of the State Point of Contact (SPOC) for the State of __________________.”

11 10 About the Program The Law Enforcement Program provides items to its customers through three separate federal sources working in conjunction with the Department of Justice.  Defense Logistics Agency (DLA): For more info contact Ms. Jannet Gray at (703) 767-0078  Department of the Army (DA): For more info contact Mr. Alphonzo Horton at (703) 695-7964  General Services Administration (GSA): For more info contact Ms. Zoe-Ann Freitag at (703) 605-5742

12 11 Example Schedules Included in the Program  Schedule 56 – Building and Building Materials/Industrial Services and Supplies  Schedule 84 – Total Solutions for Law Enforcement, Security, Facility Management Systems, Fire, Rescue, Special Purpose Clothing, Marine Craft, and Emergency/Disaster Response

13 12 Schedule Included in the Program  Schedule 56 – Building and Building Materials/Industrial Services and Supplies  Power Distribution Equipment, Generators, and Batteries  Some items included are portable generators, rechargeable batteries, telecommunications surge protection, DC regulated power supply, etc.

14 13 Schedule Included in the Program (Cont.)  Schedule 84 – Total Solutions for Law Enforcement, Security, Facility Management Systems, Fire, Rescue, Special Purpose Clothing, Marine Craft, and Emergency/Disaster Response  Law Enforcement Equipment and Security Equipment  Some items included are miscellaneous personal law enforcement equipment, body armor, helmets, canine training and handling equipment, in-vehicle protection and restraint systems, police bicycles, etc.

15 14 Schedule Included in the Program (Cont.)  Schedule 84 – Total Solutions for Law Enforcement, Security, Facility Management Systems, Fire, Rescue, Special Purpose Clothing, Marine Craft, and Emergency/Disaster Response  Marine Craft and Equipment  Some items included are powered boats, non-powered boats, inflatable boats, marine inboard and outboard engines, marine diesel propulsion engines, floating marine barriers and booms, etc.

16 15 Web address for a list of State Coordinator’s?  Through GSA: Click on “1122 Counterdrug Program” Click on “State Points of Contact”  Through Law Enforcement Support Office (LESO): Click on “Section 1122” Click on “State Point’s of Contact (SPOC)”

17 16 Federal Acquisition Service Schedule Sources  ONLINE  GSA E-LIBRARY (  CENTRALIZED MAILING LIST SERVICE -817-334-5215 -GSA FORM 457



20 U.S. General Services Administration Cooperative Purchasing Program

21 20 What are the Authorities that allow for Cooperative Purchasing? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authority for S&L governments to purchase under Schedule 70 Section 211 of the e-Gov Act of 2002 authorized GSA sales of Schedule 70 IT products, software and services to State & Local Governments through the introduction of Cooperative Purchasing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Authority for S&L governments to purchase under Schedule 84 Local Preparedness Acquisition Act, which authorizes state and local government to purchase Alarm and signal systems, facility management systems, firefighting and rescue equipment, law enforcement and security equipment, marine craft and related equipment, special purpose clothing, and related services (as contained in Federal supply classification code group 84 or any amended or subsequent version of that Federal supply classification group

22 21 Scope and Eligibility  Scope:  GSA IT Schedule 70 Contract Vehicles and Consolidated Schedule with IT Special Item Numbers (SINs)  GSA Schedule 84: Total solutions for law enforcement, security, facilities management, fire, rescue, clothing, marine craft and emergency/disaster response  Eligible Users:  The 50 states, All counties, municipalities, cities, towns and townships, Tribal Governments, Public Authorities (Public or Indian Housing agencies under the U.S. Housing Act of 1937), school districts, and colleges or any instrumentality there of.

23 22 State and Local Participation  Voluntary  No obligation by state and/or local governments to use the schedule.  Contractors decide whether to accept orders from state and local governments.  Always Open for Use  Meet GSA Eligible Users Criteria  Have State or Local Authority –Granted by State or Local Entity

24 23 Cooperative Purchasing Sales Trend Over 3,700 participating vendors 140 240 33 75 323 An average growth rate of 47%. 290

25 24 Offerings: Special Item Numbers (SIN’s) or Categories SIN Description 132 3 Leasing of Product 132 4 Daily/Short Term Rental 132 8 Purchase of Equipment 132 12 Maintenance of Equip./Repair 132 32 Term Software Licenses 132 33 Perpetual Software Licenses SIN Description 132 34Maintenance of Software 132 50Training Courses 132 51IT Professional Services 132 52E-Commerce Services 132 53Wireless Services SIN Description 132 60Access Certificates for Electronic Services (ACES) Program 132 61Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Shared Service Provider (SSP) Program 132 62HSPD-12 Product and Service Components

26 25 Schedule 84 – Divided into 5 Attachments Attachment 1 – Marine Craft  Boats, Engines, Trailers, Spare Parts & Accessories  Harbor/Waterfront Security Products & Services  Marine Craft Repair and Modifications to all type Marine Craft  Professional Consulting and Training Services for Marine Craft, Harbor, or Waterfront  Floating Marine Barriers, and Booms

27 26 Schedule 84 – Attachment 2 - Firefighting  All types of Urban and Wildland Firefighting Equipment and Supplies  Flood Control Products, Medical Rescue Kits and Patient transport/immobilization devices  Fire Extinguishing/Suppressing Products  Breathing Air Equipment & Respiratory Protection Products  Hoses, Valves, Fittings, Nozzles, Couplings and Related Accessories  Aerial Search and Rescue and Aerial Firefighting Products

28 27 Schedule 84 – Attachment 3 - Alarm & Signal Systems, Facility Management and Protective Service Occupations  Security Systems Integration and Design Services  Security Management and Support Services  Security System Life Cycle Support  Alarm and Signal Systems, Access Control Systems, Intrusion Detection Systems, Patient Wandering Detection, and Fire Alarm Systems  Facility Management Systems including building comfort systems and integrated security system and Professional Security/Facility Management Services

29 28 Schedule 84 – Attachment 3 - Alarm & Signal Systems, Facility Management and Protective Service Occupations (Continued)  Protective Service Occupations including Guard Services, Alarm Monitors, Baggage Inspectors, Corrections Officers, Court Security Officers, Detection Dog Handlers, Detention Officers, Firefighters, Police Officers and Categories to support operation of on-site Security Functions, an other support and related categories.

30 29 Schedule 84 – Attachment 4 – Special Purpose Clothing  Gloves, Protective Clothing, Hazmat Clothing, Rainwear, Footwear, Exteme Cold Weather Clothing, Fire Fighting Clothing, Wildland Fire Fighting Clothing, Flotation Devices, Security Clothing, High Visibility and Reflective Products, Medical/Hospital Clothing, Industrial Work Clothing, Concealment Clothing, Miscellaneous Undergarments for use with Special Purpose Clothing, and Cool/Hot Clothing Products.

31 30 Schedule 84 – Attachment 5 – Law Enforcement Equipment and Services  Body Armor, Miscellaneous Personal Law Enforcement Equipment  Restraining Equipment, Canine Training and Handling Equipment, Search and Detection  Night Vision Equipment  Alcohol and Drug Detection Kits and Devices  Bomb Disposal and Hazardous Material Equipment

32 31 Schedule 84 – Attachment 5 – Law Enforcement Equipment and Services (continued)  Emergency Preparedness and First Responder Equipment, Training and Services  Firearms Storage, Security and Cleaning Equipment, Target Systems and Target Range Accessories  Metal and Bomb Detection Equipment  Criminal Investigative Equipment and Surveillance Systems  Aircraft Armoring Products and Services  Armored Vehicles and Vehicle Armoring Services

33 32 Schedule 84 – Attachment 5 – Law Enforcement Equipment and Services (continued)  Law Enforcement and Security Training including defensive/offensive driving, weapons training, force protection training, surveillance and surveillance detection training, maritime security training, close quarters defense (CQD) training, special response team training, chem/bio and WMD training, terrorism awareness training, survival training, EOD training and other types of tactical training.  Professional Law Enforcement Services

34 33 Cooperative Purchasing Benefits the Customer Commercial Items Huge Selection Streamlined Process Monetary Savings Fair & Reasonable Prices Greater Discounts for Large Buys Spot Discounts Low Administrative Costs GSA has Taken Care of the Basics e-Tools

35 34 Ordering Procedures Every Task Order = New Contract State and local governments are encouraged to use GSA Schedule Ordering Procedures (FAR 8.4) S &L governments may use their own procedures Incorporate by referencing GSA Schedule terms and conditions Additional State/Local requirements are permitted but must NOT conflict with GSA Schedule Terms and Conditions Source of Funding can be of any type allowed by the ordering agency – Contract or Grant Funding.

36 35 Exceptions from Cooperative Purchasing Prompt Payment Disputes Patent Indemnity Clause Commercial Item Contract Terms and Conditions Unique to the Federal Government

37 36 State and Local Preference Programs State and Local preference programs are not waived or otherwise affected by Cooperative Purchasing

38 37 For More Information Visit: IT Schedule 70 – State and Local:

39 U.S. General Services Administration State and Local Disaster Recovery Purchasing Program

40 39 Cooperative Purchasing versus Disaster Recovery Purchasing  Program similarities  Same eligibility list  Same terms and conditions and exceptions  Same ordering procedures  Program Differences  Scope

41 40 State and Local Disaster Recovery Purchasing Program  Legislation  Section 833 John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007  Scope  All GSA Schedules  Facilitate recovery from a Presidentially declared disaster or act of terrorism  Advance Purchasing

42 41 Disaster Recovery Purchasing  Voluntary  Small and Local Business Concerns  E-tools

43 42 Why Should State and Local Governments use GSA  Standardization and interoperability  Reduces contract redundancies for the same items needed at different levels  Pre-negotiated terms and conditions  Best Value  Warranty  Expedited Delivery  Experienced vendors

44 43 GSA E-library:

45 44 GSA Advantage!®

46 45 GSA eBuy - GSA's Online Request for Quote System Now Open to S&L Governments  Open for use under Disaster Recovery Purchasing and Cooperative Purchasing programs only.  Prepare and Post RFQ/RFP's for products and services offered through GSA's Multiple Award Schedules program.  Ideal for services, complex requirements, and high dollar or volume product procurements.  Register from GSA Advantage as a State Government customer.

47 46 American Reinvestment and Recovery Act  In order to accept orders under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) of 2009, from Federal, state or local ordering activities via the GSA Schedule contract, contractors MUST ACCEPT the terms and conditions of the mass modification (FX75) and adhere to the REQUIRED changes.  Contractors may only accept Recovery Act orders from state and local government entities, if they have accepted the mass modification AND the order falls under one of the currently approved GSA programs (Cooperative Purchasing, Disaster Recovery Purchasing or 1122 CounterDrug Program).  The mass modification is scheduled to be issued June 16, 2009  Contractors that have accepted the mass modification will be denoted with an ARRA icon:

48 47 The GSA eTools Interactive Training Lab Please visit Room 205 Tuesday June 9th: 9-11:45am and 1-4pm Wednesday June 10th: 1-4pm Thursday June 11th: 8-9:15am and 1-4pm This is not a presentation but a hands-on training opportunity for customers and vendors of GSA Advantage!®. We will be discussing vendor applications in the eLab i.e. eBuy, eLibrary, eOffer/eMod, and the Schedule Input Program (SIP) that will be led by eTools instructors and subject matter experts. Computers will be available to walk-through examples on how to use the various systems. Space is Limited, make your reservations today! Lab Schedule

49 48 For more information GSA Websites: FEMA Disaster Website: OR Contact Tricia Reed 571-259-9921

50 U.S. General Services Administration GSA Wildland Fire Program Bill Hicks Fire Program Coordinator

51 50 Agenda  What is the GSA Fire Program?  Why should I use it?  How do I use it?

52 51 What is it?  Partnership between GSA and federal land agencies (Forest Service, BLM)  GSA provides 300 items primarily for wildland fire suppression support  50+ year history

53 52 Why use it?  Items meet Forest Service and NFES specifications  Volume purchasing = great discounts  Orders can be placed on 24/7 basis  Supplies can be delivered within 26 hours to most continental US destinations

54 53 How do I use it?  First step – gain access  GSA – Forest Service Interagency agreement allows for access for non-Federal cooperators  Local and rural departments must go through state forestry agencies for sponsorship  State forestry agency forwards request to U.S. Forest Service for approval and submission to GSA

55 54 How do I use it?  Upon approval, you will be assigned an Activity Address Code (akin to an account number)  Multiple ordering methods (telephone, fax, online, mail)  GSA Wildland Fire Equipment Catalog shows the primary items

56 55 How do I use it?  Orders shipped from GSA Distribution Center in French Camp, California  GSA Finance bills twice a month  Bill can be paid with state or local credit card  Future goal – Ability to place orders online with state/local credit cards

57 56 How do I get more info?  Attend Wildland Fire Program course   Bill Hicks – Fire Program Coordinator  Telephone 817-574-2533  Email

58 U.S. General Services Administration Computers for Learning: An Overview Roman J. Marciniak, Jr. Project Manager Office of Personal Property Management General Services Administration June 9, 2009

59 58 Authorities  Executive Order 12999 – Educational Technology: Ensuring Opportunity for All Children in the Next Century -- 1996  Title 15 USC 3710 (i) –Stevenson-Wydler Technology Innovation Act of 1980  Title 40 USC 549 –Recodification of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949

60 59 Two Different Programs  Title 15 USC 3710 (i) –Authorizes direct transfers  Computers for Learning Program  Title 40 USC 549 –Authorizes transfers approved by GSA to a State Agency for Surplus Property (SASP) for subsequent donation to a school  Donation Program

61 60 What is it?  Computers for Learning  A program whereby educationally useful Federal equipment excessed by Federal agencies is transferred directly to schools and educational non- profit organizations  A website developed by GSA to facilitate direct transfers under the CFL program.

62 61 Definitions EO12999  “Schools" means individual public or private education institutions encompassing prekindergarten through twelfth grade, as well as public school districts.  "Educationally useful Federal equipment" means computers and related peripheral tools (e.g., printers, modems, routers, and servers), including telecommunications and research equipment, that are appropriate for use in prekindergarten, elementary, middle, or secondary school education.

63 62 Home Page …

64 63 Web Site Eligibility  Schools  Public, Private, Parochial School – Grades Prekindergarten through 12  Home Schools –Must meet state requirements  Located in: –One of the 50 states –U.S. Virgin Islands –American Samoa –Guam –Commonwealth of Puerto Rico –Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands  National Center for Education Statistics Number

65 64 GSAs Registration Questions  Has your school received computer equipment in the past 12 months?  Is your school an Empowerment Zone or Enterprise Community  How many students in your school are registered for State/Federal lunch assistance?

66 65 The Process  School  registers on website  screens computers in GSAXcess®  selects computers desired for transfer using a virtual shopping cart and proceeds through checkout  System notifies the agency of school selections  Agency  allocates the computer to a school  System  Sends emails transfer order to allocated school  School  signs transfer order  faxes transfer order to holding agency  Agency  signs transfer order  faxes transfer order back to school  School  Presents signed order to agency at time of pickup up by school or the school’s transportation agent

67 66 Cost and Ownership  School  does not pay for computers and other equipment  must pay for packing, handling, and transportation fees  takes ownership upon receipt

68 67

69 68

70 69

71 70 Help Resources  Help screens available on line  GSA Area Property Officers throughout the U.S.    CFL Helpdesk 1-866-472-9161

72 U.S. General Services Administration The Federal Surplus Personal Property Donation Program--An Overview Roman J. Marciniak, Jr. Project Manager Office of Personal Property Management General Services Administration June 9, 2009

73 72 What is it?  Donation Program A program whereby eligible donees receive Federal surplus personal property at no cost

74 73 Definitions CFR 102-36.40  Personal Property – “any property, except real property. ”  Real Property  Land  Buildings

75 FEDERAL DISPOSAL PROCESS EXCESSSURPLUS SCREENING Internal Agencies/Bureaus Of your Department Federal Agencies t Reimbursable Contractors Grantees Public Airports State Agencies for Surplus Property Nonprofit Educational & Public Health Activities Service Educational Activities AGENCY SCREENING And FEDERAL TRANSFER 21 DAYS DONATION NOTIFICATION 5 DAYS SALES DONATION REMOVAL

76 75 Definition CFR 102-37.25  Donee –  Public agency  Eligible nonprofit tax-exempt educational or public health institution  Provider of assistance to homeless  Provider of assistance to impoverished families or individuals  Provider of assistance to older individuals  Public Airport  Service educational activity (SEA).

77 76 Definition CFR 102-37 Appendix C  Public Agency  “uses surplus personal property to carry out or promote one or more public purposes.”  Examples: –State –Local Government –Instrumentality of a State or Local Government –Indian Tribe on a State reservation

78 77 Process 40 USC 549 (b)(1)  Donees must acquire surplus property through a State Agency for Surplus Property (SASP)  Cannot acquire property directly

79 78 Cost 40 USC 549  Service Charges by SASP  Covers: “direct and reasonable indirect costs”  “based on services”  Includes: –Screening –Packing –Crating –Removal –Transportation

80 79 Donee Agreements CFR 102-37.465  Donee:  acquires property on an “as is, where is” basis  will hold the Government harmless from any or all debts arising from the donation and use of the property

81 80 Donee Agreements CFR 102-37.450 (b)  Donee will:  Place property in use within one year of donation  Keep property in use for a period of time [period of restriction] depending on the original acquisition cost in dollars and the type of property

82 81 Before

83 82 After

84 83 OAC: $162,151 Repair Costs: $6,500 Savings: $155,651

85 84 Points of Contact  State Agency for Surplus Property (SASP) in your state   GSA Area Property Officer (APO) servicing your state 

86 85 Questions

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