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Meet the Teachers Miss O’Brien and Mr Slack Mrs Thorn and Mrs Howard.

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Presentation on theme: "Meet the Teachers Miss O’Brien and Mr Slack Mrs Thorn and Mrs Howard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meet the Teachers Miss O’Brien and Mr Slack Mrs Thorn and Mrs Howard

2 So what’s new?  Planners – please record reading in planners every time your child reads at home. Home learning will be written in planners every Wednesday, as well as being available on the school website.  Handwriting – a new cursive style of handwriting has been introduced throughout the whole school. An example of this will be sent home with children.  Hockey – Children will need gum shields by week four. These are available from our hockey coaches and cost £2.50. Children will also need to be wearing trainers for hockey lessons.

3 So what’s the same?!  Reading at home  Attendance  Uniform

4 New Curriculum  English  Maths setting – from 22/9  Ancient Egyptians  The Journey of the Nile

5 Dates for the Diary…  Friday 19 th September – Jeans for Genes  Tuesday 30 th September- School photographer  Wednesday 1 st October- Visit to church  Tuesday 7 th October- Harvest celebration 11am  Tuesday 21 st - Wednesday 22 nd October- Parent’s evening.  Friday 24 th October- Half term!

6 Questions?

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