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Risk and Protective Factors for Substance Use Steve Delaronde, MSW, MPH University of Connecticut Health Center The Governor’s Prevention Initiative for.

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Presentation on theme: "Risk and Protective Factors for Substance Use Steve Delaronde, MSW, MPH University of Connecticut Health Center The Governor’s Prevention Initiative for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Risk and Protective Factors for Substance Use Steve Delaronde, MSW, MPH University of Connecticut Health Center The Governor’s Prevention Initiative for Youth July 16, 1999

2 Steps in conducting a Needs Assessment 1.Define the community 2. Assess the level of substance use 3. Identify target population(s) 4. Identify risk and protective factors 5. Identify community resources 6. Assess community readiness

3 What is a Risk Factor? A risk factor is a situation or characteristic that may increase the likelihood of substance use, such as: –Easy access to alcohol, tobacco or other drugs –Permissive parent attitudes –Excessive absences from school

4 What is a Protective Factor? A protective factor is a situation or characteristic that may decrease the likelihood of substance use, such as: –Commitment to education –Positive parent-child communication –Perceived harm from substance use

5 Why measure risk and protective factors? Substance use has multiple causes Research demonstrates an association between risk and protective factors and substance use Risk and protective factors apply to other social problems Prevention programs directly target risk and protective factors (intermediate outcomes)

6 How are risk and protective factors categorized? Areas of influence (domains): Individual Peer Family School Community

7 Spheres of influence among youth Community Scho ol Family Peer Individual

8 What is an Intermediate Outcome? Synonymous with increasing a protective factor or decreasing a risk factor Defined as a state-of-the-art, short-term indicator that measures progress towards a long-term goal Based on research that demonstrates the link between a behavior or condition and the subsequent likelihood of substance use

9 Focusing on the Intermediate Outcome Target population: High school students Lack of enforcement of school smoking policies Present Condition Reduce recent cigarette use among high school students Intermediate Outcome Long-term goal Increase enforcement of school smoking policies

10 Assessing the risk and protective factor profile of the target community Identify risk and protective factors in each of the four domains for the target community Present evidence of the link between the risk or protective factor and substance use Assess the level of the risk and protective factors Determine a desired outcome Identify data sources

11 A community application: Moving from a problem to identification of a risk factor Identify the problem- Half of 9th-12th grade students report recent use of alcohol Identify the risk factor(s)- Youth who report easy accessibility of alcohol and perceive little harm resulting from alcohol use are more likely to use alcohol Determine the prevalence of the risk factor Identify a measurable intermediate outcome

12 Percent of 9th-12th grade students statewide who report substance use during the past 30 days by gender

13 Percent of 9th-12th grade students statewide reporting recent alcohol use by perceived availability of alcohol and perceived harm of occasional alcohol use Some or a lot of harm Hard None or little harm Easy

14 Perceived availability of alcohol and perceived harm of occasional alcohol use among 9th-12th grade students statewide Some or a lot of harm Hard None or little harm Easy

15 Choosing an intermediate outcome Present condition: –82% of high school students report that it is easy for them to get alcohol –43% of high school students perceive none or little harm resulting from occasional alcohol use Goal –Reduce the number of students who report that it is easy to get alcohol by 10% (from 82% to 72%) –Reduce the number of students that perceive none or little harm resulting from occasional alcohol use by 10% (43% to 33%)

16 Protective factors for alcohol use: Family Domain Parents having clear rules with their children about alcohol and drug use Parents knowing the whereabouts of their children Adult supervision after school

17 Percent of 9th-12th grade students statewide reporting recent alcohol use by family protective factors Yes No

18 Risk factors for alcohol and other substance use: School Domain Excessive absences from school Poor academic performance Low school commitment

19 Average number of days absent by level of lifetime drug involvement

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