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Florida Hometown Democracy. Amendment 4, on the November 2010 ballot, will let voters decide whether their city or county Comprehensive Land-Use Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "Florida Hometown Democracy. Amendment 4, on the November 2010 ballot, will let voters decide whether their city or county Comprehensive Land-Use Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Florida Hometown Democracy

2 Amendment 4, on the November 2010 ballot, will let voters decide whether their city or county Comprehensive Land-Use Plan will be changed.

3 Land-use changes determine the destiny of your communities for generations to come. 3

4 So, what’s this got to do with jobs? 4 Opponents of Florida Hometown Democracy’s Amendment 4, the very people who crashed our economy with overdevelopment, now complain that Amendment 4 is a “jobs killer”.

5 Let’s Review the Facts: Florida’s current comprehensive land-use plans already allow future construction for over 100 million people. 5 That’s more than 5 times our current State population of 18 million.

6 Construction jobs dried up because construction collapsed when the real estate bubble burst. Florida is currently overbuilt and the existing housing supply exceeds demand.

7 Anyone who wants can build right now because there is ample growth built into our comprehensive land-use plans. But currently there is no construction because Florida is overbuilt and there is no demand. 7 As the economy improves there will be plenty of opportunities for construction and construction jobs even if voters reject some proposed plan changes under Amendment 4.

8 Businesses relocating to Florida will find that our comprehensive land use plans already designate enough commercial and industrial land for decades to come. What about businesses seeking to relocate to Florida? Added to that are the huge glut of vacant available commercial and industrial buildings. Historically, relocating businesses seldom want to go through the time and bureaucracy a comprehensive plan change entails.

9 During this time of economic disaster the real estate industry is planning the next onslaught. Despite the countless empty buildings, foreclosures and unfinished developments they are still not satisfied. Greedy speculators still have their eyes on our farms, golf courses, parks and our open green spaces. And, they have lots of influence and money for politicians.

10 If a developer wants a change, he will have to convince a majority of voters (not just the commissioners) that his proposal serves the community’s best interests. Amendment 4 will simply require that a developer respect a community’s comprehensive land- use plan.

11 So remember: Under Amendment 4 there will be no need to vote on development projects that comply with a community’s local comprehensive land-use plans. A comprehensive land-use plan determines the fate of our community for decades to come. That is why voters need this control. Respecting our comprehensive land-use plans will help restore our economy, and help end Florida's addiction to speculative over-development.


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