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APNIC Forward Plan and Budget APNIC Member Meeting APRICOT, Bangkok 7 March 2002 Paul Wilson, Director General.

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Presentation on theme: "APNIC Forward Plan and Budget APNIC Member Meeting APRICOT, Bangkok 7 March 2002 Paul Wilson, Director General."— Presentation transcript:

1 APNIC Forward Plan and Budget APNIC Member Meeting APRICOT, Bangkok 7 March 2002 Paul Wilson, Director General

2 Overview Background –Member and Stakeholder Survey –Executive Council Response Workplan for 2002 Budget 2002

3 Workplan 2002 – Overview Core member services Other services –Meetings –Training –Liaison –Publications Infrastructure services R&D Other

4 Workplan 2002 – Core Services Continue development in line with demand –Staffing and staff development Account management –Options to be investigated ISO quality certification –For primary services only –Costs/options to be investigated

5 Workplan 2002 – Other Services Member Services Helpdesk –Improve existing service delivery –Rapid response to queries –Multilingual support (scheduled basis) Web-based support materials –Materials relevant to ISP members –Internal and external resource

6 Workplan 2002 – Meetings Continuing development –SIGs, BOFs and WGs –Increase training content –Improve promotion –Coordination with others E.g. APAN, APNG, APIA, APRICOT Multilingual services –Investigate translation options

7 Workplan 2002 – Training Increase frequency Expansion of APNIC content –Advanced material –IRR and RPSL Investigate outsourcing of admin Investigate funding and partnership opportunities

8 Workplan 2002 – Liaison Sub-regional liaison focus –Eg South Asia, SE Asia, Pacific –Develop specific expertise Community liaison and representation Members, government, others –Sub-regional activities Policy research and input Outreach and training –Ongoing programme (several years)

9 Workplan 2002 – Publications Statistics –RIR joint statistics –APNIC presentations –New reports (e.g. stats) APster –Operationalise publication Other –Continue APIA, and other contributions

10 Workplan 2002 – Infrastructure Distributed service model –Application distribution –BGP anycast –Selection of suitable IXPs –Open call for hosts Whois development –RIPE v3 / RSPL transition

11 Workplan 2002 – Infrastructure IRR –Continue operational testbed MyAPNIC –CA to provide authentication –Investigate decision making options CA –Continue development –IETF PKIX participation: RIR extensions

12 Workplan 2002 – R&D Technical development –Various projects as described Outsourced R&D –Small grants program –Address/technical policy research Cooperative projects –E.g. Philip Smiths routing reports –Legal research project

13 Workplan 2002 – Other Historical address transfer –Whois and in-addr reports currently held by ARIN Global database harmonisation –Coordination and R&D activity Appeal process documentation

14 APNIC Workplan 2002 Proposed Budget

15 Factors Affect APNIC Budget Number of renewal and new members Per allocation fee Non-member fee Interest rates Inflation and effects of GST Currency exchange rate –APNIC receives most revenue in US$ –Significant expenditure in AU$

16 Projected Expenses Expenses (USD) Proposed Budget 2002 % of Total Exchange Rate (*)0.5525 Administrative fee –ICANN contract124,0004% Donation/ contribution & sponsorship40,0001% Communication61,5032% Membership fees60,0002% Professional fees299,0309% Venue & banquet expenses104,0923% Rent162,5765% Salaries1,296,56241% Other operating expenses945,92130% Depreciation77,8423% TOTAL EXPENSES3,171,525100%

17 Projected Revenues Revenue (USD) Proposed Budget 2002 % of Total Exchange Rate (*)0.5525 Membership fees2,843,75079% Per Allocation fees418,05712% Non-members fees34,9451% IP resource application fees125,0003% Sundry income45,5841% Interest received150,1934% TOTAL REVENUE3,617,529100%

18 Projected Cashflow for 2002 Budget policy - financial stability –maintain 100% of the following years operating expenses in reserve –Ensure cash reserve supports APNIC in case of changed circumstances

19 Projected Cashflow for 2002 Beginning Cash Balance (USD) 3,648,195 Projected cash receipts3,421,752 Projected cash disbursement3,256,677 Excessive cash in 2002165,075 Interest income150,193 Ending Cash Balance (USD) 3,813,271 Increment for next years budget120% Projected budget for year 20033,908,012 Ending cash balance - % of next years budget 98%

20 APNIC Forward Plan and Budget Questions?

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