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Planning activities: activity schedule logical framework - part 1 The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize students with the successive stages of.

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Presentation on theme: "Planning activities: activity schedule logical framework - part 1 The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize students with the successive stages of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning activities: activity schedule logical framework - part 1 The purpose of this exercise is to familiarize students with the successive stages of development of the project: drawing a timetable for action and the logical framework of the project. Correction table made in previous classes by placing in it all the necessary information. Make a detailed schedule for your project.

2 critical taskarbitrarily shaded rectangle task relevant, non-negligible for the project, the completion of which determines the further proceedings; tasks critical and non-critical are afastened together by a summary Not critical taskrectangle with no fill task less relevant to the project - not a precondition for its success, but may be easier to achieve the goal summation rectangle, usually filled with "teeth" on the ends is the sign of a certain stage of the project, which consists of tasks, usually after the summary is a milestone that allows the acceptance of a phase and move on milestonea square rotated by 45 °, filled special kind of task completion signal a phase-off event, determines the transition to the next stage MILESTONE – ends with a step by unambiguous events such as the signing of the document, to obtain a result, an important meeting, approval of work Gantt Chart


4 Pert Chart

5 Assuming these scenarios do not happen, the slack for each activity can now be determined. Start and finish are milestones and by definition have no duration, therefore they can have no slack (0 work days). The activities on the critical path by definition have a slack of zero; however, it is always a good idea to check the math anyway when drawing by hand. LF a - EF a = 4 - 4 = 0 LF c - EF c = 9.17 - 9.17 = 0 LF e - EF e = 14.34 - 14.34 = 0 LF g - EF g = 19.51 - 19.51 = 0 Activity b has an LF of 9.17 and an EF of 5.33, so the slack is 3.84 work days. Activity d has an LF of 15.01 and an EF of 10.33, so the slack is 4.68 work days. Activity f has an LF of 19.51 and an EF of 14.83, so the slack is 4.68 work days.

6 Pert Chart – Visio Professional

7 Pert ChartPert Chart – Visio Professional

8 Pert ChartPert Chart – Visio Professional

9 Gantt Chart

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